
You know what that does? It really fries my head. I can't think of a time when it didn't. Julian with his perpetual spiral t-shirt. I was a kid and everyone thought 3d was so cool. I'm sure it was but being blind in one eye made me fake it. I wished I could have understood.
People were always asking him about the weather. Why? Wasn't there anything else to talk about. It was LA the weather was always, always the same. There wasn't anything lying beyond that. People always tried to make it into some sort of poetic diatribe but nothing could be mustered beyond "Nice day today" and a half mustered response of "Yeah, sure is."
I was gazing into the bottom of the pool hoping to catch a glimpse of something. What? I'm not so sure but it was supposed to wake me up, but I was still sleeping.
IT was a lofty aspiration to say the least but that doesn't mean it wasn't worth trying. I mean who's to say what's worth anything at all? I couldn't tell you for sure. But I do know a little discouragement like that is certainly not enough to dissuade me.
When I was a kid I wanted to be a turtle or maybe just have a pet turtle. They are terribly interesting creatures. I love the dichotomy of there slow existence on land and the dynamic life they live in the sea. People seem to forget that. All they know them for is their speed, of lack thereof.
I never really liked smoking. I did it for one stint when I was in college freshman year just to fit in. It never really bothered me when other people did it either. This time was different though, as he put that cigarette up to his lips I couldn't help but want to smack it right out of his mouth.
I remember her hands. They always seemed so coarse to me. I guess that was the case with farm work. People don't understand all of what it takes. I didn't really get it either but I didn't mind learning, it was nice just having something to hold.
I will never forget the time my sister misspelled bigotry in the finals at her middle school spelling bee. I had never heard the word but I could tell by the look in her eyes she didn't know how to spell it herself. B-I-G-O-T-R-E-E
When we started looking at those swatches of paint for the new apartment it finally felt like this was all becoming real. Eggshell? or dandelion? it didn't matter to me I just wanted to get on with my life.
I remember smoking in the billiard hall when I was first starting out. This was of course before the smoking ban. The sound of the balls cracking always seemed to make the music in the air sound better than it was. I was alright with that.
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