
well i live in houston so my first thought was to go to the basketball team, but i'm more of a mavs fan. the other sports reference i can think of is the shamed roger clemens, who also oddly enough, applied his craft in the houston area. this word evokes more tangible images, although i'm surprised that i didn't go to a more 'fast' descriptive line of thinking.
tough one. not sure what i think falls in to the 'endless' category. sadly, i think there are some global conflicts that start to make it to this category. perhaps a big part of coping with anything in our lives is the fact that we acknowledge that there will be an end at some point; along those lines i suppose something that is endless is a bit scary in an unnatural kind of way.
can i say it's itsy bitsy? funny this word should pop up today, as my daughter was singing this song in a different language yesterday afternoon. a spider, to me, is something that sets a trap and lays in wait for other to stumble in to it; not exactly the way we would like to be described by our friends...or students.
brings to mind a box of well-used formulas that a family has kept alive...or that has kept the family alive. it reminds me of some magical mixture that conjures up something new, something fantastic; without it the resultant would cease to exist. all people of real importance have one that they use for something special to them.
sounds pretty good right now, even in the mild texas winter. there are all sorts of imagery that comes to mind, some tend to be stereotypical and others more of what i experienced. perhaps there is something pleasant about summer because that is when school ended; a type of freedom that we all yearn for, perhaps the weekend gets a good wrap for the same reason.
it seems odd that a word that can used for a beginning (of the day) is also associated with the end (in relation to a funeral). i seem to keep this work close to awareness or focus. it isn't until you have achieved being it that you are really aware. i suppose there is the boating pieces as well.
i'm trying to think of all the times that someone has looked at me and could have made the decision that this is how i looked. after a rough day at work? after a marathon? after my first day of teaching? before a big exam in college? maybe the better question, more reflective, that i should ask myself is when have i contributed to someone else looking this way?
is a magazine. it also seems to be an important part of early education classrooms and gifted programs. it seems like a word that denotes a natural way of acquiring knowledge. it brings me back to youth, perhaps it's not a word that adults like to deal with...way too much unknown involved.