
September 10th, 2008 | 1,050 Entries

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1,050 Entries for “wildflower”

  1. I am a Wildflower in a field of popis
    Im completely out of place and dont belong
    no one knows where I am coming from, no one looks like me, no one likes me because im different

    being alone is ok sometimes, but not when your all alone all the time

    I wish to be in a field of wildflowers, so I can be like everyone else…. I would give anything to find another like me

    by Laura on 09.14.2008
  2. I am immediately reminded of the last English class I was in. This one guy in the class who is a complete activist, yet does not even remotely begin to look the part (he looks like your typical prep/jock boy), pulled out a Wildflower field guide during the break. As if I didn’t find him puzzling enough, now he’s extremely interested in Wildflowers.

    by Busty on 09.14.2008
  3. In the midst of the field, there was the wildflower.

    It was said that a wildflower was born once every universe. This was the center. The tower that guides the skies from crashing into the earth.

    The wildflower.

    The wild child.

    Call her.

    by Eh. I panicked. on 09.14.2008
  4. She was like a wildflower. no one knew where she’d come from, and very few–only her closest friends and those who took the time to study her strangeness–knew her real name. Like a wildflower, there was a strange, simple beauty about her. And like the wildflowers, she vanished with the winter.

    by Kat on 09.14.2008
  5. Wildflowers are beautiful on the side of the highway, in the median. I know that’s a contradiction, on the side in the median. Oh well. My boyfriend was playing Lost Odyssey today, and in it there was a story about the main character’s little girl who died, but loved these white wildflowers that were everywhere in the little town they lived in. He wanted to throw one on her grave, but couldn’t bear to pick the flowers and take them from their tiny lives.

    by Keri on 09.14.2008
  6. The wildflower grew so sadly that even the yellow in its petals could not see the sun.

    by amanda on 09.14.2008
  7. lavender. amazing. blowing in the wind. crazzzzzzzzy. wildflower. losing petals. untameable. not managable. exciting. different. DEFIANT. undiscovered.

    by jessica m on 09.14.2008
  8. a wild flower, i dont know muich about them, but i can think of two things one is boyscouts, i am an eagle scout, which is cool i guess, but the main thing i think of is when i played little league baseball i would be in the outfield, which sucked but i would stare at the wildflowers and clover. that was cool, little odd though.

    by Jake Payne on 09.14.2008
  9. wildflowers remind me of hippies and fields, i imagine myself just running through a giant green feild filled with wildflowers and daisies and all sorts of different flowers. just chilling to the sounds of the weepies and sublime.

    by Brianna on 09.14.2008
  10. I have wildflowers in my driveway. I planted them a few months ago. I thought they’d be beautiful, because they were packaged up in a little envelope of seeds, but they really weren’t. They grew up long and stringy, and I had to cut them down when they flopped over. Don’t buy seed packages that say “wildflowers” on them!

    by eric on 09.14.2008
  11. The wildflowers grew rampant in the fields. Their colours gleamed in the harsh summer sun, purples, golds, and whites. Their heavy scent clung to the thick, warm air and travelled on gentle breezes into the town. I loved the smell of summer.

    by Shannon Zapotichny on 09.14.2008
  12. a flower. its pretty, beautiful, smells nice, i wish i have one now. a great gift. something i would give my mom. it can be grown, it can be bought, it can be sell.

    by ashley on 09.14.2008
  13. I have the need to be pollinated but not in a controlled, organized, correctly PH-balanced manner. We are talking about uninhibited, crazy, balls-out pollination that knows no boundaries or rules. I will not sit in a row in a field where I can be picked cohesively – I prefer to be in a field where my beauty is recognized by the unkemptness of the fields around me and the vitality of my colour.

    I will not be measured by my trimness. I will be appreciated for my beauty.

    by Angela West on 09.14.2008
  14. yellow…amazingly yellow…dazzlingly yellow…swaying in the breeze…smelling of the earth…smiling…yellow…mirroring the sun…soaking in the day…jaundice…yellow.

    by kim on 09.14.2008
  15. Set me free.
    This dirt is binding and I am a wildflower.

    by Sean Gagne on 09.14.2008
  16. they grow with reckless abandon. Nothing hits them with any kind of conscience. They believe in only themselves and nothing more. They care about their own existence. the perfect metaphor for a bad boyfriend or girlfriend.

    by Skippy on 09.14.2008
  17. I like wildflowers. They are beautiful and of course wildflowers are plentiful here in Texas, especially bluebonnets, which are the state flower. While bluebonnets are pretty, I prefer sunflowers and those with orange and red colors.

    by Tre on 09.14.2008
  18. The only thing standing between me and the rest of my life is one dandelion growing between the cracks of the highway.

    by Robert Foxwell on 09.14.2008
  19. wildflower
    why am i writing about you again?
    my last writing was not rated a 10
    but amongst all others i am not all that serious
    wildflowers are GORG like MASCCCC<333
    mhm yea they are really pretty
    pretty like mittie (mittens)
    does this make me feel important?
    sure why not i haz a pretty kitty

    by akel on 09.14.2008
  20. A beautiful field of wildflowers in the middle of the country, a glorious sun shines on them and the wind blows them from side to side. Their wonderful aroma

    by JAF on 09.14.2008
  21. From the clean sheet of snow protruded a lone wildflower – something unnamed – in brown and yellow.

    by Amanda on 09.14.2008
  22. okay so wildflowers are totally hott and maybe extinct? mmm ye yea know but whatever.
    so wildflowers..isnt that a tv show? idk but they sound pretty. almost like a daisy! daisy i feel like thats one of my friends pets names? OH ITS MY MOMS FRIENDS BUNNY haha thats cute so back to flowers of the wild, what color are they they sound yellow

    by aek! on 09.14.2008
  23. you belong along the wildeflowers, you belong in a place far at sea, sail away kill off the hours, you belong in a place you feel free. i wish i could live among the wild flower and be free from all my work and everything that ties me down. school work is very stressful as is everyday life dealing with friends and family

    by caroline on 09.14.2008
  24. A boy sees this beautiful girl, he loves her at first sight. He goes walking through the forest to follow her, on his way he sees a wildflower. He sees the yellow in it. The yellow is her long blonde hair. The brown is her beautiful deep brown eyes. The stem is her long, endless legs. He picks the flower and follows her a bit longer. He notices she is going into the church. He feels he must say somethign to her. He runs up to her and gives her the flower and tells her she is teh most beautiful thing in the world. In the end, they wind up getting married.

    by Shannon on 09.14.2008
  25. three days ago i kissed her,
    let her leaves wash over me
    and tear the blankets from
    my eyes-shattered battered

    three days ago i feel in love,
    let her petals caress my cheeks
    until my heart exploded and i
    died beside her stem, laughing
    softly as the wind sent her

    by carissa on 09.14.2008
  26. pretty purples pick for grandma that is illegal brown in the winter yellow beautiful smells good clumps of them everywhere colorado none around here the occasiona weed, weeds, poppies, sunflowers, dandelions, rubber, scant, pick, dry for artwork, photograph, fields of flowers, looking towards the sun, close at night, die too quickly, run through fields of them, scents, too spicy, reds, blues, greens, columbines, cactus, ocatillo, plant, throw seeds everywhere, let the wind catch and spread, nice to see in the morning, natural, organic, special, lovely, wonderful, petals, leaf, stems, bunches,

    by stacy on 09.14.2008
  27. wildflowers are beautiful things commonly grown in large fields. They can be given to a sweetheart, put in a vase, or even just planted in your window sill. If you have ever seen a picture of large fields of wildflowers, then you would know just how breath taking it can be

    by Kenneth on 09.14.2008
  28. It is pretty. It can be different colors. It grows in the fields in the summertime. I like to smell it and watch it wave in the breeze. I wish i had a farm with a big field so I could pick wild

    by Linda on 09.14.2008
  29. wildflower reminds me of that band wallflower. they were good i guess. that lead singer was bob dylans kid i think. they had that good song in the godzilla movie. hero i think it was called. they play it a lot during the baseball playoffs and sometimes during football movie montages.

    by elliot mortell on 09.14.2008
  30. Wildflower green grass growing wild in the city, growing in the cracks. Even though we try to keep the wild out, it somehow gets in, finding the cracks in the fake concrete world we surround ourselves with, doing its best to remind us of what we are losing. And when we are gone, the wildflowers will govern the city, the broken city overgrown with weeds and thorns, and beauty will reclaim the world.

    by Allison on 09.14.2008
  31. The wildflowers in the median were a great surprise. When you crested the hill they just burst into view. And some idiots had the nerve to pull over and start pulling them up. Stupid! There for everyone not just to live in your little jar for 24 hours.

    by Kristy B on 09.14.2008
  32. amazing. just a flower with the beauty of being completely undisturbed in nature. that is the true nature of a so called “wildflower”. a flower from the wild, unscathed by the many blunders of man.

    by Carlos Preising on 09.14.2008
  33. A wildflower came to me in a dream of roses and lilies. why wildflower, what message do you have for me? In a world that adores beauty and control, the one not controlled may be most beautiful of all.

    by Travis Rindler on 09.14.2008
  34. i thought that the flowers were just a space. a space in which to roll around, a background on which to have a life. I didnt see them until now as something significant in and of themselves until now.

    by Amy on 09.14.2008
  35. that’s what they named her. A pitbull picked up at the pound. Lisa said she needed a pretty name and Jarvis said what’s prettier than a wildflower so that’s how it happened. Like one of the plucky beauties on the side of the interstate grown by exhaust

    by sloan on 09.14.2008
  36. wild and flowerfull

    by claire on 09.14.2008
  37. WE SAW WILDFLOWERS IN ABUNDANCE when we went hiking in the grave yard hills. Why are the W

    by Danielle on 09.14.2008
  38. wild flowers i feel are too controlled fro their names, to pretty to be called wild

    by Taylor on 09.14.2008
  39. As I walk along the meadow, I see wildflowers all around my feet. How did they get here? Where did they come from? Did they ride in from a wind, unaware of where they were going but only knowing the smell of where they had been? Did they come in on the shoes of a stranger, looking for solace and a place to call home? All I know is that now they are here, as I am, and we’re both from elsewhere.

    by Lenore on 09.14.2008
  40. I don’t ever see them. They sound nice though. My garden is a mess, a complete mess, full of weeds and nothing good at all. There are some nice flowers, whether they are wild or not is really not clear to me. Actually that’s ridiculous, they can’t be wild. Are weeds wild? They’re not flowers, but they might be wild. What a conundrum.

    by Michael on 09.14.2008