
May 12th, 2010 | 286 Entries

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286 Entries for “wealth”

  1. is health

    by anaidace on 05.13.2010
  2. everyone desires for wealth, but health, love is real wealth, no one takes money eith them to hell or heaven. build good relations

    by surbhi on 05.13.2010
  3. His wealth was in his mind, chunks of information, nuggets of funny truths, and bubbles of trivia that floated up from his subconscious to tickle his brain and make him giggle at the most unlikely of moments.

    by gino on 05.13.2010
  4. something is bothering me. maybe we should consider thinking a bit less. no one knows what’s wrong with this. thinking too much can become very annoying.

    by maria on 05.13.2010
  5. wealth, like beauty, is all relative. and we all hope to have that wealthy relative.

  6. I don’t have much money right now. Fortunately, there are more kinds of wealth than fiscal wealth. I am wealthy in love, in friends, and in family. Wealth is a nice word. Bye :D

    by Mark on 05.13.2010
  7. Dean never needed money… well, okay, he needed money but he didn’t want money, what he wanted was his dad and his brother and the open road – everything else could take a backseat as long as he had his family.

    by alal on 05.13.2010
  8. I have some and others have either more or less. Still amongst my friends I am better off than them but it doesn’t make me feel better. I am not having the same sort of worries or fears but I also know how fleeting it is. I try and I work hard and I save.
    Truely that is my secret is that i save. While they spend I keep it squirrled away.

    by Sal on 05.13.2010
  9. As I stared into the empty dirty hands of the man, I could tell that his issues went beyond money. Scarred and bruised from war and with not a cent in his pocket. He looked back at me and I said nothing.

    by Soraya on 05.13.2010
  10. Wealth
    A mess of pearls around her neck, woven tightly in a necklace
    The rings upon his hands show his affluence
    But they can only touch each other through dollar-lined gloves

  11. people usually take wealth more seriously than hearlth but ignore that one can not bring wealth after death therefore it is the most important thing one should pay attention to. so don’t just think about making money

    by Maggie on 05.13.2010
  12. wealth can be considered having money, or knowledge. you can be wealthy in knowledge. i think that it is fun to ride bikes. i can’t wait until i go home this weekend. i don’t care that this is supposed to be about wealth.

    by leahwithak on 05.13.2010
  13. its silly that we have so much of it. Think of all the people who have nothing, and yet here we are on our computers playing with this to pass time. who would have thunk it? not i said the rich man…

    by sam on 05.13.2010
  14. He thinks his wealth makes him invulnerable, impervious to the “slings and arrows” which afflict other lesser mortals. He doesn’t know that death is waiting calmly in the elevator, waiting to hold him in his cold, forever embrace.

    by David on 05.13.2010
  15. cashmoney bling loaded wealthy people have a lot of money, or do they? I am under the impression that wealth has nothing to do with money.

    by shane on 05.13.2010
  16. She had it all and
    everything she desired,
    Nothing left to want…

    by WishMaster on 05.13.2010
  17. from the stem up to the wealth and bloom of flowery leaves we call petals emerged a shy poem about a shy girl who writes on shy websites about things she thinks no one cares to hear of. it is warm tonight but the breeze is cold and the grass is slightly wet. maybe she’ll bike to the grocery store or the river or to the end of the road where a boy lives that she used to know and might know still if it weren’t for all the shy-ness built up in her vault like the accumulated wealth of the bashful.

    by becca Loo on 05.13.2010
  18. Wealth is the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions or the control of such assets.; state of being rich , …this is what we really want…with my hanseh..for our kids in the future^_^

    by hansgem on 05.12.2010
  19. Not something that any one should value. People and relationships are what we should strive for. Live and be were you are.

    by XGarretnam on 05.12.2010
  20. this is what i want , this is what we really want, together with my hanseh…hoping..someday…somehow^_^

    by hansgem on 05.12.2010
  21. Wealth is what makes people who they are. I don’t care what everyone says, they judge you if you’re rich, they judge you if you’re poor. That’s just how life works. It sucks. But humans are humans and this cycle will continue until the end of time.

    by Katie on 05.12.2010
  22. There was a wealth of knowledge on those shelves and as they burned I could feel something inside of my curl up and die.

    Nothing can ever replace the things that we have lost on this day.

  23. thomas flashed towards the door, holding it shut. 3 sharp short bangs punched it! suddenly his mind was back at the previous night! that conversation with lucien “to health and to wealth!”

    by james Hulley on 05.12.2010
  24. definitevyly itas har for me to write in english….. wealth is all I need to do it right, thats why, me a colombian … knows english… money baby….. wealth… sprirtual wealth
    and money off course

    by Sants on 05.12.2010
  25. His wealth was immense. His looks even more so, could he really be the one? The one I would love forever? Lord Ian Byrne was his name. Ever so handsome and with a charm that could make any dame swoon, he smiled a small smile in my direction. The corners of my mouth twitched into a small grin, which was all I would allow myself for now. I would not let my father give me away on his own accord, I would play this my own way.

  26. nothing in life gives you wealth when you wish it did.. you’re always getting wealth at unexpected times so you fail to be completely grateful or even notice it when it does come about.

    by stacey chamberlain on 05.12.2010
  27. I don’t know what I value as true wealth. Is it money? Is it happiness? I’m wealthy in a lot of ways… but not in others. I don’t think there’s just one set definition. Who knows? Wealth is not measurable.

    by Kathleen Elizabeth on 05.12.2010
  28. I wish I was wealthy.
    The rich talk, the wealthy whisper.
    I want to become classy and wealthy.
    Like Coco Chanel.
    And hopefully, live in luxurious comfort.

    by adrienne on 05.12.2010
  29. Not yet, but I will. I will will it. Wealth.

    What is it? It’s endless. I want some.

    by james on 05.12.2010
  30. It’s just a word: wealth. the enterprise of my father and his before him. and before that it was n’t conceived of in numbers but in measures. change a letter.

    by paul on 05.12.2010
  31. I’m so glad to have met you. I feel like a richer person and anew. You’re charming, and easy to talk to, and just like me, and I think that’s what true wealth is. Having good and interesting people to share your precious time with, because they are worth it.

  32. I’m so glad to have met you. I feel like a richer person and anew. You’re charming, and easy to talk to, and just like me, and I think that’s what true wealth. Having good and interesting people to share your precious time is, because they are worth it.

  33. I wish I had it. but it’s ok that i don’t. i mean, i’m just a college kid right meow. i don’t need it, i’m doing just fine. having friends and family are fulfilling enough.

    by Kjirsten on 05.12.2010
  34. brings one power
    is it greedy and selfish
    or something greater
    someone can be wealthy with love
    or is it the materialistic things
    you can be wealthy with life itself
    what does it really mean?

    by Dana Chomchak on 05.12.2010
  35. Wealth, the kind with riches such as rubies and gold, that type escapes me. But Wealth, the kind I want is wealth of wisdom. Wisdom of wealth.

  36. Coins, great showering cascades of golden, copper, and dull lead coins, flowing like a striped cataract, and shattering on the stones beneath into a glitter of erupting wealth.

  37. wealth is a forearm, and and good health. an open mind and good advice. wealth is having family and friends who need you. wealth is knowing that where ever you may be, you know you can call mother..and she’ll be on the first plane to where you are. wealth is love, lots and lots of love.

    by Samantha on 05.12.2010
  38. is all around me…the universe is abundant. It flows continually in, around, through everything, all life is

    by Ian on 05.12.2010
  39. money

    by bea magri on 05.12.2010
  40. puedo amarte muchas veces, durante toda mi vida. Solo quiero que lo sepas asi no leas esto. te amo luisana contreras <3

    by jesus on 05.12.2010