
May 12th, 2010 | 286 Entries

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286 Entries for “wealth”

  1. wealth is nothing but security, security of having anithing you want, at any time.

    by grel on 05.12.2010
  2. wealth is the product of labor. it is often declared to be the unfair acquisition of objects based on irrelevant factors. those who propose this are liars and cheats.

    by joshua on 05.12.2010
  3. is

  4. money, luxury, rich, healthy, snobby people, because they usually have lots of money….

    by Haley on 05.12.2010
  5. money isnt wealth
    wealth comes from love
    the way you feel when you remember something that is amazing
    that is true wealth
    you can get rich on experiences.

    by Faye on 05.12.2010
  6. Wealth can be measured in many ways. Many measure wealth through currency while many more measure it in love and friends and happy moments. The most happy people alive seem to believe in the latter.

    by Julia Johnson on 05.12.2010
  7. He had all the money in the world. He had the expensive houses, cars, technology anything you name it he owned. He didn’t have her-he was a poor man after all.

    by on 05.12.2010
  8. wealth has to do with money. there are different kinds of wealth. there is wealth of the mind, i.e., intelligence. then there’s wealth as in money wise. money wealth is not as important as intelligence wealth, because money will not take you as far as intelligence will.

    by jessica delmaire on 05.12.2010
  9. money riches also spiritual growth abundance a cluture consumed with. excess. drive . not good or bad consuming.

    by a on 05.12.2010
  10. makes me think of fuckers, and hookers and friends and family and fighting and life and loving and living and being left behind for things that don’t mean as much as people think that they do. it offends me how driven we are by this. how everything is about this.

    by Harbear on 05.12.2010
  11. i wish i was wealthy and had a lot of money., i would probably have a lot less problems in my life. whoever said money doesnt buy happiness was on crack. i need money money money money i have heartburn. how much does that cost? where are my antacids?

    by jasmine robinson on 05.12.2010
  12. Its more than just money.

    Wealth comes to us through love, success, and wisdom; however we tend to forget this.

    by Ashley on 05.12.2010
  13. not that many people have it but everyone wants it, it makes you cocky, gluttony, purple, something i strive for, i would hope that everyone would do well with their weslth and make it a point to help others. they should donate it or sponser something, scholarships would be nice too.

    by Helen on 05.12.2010
  14. a wealth of things to think or say; not one to write about

    by knightsintodreams on 05.12.2010
  15. i think wealth is fleeting but we all want to have it anyway. i don’t know if i will ever have it because i like pretty things that don’t make money unless you have a whole lot of patience and i don’t. i wonder if that will be sad for me later. i hope not.

    by kristi on 05.12.2010
  16. I don’t have any because I am a college grad. I hope to one day have a lot. One day I’ll be rich and I’ll get to travel. I think traveling is the most important thing to me in the world. I hope my boyfriend agrees. Wealth means everything. It does buy happiness. Not for all people. but for me at least. It does. I’m sad I don’t have it. Give me some now.

    by justine on 05.12.2010
  17. rich

    by Lorena on 05.12.2010
  18. Wealth is what everyone tries to pursue, but doesn’t it seem that once people have it, they really aren’t as geniunely happy as they thought they would be? Clearly, we need money for basics, but pursuing it as an end is futile.

  19. wealth comes in a little bag with a $ sign on it. especially if you’re a burglar with a big nose, shaved head and a black ski mask. walking into that bank, where ducktowns finest bank.

  20. you’re wealthy if you have life experiences.

    well, i’d rather live without them.
    i’m plenty skeptical enough
    without all my fears
    being confirmed.

    by rachel. on 05.12.2010
  21. “Why can’t I be like that?” she whispered, looking at the girl with the sleek blonde hair that seemed to cup her face as delicately as a tea cup.
    “Because you don’t have the blood lines,” Melanie whispered back.
    “Don’t compare me to an animal. That’s improper,” I snapped back.

    by Becky on 05.12.2010
  22. wealth without money. wealth in your eyes and ears and heart and soul. keep your change. buy with love. you can afford it.

    by judy funnie on 05.12.2010
  23. I wouldn’t trade you for all the wealth in the world. I can’t say you’d choose the same for me.

    by jessecka on 05.12.2010
  24. wealth is having a life full of happiness, laughter, love and lots a bear hugs.

  25. it isn’t worth what you think it is. it may be…but it isn’t. i take it that you think. but you don’t
    i can’t
    i won’t
    i don’t

    i can’t hope because i won’t feel anymore.

    by K. Martelon on 05.12.2010
  26. money. avarice. greed.
    people that have it never think they do. It’s strictly relative. The poor can get along with out it, the rich still crave it insatiably. What a paradox it is.

    by hayley on 05.12.2010
  27. Something that we can acquire. But for what? Is wealth all that important? Well, it all lies in what kind of wealth it is…

    by Sean Bishop on 05.12.2010
  28. can’t make you a different person

    by charlie on 05.12.2010
  29. Wealth is the riches, assets and possesions one owns, generally. Wealth of knowledge means one’s understanding of subjects

  30. i wish i had it but i dont i hate rich people and all their money they dont deserve it half the time you dont deserve it unless you wrok for it my gfather works harder than nay of those smug bastards honestly its crazy and people are happier without money anyway

    by claire on 05.12.2010
  31. I am a poor college kid who borrows quarters from the kids in my dorm to do laundry. We steal food from the dining center together, drive as a group to mess around in the dollar section of target, and trade shampoo when someone’s getting low. I could not be any richer.

    by on 05.12.2010
  32. Some people refer to others as having, “a wealth of knowledge”. Well, I don’t know how to accumulate a regular fortune, but getting one of knowledge seems pretty easy to me. You have to what? Just live and think. It’s the simplest thing in the world.

    by Samantha on 05.12.2010
  33. There is a wealth of ideas out there. IF that sentence makes sense. Wealth is temporary for a lot of people. Well, maybe not Bill Gates. But he’s kind of the exception. Or is he? I’m confused. I haven’t done this for a while. Wealth corrupts.

    by emma on 05.12.2010
  34. I have no wealth other than myself. I have no money, I have given it all away. I love the man I am with, but he does not love me back. I want to live together but he does not. I have all the wealth in the world and none at all.

    by cj good on 05.12.2010
  35. you know, wealthy people sometimes are really snobby and stuck up. i know very few people that are wealthy that aren’t snobby. i wish more people were more down to earth and knew what was up. it’d be nice to have more people like that around here. but no, if you have money you think you’re better than everybody else and it’s just not right..

    by gianna on 05.12.2010
  36. People think weAlth is everything but in reality it isn’t as important as to ones happiness. People believe that wealth reauls happiness but that is so wrong and not the way a person should live their lives. Wealth tends to cause the exact opposite of happiness but people are too ignorant and blind to see that.

    by Andrea on 05.12.2010
  37. Wealth in terms of money is something people long for. What most people don’t realize is that wealth can mean so much more than that.

    by Loretta on 05.12.2010
  38. wealth means so much in the world today. Where your children will go to school, the opportunities that will be awarded to them, the potential and power that they see in themselves. Wealth is important…so very important.

    by alexander skidmore on 05.12.2010
  39. wealth is surplused, too much for everyone. wealth is direction, an apex where to run.

  40. It’s gotta be accrued. That’s the second word that pops into my mind, and it just seems to fit so perfectly with wealth, probably just because I’ve heard the two together so many times. I guess it is sort of cliché, though. Maybe hoarding wealth would be less so.