
June 3rd, 2010 | 287 Entries

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287 Entries for “starlight”

  1. Starlight star-bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might not get blasted by this community for my immediate association of this word with a nursery rhyme. Childhood triumphs over originality.

    by Kerrin on 06.03.2010
  2. starlight, starbright. A song sung when she was little. And she remembers now as she looks outside her bedroom window, into the late June night, watching fireflies scatter the sky.

    by s m m on 06.03.2010
  3. Starbright, won’t you be my friend tonight? My soul is yearning for you, in all your glory. Show me what you can do for me. Can’t you love me as I love you?

  4. star bright, first star I see tonight.

    by caitlin on 06.03.2010
  5. They say that stars twinkle on a clear night, but in reality, they are not doing that at all. How is it that little balls of gas, so poisonous to humans, can be so beautiful?

    by Amy on 06.03.2010
  6. you will be chasing the starlight, from muse. Love star sun ray I dont knowwwww spanish pliz. I will never let you go. Flashing Light, woooooooooooooooosh, if you promise no t to…I never got the lyrics sorry.

    by Lu on 06.03.2010
  7. I don’t even know what the big deal is. It happened billions of years ago. It doesn’t matter. We think it’s so beautiful and romantic, when, in reality. it’s nothing.

    by Rikki on 06.03.2010
  8. once upon a time, there was only starlight and grass. The starlight would light the landscape, there was no sun. no sense of time, only the night and the stars and the rollings hills. It was magic.

    by Marie on 06.03.2010
  9. She walks like starlight twinkling through the cracks of night. It is a rambling butterfly’s path of a stroll, hopping barefoot over the sidewalk cracks in the silver dress her mother made for her. She flickers from magnolia to mailbox to moonpuddle, her laugh twinkling in the darkness.

  10. They say that stars twinkle on a clear night, but in reality, they are not doing that at all. How is it that little balls of gas, so poisonous to humans, can be so beautiful?

    by Alex on 06.03.2010
  11. “Hand me that bottle,” he says, jabbing at the shelf with his cane. “The glass one — carefully now! carefully!”

    Luciano gingerly sets the dusty jar on the stained wooden table. It shimmers underneath the grime like frozen diamonds.

    “Starlight,” the old man grins. “We’re going to make them see starlight.”

    by J on 06.03.2010
  12. i love looking at the stars at night. it lets me know that something beyond me–something greater than me–exists out there. that motivates me. it gives me purpose. it gives me a reason to test my limits

    by p on 06.03.2010
  13. Starlight is the best light for walking around in the neighborhood. The white flowers stand out in such a faint light. small sounds are so clearly heard.

    by m on 06.03.2010
  14. As the starlight lit the pathway, I knew there was no turning back, I truly loved him and decided that tonight was the night I was going to give myself to him.

    by Lisa on 06.03.2010
  15. As I gaze into the night sky I am mesmerized by the starlight. It is so bold in such a black night. I feel at one with the universe. There is a power a spirit.

    by jenny on 06.03.2010
  16. In the starlight, we we’re nothing. Stars fade and they do so centuries before we even know. We are nothing in the starlight.

    by carl on 06.03.2010
  17. Starlight Is bright, Starlight is magical. It makes us want to be better people. It’s beautiful. It’s in us all.

    by Kassidy Harris on 06.03.2010
  18. I gazed up into the starlight and was instantly reminded of her. Her glittering eyes and the way the moon used to shine in her glorious hair. I leaned back and sighed as I thought of what I used to be and what I had. Where had it all gone?

    by Meredith on 06.03.2010
  19. starlight is bright. brilliant. guiding you. steady, never weary. an anchor. beautiful, but far away. never to be held, just to see.

    by Mercury on 06.03.2010
  20. I sat perhaps, one last time with you. We sat uner the starlight. And , I thought to myself, Why am I here with you and not the one I love?

  21. “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight.”

    Jenna sighed. No matter how hard she wished, hoped, hell, even prayed, she would never see her brother again until he returned, ragged and homeless, seventeen years later.

  22. Night time brings silence. Everyone knows that. Despite whispers of crickets and gossiping cicadas, there is some sense of ultimatum that night brings. And tonight was no different, Leah observed as she sat by her window.

  23. “It’s so dark out here without you; did you know that?”

    It’s true. Without his lone star in the night, the Soviet Union is more than just terrifying: it’s extremely dark. Lithuania needs Poland, his star to bring light to his dark, dark night.

    by Immortal x Snow on 06.03.2010
  24. I can’t see the starlight because I’m too busy pressed up against my computer, cuddling with its artificial light and sucking up its instant gratification. I can’t see the starlight.

    by Mary on 06.03.2010
  25. The way the starlight glints in his warm eyes as he leans across the picnic blanket

    by Mary on 06.03.2010
  26. Because it was summer. And because she was free. And because it was beautiful, this pure mountain sky. She danced in the starlight. She jumped and leaped and tried to catch the star dust between her fingertips. And because of this sight, because she thought no one was watching, his lips parted lovingly to show pearly whites, shimmering in the night just like the stars themselves.

    by Lauren on 06.03.2010
  27. bright teardrops. brilliant diamonds. points in time spread endlessly across god’s cutting board.

    by Alanna O'Neill on 06.03.2010
  28. His grip tightened around Ben’s arm as he the starlight reflected off of his green irises. His lips moved closer and he pressed himself into John, and smiled. They shared a kiss. A real kiss. The warm summer night smiled too.

  29. Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight. And the last. A stairway to heaven was the only way to reach the star, but there was no ticket to the gate. You sold it to everyone else already, leaving me here to wish on a shooting star.

  30. Starlight is the thing that illuminates the world at night, and brings people together. People apart can think ‘i wonder if that person is looking at this same star..with it’s iight.’

    by Kigaru on 06.03.2010
  31. starlight
    i forget which star you’ll take from me tonight
    hunger pains a games with wonder wheels can’t fathom the sea
    skies are light now while the storm is brewing
    excitement flutters in those eyes
    like stars shining in my soul

    i look at you
    praying to find some rebuttal fit for a queen
    without knights

    the cards are in your court now
    and the score board has broken a million times
    so we keep score with rhythms and rhymes

    our feet tapping telling the stories of our songs
    we dance
    each hand-in-hand
    not knowing when the turning stops

    and then


    little star in the sky
    tell me which lie i will speak tonight.

    by andy Ell on 06.03.2010
  32. Moon car
    star struck

    hex rug
    cane basket

    by daz on 06.03.2010
  33. Past the smiling faces of my peers, I see the faint twinkle of stars glow in the night sky.

  34. the starlight.
    it shines, it leaves specks of light for the night to hide.
    may i wish tonight?

    by Margot on 06.03.2010
  35. i see the starlight gleaming off your beautiful hair. it just makes your beauty grow ten fold. i want to reach out and touch you but i know i can’t. if i could just hold you i would be complete.

    by paul on 06.03.2010
  36. inside of us all

    by katie on 06.03.2010
  37. Starlight, Starbright
    The last star I see in life
    I take this day, I take to write
    About this star, I see tonight

    by Stefanie on 06.03.2010
  38. It’s one of the most magical atmosphere-setters in existence. Sitting under the gentle illumination of starlight makes everything seem so distant and surreal.

  39. Starlight shines through my window when I’m sleeping, and it wakes me up. Now I’m cranky. Freaking light. And it goes through the blinds, too!

  40. I love a cool crisp fall night. The nights were there are no clouds covering the starlight. When the only thing between you and wishing on stars is your imagination. Thank God for starlight, if it wasn’t for it, i’d be a whole lot less exciting.