
May 11th, 2010 | 302 Entries

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302 Entries for “stand”

  1. stand walk run go through up down over over right left amelia robb cedar falls iowa santa barbara california anartica penguins water air oxygen

    by robb on 05.11.2010
  2. “Stand.” It’s such a simple word: monosyllabic, phonetic. But it can be so difficult for people to do. It takes an amazing amount of conviction to stand up for one’s beliefs. Thank you to those who do.

    by AMD on 05.11.2010
  3. There’s many types of these. I guess the most important type is the one you take when it comes to any type of issue you believe in. The strong fight for what they believe and I’m drunk and this isn’t really going to make any sense. I’m thinking in terms of grandios but it doesn’t really mean anything.

  4. My knee hit the ground with more force I thought was possible. As I lay panting in the wet grass, everyone protecting the box cheered. They could not feel this.

  5. I stand tall today as you crouch small. I stand united with myself as you run wild alone. I hope we stand together but I see I will stand with alone.

  6. the jewelry stand on my bathroom counter holds one pair of earrings. They were my grandmothers-amethyst. She was one of those baffled ghosts, laconic, waiting for something to apparate because she never stood for any purpose but to wait.

    by vera on 05.11.2010
  7. i find myself falling down a hole, tUmbling… this is how i can stand.

    by jim on 05.11.2010
  8. I am taking a stand as an anarcho-libertarian. I stand for the absence of gubernial authority because I have adopted one aspect of locke’s theory: that humans are inherently good. Left to our own devices, that is in an anarcho-libertarian state, where there are some organizations to help preserve identity, I believe we would thrive. So I stand here in Texas for anarcho-libertarianism. Because even if your stance is a little offbeat, where you stand is all you certainly know.

    by madeline b on 05.11.2010
  9. Standing at the door after is shuts behind all of them. We came as a group of random individuals, but how can I stand alone without them? How did I used to? How did it come to saying goodbye so soon?

    by on 05.11.2010
  10. I stand tall. I have no where else to go but here, and I’m ready to stand and reach for the stars, moving through clouds and moving mountains. I will fall, but I am ready to stand. I am on my knees and yet i stand tall. Where am I in this world, if I have lost my ability to stand?

    by Happy on 05.11.2010
  11. I stand sometimes in the front of the class. Prepared and ready to give a speach but my heart rate is pacing and I cant catch my breath.

    by Audrey on 05.11.2010
  12. i stood at the top of the hill and saw that the sky was not blue as i’d previously thought, but a deep, dark aquamarine – glittering and opaque. the stars glimmered there and cast a soft halo of light over the grassy knoll, just enough light to illuminate that the grass was green with the spring season, but not nearly enough to light up the angles and edges of the cottage that was my home down at the base of the hill beneath me.

    by sarah margaret on 05.11.2010
  13. it was stand up night at a local bar and a local friend of mine just happened to be doing their bit as i was walking passed the window. i paused for a few minutes trying to distinguish the jokes through the loud bar jumble. i finished my cigarette, which was really just my excuse to get thirsty again and went for a drink.

    by becca Loo on 05.11.2010
  14. I stood alone as you called her
    I stood alone as you told me you loved me
    I stood alone when I bared my soul to you.. after 6 years
    I stood alone when I found out that you were standing with her

    by you know on 05.11.2010
  15. There’s the earth. We use our feet and legs to stand upon this earth. There’s a Christian artist who has a song named “stand” it’s about taking a stand and tryingto step away from the main sinful culture.

  16. Stand for something or you will fall for anything, like I did with a certain pig that came into my life and now I hate with all my heart.

    by Lydia Bryant on 05.11.2010
  17. stand against that wall and tell me what you see.
    if it’s Rome burning to the ground, bad.
    if it’s Rome building up it’s armies, worse.
    and if it’s Rome back against that wall, worst.
    on second thought . . .
    stand against Rome and tell me what you see.

    by kevin on 05.11.2010
  18. just stand there and don’t talk. just listen. listen to the world around you. pay attention to it. you may never get another shot to.

  19. i’m standing at the top of a mountain with my little pet pig. as we look out at the sunset, he has his snout buried in a trough full of gravy and mashed potatoes but i don’t care. my hand is on his soft, lightly-haired head as we watch the sunset. i am perfectly content and he is too.

  20. standing at this figurative precipice. i wait. i plan. i overthink. just jump. so i do. and then im standing safely at the bottom. in your arms.

    by esperanza on 05.11.2010
  21. stand up straight and tall. for what you believe. for someone else. for yourself. believe in what you want for yourself. stand.

    by coffeepoet on 05.11.2010
  22. I stand up and I share my beliefs with the crowd. I do not filter my thoughts, but I just let myself go. By doing this, I am likely to have a Freudian slip which would provide a look into my unconcious!

    by Bob Sanders on 05.11.2010
  23. standing up for what you believe in is harder than it sounds, and a lot more important than people like to believe. standing is a sign that you are stable–you are determined and you are defiant.

    by carli on 05.11.2010
  24. I stand alone, if only one against the raging tide that threatens us all.

    by tina on 05.11.2010
  25. standing for long is a pain. i remembeher when teachers used to used to make us stand in class.. my legs would ache like mad :(

    by Priyanka on 05.11.2010
  26. I will make a stand against tyranny today. I grabbed my flag and went out to the front lines. There were groups of people against the smoky sky; I stood at the back, not too eager to get involved.

    by Michelle on 05.11.2010
  27. i cant stand the sight of him. when i hear his voice my skin tingles and i can feel my blood vessels constrict. familiar smells make me angry

    by izzy on 05.11.2010
  28. I wish sometimes I had the ability to stand on my own.
    Everybody thinks I’m strong. I try to make them think that. But I always feel like I’m about to tip over, like my body’s betraying me. I used to think that being weak was admirable; that cracking under pressure would make you seem strong, because everybody would finally know everything you were dealing with. All it does though, is make you weak. Crying. Yelling. Breaking.

  29. I hate standing. I have to stand for eight hours, five days a week at work. Not only that, but when you have to stand, your knees start to hurt. I try and move around, but I’m up front. And I’ve gotten so used to standing all the time, I find it hard to sit for a long time.

    by Erika on 05.11.2010
  30. I stand
    i stood
    i walk
    i walked
    i stand
    i stood
    i run
    i ran
    i fall
    i fell
    i stand
    i stood

    by Erin on 05.11.2010
  31. Be on one’s legs in an erect position; a viewpoint or decision is also called stand.

  32. I don’t like band> My legs hurt this is making me really tired i don’t know why Im not using periods or any form of punctuation i wonder if the stand is a good book what should I do should I read it or just skip it john grisham is not that great though.

    by Ashley on 05.11.2010
  33. I stand tall. I stand broad.
    Do not stagnate but throb,
    Perpetuate the beat
    Radiate the heat
    from which a thousand lives may find

    by Maxim Popoff on 05.11.2010
  34. Stand with your head up legs strong
    never let anyone shove you down
    it’s easy advise to give but hard to follow
    when you’ve been laying so long on the ground.

    by sharent hernandez on 05.11.2010
  35. stand up
    they say
    be proud
    hold up your head
    pull back your shoulders
    be proud
    they say
    stand up
    to die?

    by April on 05.11.2010
  36. I stood beside him and watched as his cute little smile appeared on his face. How I wished it never went away.

  37. stand tall, stand strong. stand up for yourself.
    sometimes my feet hurt when I stand too long
    a deep ache
    especially in the arch
    but I always stand
    it’s better than sitting.

    by O. on 05.11.2010
  38. There she stands. That beautiful girl. If she ever leaves this place I will find her. She stands there, and then, just like that, shes gone.

    by Saja on 05.11.2010
  39. In the place where you live, feet reaching their roots into the deepest recesses of the earth. If only to hold her together in her last days.

    by Peter on 05.11.2010
  40. you can’t keep me down. all this constant fighting is bring me to the floor. but i will stand. i don’t need you to help me up anymore. i found myself. i don’t need your help to pick myself up off the floor.