
May 11th, 2010 | 302 Entries

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302 Entries for “stand”

  1. It was time to take a stand against all of the injustice of the world. It was time to stand up to the tyrants, the oppressors, the slave drivers. They would unite and together, they would change the world.

  2. stand. peoeple always told her to keep her own two feet on this world. stand, they jeered. don’t float off away to wherever it is you go- stand up. it used to bring tears to her eyes, tears she only dared to shed in the bathroom when no one but the bathroom stall was watching. she didn’t even remember the first time she was told she was paralyzed from the waist down.

  3. Why’d you leave me there?
    Just standing
    I fell for it again.

    by Just Jes on 05.11.2010
  4. Stand tall. Stand up straight. How I hated to hear those words. Yet, they are a tape inside my head not everyday and I think them each time I walk anywhere!

    by elizabeth on 05.11.2010
  5. stand tall, stand proud, standing ovation, standing applause, standing, wondering where i’ve been, where you are, where we come from, where, where, where, stop. and star at the stars. peeekaboo

    by gabrielle on 05.11.2010
  6. i once saw a man standing outside of a mac’s with his dog. the dog was whining about being left outside in the cold. then i saw the man open his coat and try to fit the puppy inside. it was too big, so he just didnt get his coffee. thats love.

    by vinette on 05.11.2010
  7. I stand on a bike.
    You’d think this’d go somewhere,
    but it stays in one place.
    A landlocked continent. What?
    This fur coat isn’t going
    to wear itself.
    I walk by the subway
    and sip coffee and already
    the mystery is gone.
    I just want to call you
    I have a baguette in my overcoat.
    Glue between my fingers.
    The sky up there.
    What does nature matter
    if the concrete is
    all the ground you ever see?

  8. stand up and be stood on your head they say
    stand and fight and consider nothing but winning
    stand by your man stand by the sun in the blinking arcade and get tanned
    stand under a burning furnace and be done

    by ric canino on 05.11.2010
  9. People who are unaware of their primate origins teetering on two pegs that take enormous cognitive calculation and calories just to stand. It was standing that freed our minds through our hands, gave us height to see our adversaries and to stare of into space at our futures.

    by Tam on 05.11.2010
  10. against

    by Barecci on 05.11.2010
  11. Taking a stand isn’t nearly as easy as it sounds. Facing your peers is the single most frightening experience I could ever go through, and it isn’t as rewarding as they say in the movies.

  12. Posture, uprightness… Standing is reverance. Standing in the presence of God.. Taking a stand against something you dislike or taking a stand for something you love. Standing is considered to be on the offense.

    by Olivia on 05.11.2010
  13. stand up
    fruit stand
    pledge of allegiance
    take a stand
    stand up for what is right

    by bwyres on 05.11.2010

    by BETTE on 05.11.2010
  15. “No.”
    “What do you mean, ‘No’?”
    “I mean no. No I will not do what you want when you want it. No I will not listen to your constant whines about how you love me, you just can’t control it. No I will not wait while you ‘decide want you want to do with your life, and with ‘us’. No. There’s no ‘us’. We’re through.”

  16. Stand in the place where you live. Weak I know but song lyrics keep popping into my head. Make a stand for tunes that wont leave your head.

  17. Sometimes you need to take a stand. If you don’t then people will walk all over you. I beleive that the first time I took a stand on an issue it was a life changing event, can’t really say what or when that moment was, but I can definately remember the feeling I was overwhelming.

    by sharde on 05.11.2010
  18. I am standing here in front of you. Why can’t you see? Why is it that you wait? I feel the need to yell and to cry, and yet, my feelings cannot be expressed to you, because you cannot see me. I am standing here in front of you, screaming your name, but you cannot hear.

    by Lizzie Bellows on 05.11.2010
  19. sometimes i stand around awkwardly not knowing where im going. then i ponder life and where im going with that. i hope that something catches my eye so im not standing so randomly doing nothing. then i play with my phone, but no one texts me nor calls me…so im left standing..again.

    by tori on 05.11.2010
  20. i am standing beneath the lilacs–graduation, her in the stands, god i missed her, she was beautiful and i wished she was beside me–under the lilacs, everything rain-tinted and so perfect…slow motion kiss…feet hurt but i don’t want to leave, if only we had more time.

    by miss wildflower on 05.11.2010
  21. oh the places you’ll go. with feet in your shoes you can go anywhere you choose!
    dont just stand there!
    walk bitch!!

  22. Their last stand would be the most brilliant display that the entire world had ever seen. It would be the most amazing show, a once in a lifetime event, so that generations to come would envy their own times’ lack of events that were to par.

    Yes, these were the lucky ones–the ones that would be around to see it. Unfortunately for them, their “last stand” wasn’t coming any time soon. They were too good to be taken down THAT easily!

  23. i am sitting at the moment, standing for nothing. I’m gonna leave it at that.

    by Crystal on 05.11.2010
  24. i stand up in the middle of class. and im not wearing any pants. eveyone is staring. but no one says anything. im trying to figure out why, you know, im wearing my lace thong. i would have expected everyone to be cheering or something.

    by NaLmo on 05.11.2010
  25. ‘round and ’round i went, faster and faster, they spun me. things were getting fuzzy, a blur. it was getting difficult to stand…
    “… why am i on the ground?”

  26. i am standing in a room against a mirror. It is hazy and yellow and looks smoky. my posture is crooked because i am leaning against a door frame with my head back against the wall looking down out of the corner of my eye in a gray dress with half a smile.

    by Alexandria Lawson on 05.11.2010
  27. ‘round and ’round i went, faster and faster, they spun me. things were getting fuzzy, a blur. it was getting difficult to stand…
    … why am i on the ground?

  28. ‘Round and ’round I went, faster and faster, they spun me. Things were getting fuzzy. A blur. It was getting difficult to stand…

    … Why was I on the ground?

  29. I stand before you. And all I want to do is talk to you. I want to be able to love you like I did before. I wish it never turned out this way. I really want to talk to you. I want feel you. Is it really over? I think as the clock turns to nothing, I’ll only dream.

    I miss you.

    by Dreamer on 05.11.2010
  30. I was there at the edge just standing when i looked down to see it what is was i didnt know but there on the edge i knew i found it i was looking and didnt know i was looking for it i have now found it

    by Zac on 05.11.2010
  31. He stood with a purpose, like a mountain, unmoveable and just as thoughtless.
    She found his insistence to be both unattractive and irritating and she was bold enough to let these thoughts show on her face.

  32. Stand on the band, put up your hand and demand to stand!

  33. the upright motion in wich you do.

    by alexis on 05.11.2010
  34. standing is pretty cool, i guess. we do it all the time. if you really think about it.. we’re stressing out our feet A LOT. we stand all the time, for hours and hours. imagine how tired they must get, carrying out fatasses around.

    by Jazz on 05.11.2010
  35. I stand at the platform, and the wind gusts by. “Can we go yet?”
    He leans over, kisses me softly. “Is the train here yet?”
    I pout. Unfair.

    by Annie P on 05.11.2010
  36. Each of us must take a stand.

    by John on 05.11.2010
  37. There’s a stand full of books. Used books, slightly worn books, brand new books that no one ever took the time to read. I pick one up off the stand and creak open the spine.

  38. STAND IN THE PLACE WHERE YOU ARE. I don’t remember where these words came from, perhaps a song, but they matter so much. It’s so important to stay true to your opinion, and never give up on what you believe in.

    by Larisa on 05.11.2010
  39. i stand still
    waiting for you
    i see a balloon float by
    its big and bright blue
    my mind takes off
    and follows it around
    thought the streets and around the town.
    when i return you are standing there
    and in your hand,
    a bouquet of balloons to share.

    by skyler brown on 05.11.2010
  40. To go against until it feels natural. The fight, the struggle to stand. Not everybody stands not everybody struggles.