
May 11th, 2010 | 302 Entries

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302 Entries for “stand”

  1. Stand a verb I think. A action so to speak.

    by CJ Kemp on 05.12.2010
  2. i can not stand for a really long time. i think i have that leg thing but i am not to sure about that. i have to keep moving my legs and not standing. that is why i will not sand in line at a store for ever and ever and always. it gets boring and i have to move my legs. i mean i can do that potty dance thing that people do. at least i am not stranding still that much anymore. but oh well life will go on.

    by Kaitlyn on 05.12.2010
  3. When I play music I read off of a stand and the music that I read is inspiring to me. I do not play music that does not flow with me. I am in orchestra and that is why I know about stands and play on/ off of them.

    by Alyssa on 05.12.2010
  4. I stand up everyday and it sometimes hurts your legs when you stand up all day. I would rather be sitting then standing at any time. You can stand up for what you feel and it can sometimes help you get through your life when you stand up for something you believe in.

    by Brittany on 05.12.2010
  5. On your own two feet, when the rest of the world is falling apart around you….when hope is so distant it is impossible to see….when you are blinded by the pouring tears….stand.

    by Stef on 05.12.2010
  6. We dragged out our little table, the one we had tea parties on. We made a sign. We squeezed lemons. We collected nickels from suburban ladies passing by in their Vista Cruisers.

    by mburch on 05.12.2010
  7. I want to stand tall but I like sitting, feeling smaller than I am.. that sort of thing. I would like to be the very best i could without towering over people.

    by stephanie on 05.12.2010
  8. i stand corrected in my mistakes its all i can do. what else is the to do but to accept your flows. this isnt really about standing up but about standing corrected. i dont like to stand corrected but you kind of have to

    by stefan on 05.12.2010
  9. Take a stand. Believe in SOMETHING. Don’t stay seated, like the masses, and watch as life passes you by. Stand. Stand up. Stand for. Be a participant.

    by Stef on 05.12.2010
  10. Stand up, I say! Take a stand in what you believe. That stand should be in that corner of the room.

  11. i stand on my own two feet everyday of my life, except when you come near. when you come near my knees wobble, they quake and shake. my vision blurs and my mouth doesn’t move. words won’t come and my toes shiver, when you are around i can not stand.

  12. Stand up for what you believe. Stand when they tell you to sit. Stand tall when you feel short. Stand on the stands that you’ve created for yourself because all you know how to do in life is stand.

    by Juhi on 05.12.2010
  13. Stand in one place. Stand up for yourself. Stand by me. Stand back. Stand down. Stand as if you’ll never stand again. Take the stand. Make a stand. Music stand. Band stand.

    by Diana Kay on 05.12.2010
  14. stand tall and proud. stand for what you believe in. stand forever in God’s glory. You may not know what’s approaching, but stand and face it anyway. Never quit, never stop trying. Never stop standing.

    by Kaitlyn on 05.12.2010
  15. how am i meant to describe STAND let me c its wen both feet r on the ground and u r standing straight but ur hands r beside u NOT on the ground as well!!

    by Jess on 05.12.2010
  16. One word is a very powerful, simple sentence. It takes two words, with the meaning of one, and derives an emotional feeling within you. One word is all it takes to bring out the best in anybody. Just one word. One word.

    by Sean on 05.12.2010
  17. Standing on my own. Standing alone in the dark. Take a stand. Hand stand. Ice cream stand. Slowly licking the ice cream. Stand like the sand and cover as much as you can as the wind blows you from hand to hand.

    by Lauren on 05.12.2010
  18. sometimes when i stand up i get dizzy. i forget where i am. i can’t see a thing. sometimes that’s the best part. i’m someone else. i’m somewhere else. but it never lasts. every time, i come back. will you?

    by kelsey on 05.12.2010
  19. It’s something that we do with our feet and at some points with our hands. Rhymes with hand land and band. It’s something that we use in band to put our music on which is ironic because it rhymes with band. It also rhymes with hand, which we can stand on also. If you stand too long you get tired and you have to shift your weight. It’s good not to stand all of the time. this word nothing when spelled backwards.

    by Emilie Bradford on 05.12.2010
  20. i stand alone. Alone in th crowd thinking what i have what i want why i want… so many questions not many answers. its easy to know what you dont want but tougher to know what you want exactly.

    by shruti siag on 05.12.2010
  21. irturftirfyikgyiftuir6t6uftj

  22. i will stand up to you regardless of what you say to me i believe in myself always and forever. i will do what needs to be done to be free and independent. you have no power of me and i will win this battler. you cannot beat me because you are not better than me no matter what you think.

    by VaGenna on 05.12.2010
  23. I am taking a stand in my life. In my goals. In my relationship. In my posture. I will stand up straight, despite my insecurities.

    by cosmiclay on 05.12.2010
  24. A point of view. A viewpoint. a thing that holds things. something one takes, without leaving anything behind.

    by Bob on 05.12.2010
  25. In my life I really need to make a stand against people walking all over me. I won’t take it anymore. I can’t take anymore of it. It will drive me mad in the end.

  26. Because you sense the relationship is doomed, you make a heroic gesture of unconditional love, a last stand. Her eyes dart past you, the final missed connection.

    by @ on 05.11.2010
  27. stand for nothing. fall for anything.


    by on 05.11.2010
  28. Standing is rather a fun activity. I don’t know why people sit at all. Standing is such a great exercise and teaches us to stand on our own feet more often. Sitting just makes you lazy and boorish, so try standing more often.

    by Corri Rain on 05.11.2010
  29. STAND?? That was my first word. I don’t want to stand again. Stand up for what you believe. Stand in line. Stand on the edge. Stand up for someone. Stand DOWN.

  30. i stand there, palms sweaty, tears welling up! ive never seen something so beautiful, she,s perfect in everyway, the most beautiful woman ive ever seen in a white dress. i can’t contain myself, my emotions over flow and im not scared!

    by james Hulley on 05.11.2010

    by DAWN ROBERTSON on 05.11.2010
  32. He stood out in the rain waiting for a taxi. The wind blew right through his coat, so he clutched it closer. It was getting to be late in the fall. He knew he should have dressed warmer, but he was in a rush when leaving his apartment.

    by Jonathan on 05.11.2010
  33. stand is still is solid is holding one place. I stand for who iam and what i will become.

    by kim on 05.11.2010
  34. I stand as the guards stomp towards me. If I must be taken, I will go without a fight. I know I am not guilty, and I know I’ll be free soon enough. They grab both of my arms and lift me off my feet. My expression stays the same as the crowd of civilians gather to watch the village felon be carted away to rot in prison. A single face in the crowd watches more intently and winks at me as the guards haul me off. I nod quickly and carefully.

  35. she could not stand it any longer. The droaning voice of her girlfriend surged through her body and peirced her ears. She hated her. She hated everything about her, but couldnt muster the strength to break her heart. not again.

    by Lindsay on 05.11.2010
  36. Stand. One Life Stand – Hot Chip. To be stood up. But that isn’t the right tense. Stand. I wonder how much of my life I have spent vertical as opposed to horizontal.

    by Sam on 05.11.2010
  37. I stand straight and tall, let no eye see my fear as I walk forward. This is a free country isn’t it? For the most part anyway… I hold my head up high and smile with all the confidence I had.

  38. I FUCKING HATE PHYSICS. The shit i have to do to even try and understand the stand. Fucking huan, wasted this minute!

  39. Stand by your man. Or so Tammy Wynette said. Stand by your man in all circumstances? I think not. What if he is cruel to animals or children? What if he has a comb over? What if he is violent? What if, what if, what if?

    by Rox on 05.11.2010
  40. I could see where she stood. Waist deep in sand buisly shoveling.

    “We are no longer going to do this” well I guess we weren’t.