
July 7th, 2010 | 266 Entries

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266 Entries for “order”

  1. With chaos all around it was clarity she was seeking. Tired of all of the same old pain and waste in her life.

    by Dawn on 07.07.2010
  2. There was no order. Each man scrambled just as desperately as the next, hungover with confusion and craving an escape. The games that had occurred had become far too dangerous, and their hearts were at stake. No one could win or lose – they could only spend eternity trying to find a way out.

  3. everyhting in this world of mine is out of order, worse than mismatched colored socks.

  4. order of things can i take your order i would like to order somehing from the takeout menu it would be awesome if i could get a mail order bride orders online orders in stores layways would be awesome if you could order things from your phone and have them delviered to your door that would be sool cool. orders at fast food restaurants suck

    by Katey Khaos on 07.07.2010
  5. Order. There’s never any order in my life anymore. Everything is out of order and I’d like to to be back. The kind of order that means I can relax and just enjoy the ride for a while until I need to reset things again. Order…

    by Stefanie on 07.07.2010
  6. There was a certain bias attitude in the order she calls us out. A teacher. A faculty member, who should remain as Switzerland; neutral. Everyone should be beautiful, smart, intelligent, and unique in their own way. But her narrow eyes scanned the class with a sickening judgment, like an ancient, heartless god naming the higher ups in her kingdom. She called out the names of the cheerleaders, the otherwise beautiful girls, then the brainy beauties, the lean basketball players, the socially awkward but otherwise likable, and then, lastly me. The nave. The back of the room outcast. This was not Switzerland…this was a war zone. And able to take this no longer, my hand raised in defiance.
    “I see what you’re doing.” I declared darkly, inhaling sharply to hold back my tears of shock and sadness.

  7. Order in the court.That’s what judges say.But,is it really order?In toay’s society,no one can be sure anymore.tbhe world ihas become a sinister place.

    by Me on 07.07.2010
  8. I order you!
    May I take your order?
    What is the proper order?
    I’m taking religious orders.

  9. can i take your order,
    give it too you on a platter
    no wonder i’ll make think i was like no otha
    so mad hatter’s assasian logic prufe. its rogue you boofoof,

  10. in order to remember she wrote it down

    by Natalie on 07.07.2010
  11. So first I think about Law and Order, which is a show that my parents really like to watch. We always used to watch it during dinner when I lived at home. Now they watch it without me. That’s okay too. It recently was taken off the air. Now we’re both gone from their lives. I wonder what they’ll do?

    by Colette on 07.07.2010
  12. I see the order of the books, I see the sorting by subject. I wonder how thought can happen in such a stiffing labyrinth. My world is not order, it is chaos with meaning I assign.

    by benben on 07.07.2010
  13. Everything was in order when Jean walked into the room. The papers were neatly stacked, the shoes were lined up by the door. It looked like nothing had been touched.
    But Jean knew better.

    by S on 07.07.2010
  14. She stepped over the cat in the doorway and sniffed the air. The bottles hanging from the ceiling were empty and odorless, but the plants in the corner had died weeks ago and begun composting. “You need some order in your life,” she muttered.

  15. disorder anarchy age food recipe instructions OCD teacher follower leader rules obey law customer paper money exchange capitalism want need

    by k on 07.07.2010
  16. Nothing to lose, nowhere else to go, I ordered. “Pie alamode,” I said. I didn’t care much for pie; ice cream either. But my words didn’t matter. I just needed to blend in with the crowd long enough for me to screw the silencer onto the end of the barrel.

    by Doug McIntire on 07.07.2010
  17. order, order is something that is good. The world needs order. Without order there would be mayhem. With mayhem comes disaster, disaster and mayhem are sorta the thing. But to continue, the world needs order, politics, life, it all needs to be controlled. It would be like the Lord Of the Flies without order…

    by Julianne on 07.07.2010
  18. order. i try and fight against it everyday. the expected is boring and monotonous. why would anyone want to live in a world where everything is simple and laid out neatly for them? i know i wouldnt …

  19. order everyone tries to decipher what order life should occur
    is it really about th order?
    or is it the way we go about that order?
    we give and we take we take and we give, but what order should that come in?
    is there a method to the madness; or should we all just succumb to the madness?
    perhaps a little madness is exactly what we need.

    by chloe on 07.07.2010
  20. I hate the order of life. Everything has to be a certain way. Jobs, school, even relationships. Wake up in the morning, go to class, pretend to pay attention, walk to the next one, fight not to fall asleep, then go home. All friendships, you have a certain role to play. You might be the responsible one, or the funny one; either way, you have to fill a certain role in the order of life.

    by Shelby on 07.07.2010
  21. order is a horrible word to write about i dont know where it originated but it is terribly annoying. order can be used in the form of people order food and court orders. i order cheese dip at mexican restaurants.

  22. I already did this booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PPPPP POKER FACE PPPP POKER FACE

  23. order some pizzza for home. that sounds good. i think im addicted to pizza. i think its kinda makin me fat too lol. oh well better than cooking. and its realliy awesome. think im gunna order me some right now. maybe not. i also hate when theres so many options and i take forever to order my food at a restaurant. i end up getting the same thing anyway..

    by Judy on 07.07.2010
  24. A word meaning to be organized, if things are in order they are in the set up in a nice way.

    by Taylor on 07.07.2010
  25. Order and chaos. Wait, I already talked about this yesterday. There are many things to talk about with order, but I shall talk about how much I admire order over chaos. It is what keeps people in line.

  26. I look outside and see chaos. Utter chaos. Talking, moving, lights and sound. Not an ounce of order. But underneath all the chaos is a design that moves and lives.

    by Ginny on 07.07.2010
  27. i wish i could order some chinese food right about now. im starving, i just got back from the gym and that’s all i can think about. i just want to eat some fucking food honestly.

  28. She demanded order, any form of order in her life. Her chaotic heart continued to beat and she was sick of this. Some discipline, some rules, that’s all she ever wanted. No more craving for someone’s presence just because a sappy movie was on television.

  29. Holy balls? is that the time? oh wow i believe its hammer time! stop!

    by Tweedledee on 07.07.2010
  30. Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?
    2 all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun!
    Opposite of chaos.

    by GC on 07.07.2010
  31. Order, wow this is fast. Order can be structured, like the way I order my clothes, or order my food at Mikey D’s awww

  32. it sucks. Chaos is easy.Order requires brain power. i need order i don’t want it. i need more than sixty seconds.

    by tera on 07.07.2010
  33. I don’t know, but it’s making me want pizza… really badly. Anyone wanna peanut butter jelly pizza? No? Are you sure…?

    by johnnnyFAU@gmail.com on 07.07.2010
  34. Law and? Or order just for its own sake. Its too much like I order you and that sends me screaming. I have my orders and my order and they’re written in stone outside where you cant get at them.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 07.07.2010
  35. In this world, there is only one thing that has a true order. The books on the shelves. I keep them in the precise order that I want them in, and even though everything else may be mussed, the books remain in their place.

  36. There’s simply no order to all of this. That’s not a problem, though. I find order to be the most distracting thing of all, especially when I’m trying to have fun. Let’s make a mess together.

  37. Order: the opposite of chaos. It was what he preferred when, and only when, he was creating music. Sometimes not even then. His friends said he was a control freak and he knew they couldn’t be more wrong. Well, if he was honest with himself, he was, but not to the extent they thought. Still, maybe that was why he let go so completely when he performed in those dirty little clubs. Why he was so spent afterward, yet incandescently happy.

  38. I’m not a huge fan of order. Well, I take that back. I like direction and a system of doing things. So yeah, what I said is untrue.
    I hate being ordered around. There, that’s more like it. I’d much rather be asked to do something, then ordered to do something. Then I’ll hate it no matter what. Like at work, a coworker always orders me around. I hate it.

    by Sarah on 07.07.2010
  39. He’d gotten her order wrong. Again. Caesar salad, grilled chicken, dressing on the side. She thought their dressing was too clammy and tasted of bad fish and why would she want bad fish and why after all this time couldn’t he fucking get it right?

    by Michael Harper on 07.07.2010
  40. The order called to him. The perfect crystaline purity of order. He needed it, it was almost a drug to him as he shaped the world around him into pure, perfect order. Everything was frozen it was true, no life truly moved but life was chaos and chaos was unacceptable. He smiled.

    by on 07.07.2010