
July 7th, 2010 | 266 Entries

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266 Entries for “order”

  1. There was no order in this court, there was chaos and hatred towards the defendant. An older man, a retired Nazi, up against a panel of Jews as his fair trial jury. Welcome to today. Welcome to today’s fair society. There was no reason for this man to have a fate such as this. But someone, someone in the greater order of things put him here against them.

  2. order is a seder the seder is my favorite time of year when my family gets together and we all sing. i like having things in order. its easy to find things that way. order makes sense. disorder would drive me crazy thought sometimes things in a disorder that are supposed to be that way

    by Chava on 07.07.2010
  3. In order to make a good tea, you must be an artist in your soul. A real teamaker will put all his loving and talent into a single cup. A Master teamaker can take about a whole day to make one cup…. Original teamakers were old nomads, found by a maharaja, who offered finance in order to develop and improve these techniques. In exchange, old nomads would offer a different kind of tea every day. An alliance.

    by jude on 07.07.2010
  4. it’s the way the world works, it’s the way things are. it’s the way you can’t get any further, when you’ve already come this far.

  5. Order! get it now. Get it done. Move on to the next. Order is the opposite of chaos. Order provides bordom.

  6. The order of things was off. I should not have gotten married before having my first child. Hell no. I can’t think of how awful that situation was. I shouldn’t have gotten pregnant before getting married either, but that is beside the point.

  7. order is a lack of chaos… used to keep objects (and people) organized into specific groups… order can be a good thing (like keeping criminals at bay) or it can be a problem, think, nazis… the problem with order is that it’s typically generated out of necessity, but can itself get out of hand, think nazis…

    by allison on 07.07.2010
  8. order, order
    shouts the judge,
    my life is chaotic,
    please just stop this catastrophe,
    order, order,
    shouts the judge,
    make this house tolerable.

  9. order, the ruination of humanity. it’s a false hope and trick that all of humanity has fallen for. order sustains humans.

  10. This wasn’t it. It couldn’t be. The sheets were strewn all over the floor, notes and stanzas littered her mind with a silent sounds. This was it. Music. Music was most beautiful when it was silent, when it was in the mind, not out of the mouth or into the ears. It was beautiful.

  11. I took the books an put them in order. First I have to take them and put them in order by author’s last name and then after that I have to take the books and put their in the order the series goes in. Gosh why am I so OCD when it come to this? If the books aren’t with a series then I have to have them in ABC order by book title. This will take forever.

    by Tabby on 07.07.2010
  12. “In order for this plan to work, we’ll have to be super cautious and stealthy.” Said Sam. “We have to be like secret agents, soldiers, and ninjas all at once; and there can’t be any mistakes.” Looking hard at each man and woman in turn, Sam then smiled at the quality he saw in their eyes.

    by on 07.07.2010
  13. law and. no order to the universe, all is chaos. searching for order-i crave it so much. and i’ll order a pizza now.

    by Steve Woodie on 07.07.2010
  14. do not think about it just write something. Is this not an order? One which I should follow? Sixty seconds. Done. Sir.

    by tenche on 07.07.2010
  15. I’m quite out of order right now. My mind is as cluttered as my drawers, and I have so many noises buzzing through my ears that I can barely focus on the song I’m listening to. Everything is out of order. Regrets. Hopes. Feelings. Happiness, especially.

  16. Order
    the order of things
    put in disarray
    by my poor planning skills
    but they give me my thrills
    by guessing every moment
    as to what will happen next.

  17. order- OCD tendencies, i cannot stand when things are out of order. there’s a pencil in the cup upside down, tip up while the rest are eraser up. what a stupid thing to focus on. but i can’t really help it, and it pisses me off as i sit and stare at it. because i can’t exactly reach out and fix it when it’s not my own, when its on the table 5 feet in front of mine. damn it. yea, this is pissing me off.

  18. everything is out of order, but not completely… it’s not what you would expect i suppose. i’m currently hiding in my basement as a tornado hovers over our heads, well at least we are told it’s near. talk about order- the way when we heard that siren, we didn’t panic, but we all got up quickly, grabbed our favorite and essential things, and went to the basement. it was a strange amount of order among the chaos and panic inside.

  19. order is occcasionally futile….seems like a lot of people try to keep order in ther lives without realizing that the universe is inherently chaotic. Heisenber’gs uncertainty principle says you can’t predict the location of an electron; nor can you predict anyhting in the world but yourself.

    by di on 07.07.2010
  20. Order is something that is both an evil and good of this world. Without we have chaos with the darkness and running and the screaming. With it we have a system in which no one can be truely equal. How is that one little idea can manage to both give peace to one person and cause havoc for the next?

  21. Order? More like disorder. Sometimes a little disorder is needed to see order. The lack thereof is the best way to view the “thereof”? Yes, I think so.

  22. rder is an existence of position
    or can determine place.


    i can order fries and a hamburger
    because im hungry.

  23. the order of things is messed up. the way we go about our lives is wrong. no one ever does anything that makes them happy. we all go for the money not necessarily the happiness. when did it only become about money? i wonder about this everyday. why can’t we just all be happy.

    by caitlin on 07.07.2010
  24. order’s up, the cook said, and he wiped his grimy hands on his dingy apron. The stuff on the plate looked like sea monster legs, flaccid and dead. Sad. Smelled like the beach at low tide.

    by verona on 07.07.2010
  25. Everything’s supposed to be “orderly,” right? But that’s not what it feels like it should be. Maybe we should be doing what we want to do, and making the choices we want to make. Maybe that’s a better idea. Maybe that’s how life should be lived.

  26. I can remember the exact order of boyfriends I’ve had. I can remember the order I met them in, the order in which we kissed, the order of events that resulted in the break-up and the disorder of their reaction. Order; it’s so random.

  27. Order in the court room.
    Ordering french fries seems so trivial.
    The order you arrange your crayons won’t matter when you’re dead.

    by Carl on 07.07.2010
  28. Order is a weird word! Besides, with order, this world has a really sucky economy, so let’s get rid of it! It doesn’t matter! I have no order in my life so whatever!! I don’t care about order.

    by Liz on 07.07.2010
  29. Keeping things in order is impossible. I have the tendency to make sure that things are disorganized and disorderly. This is harder than it looks.

  30. File an order.

    by Marianne on 07.07.2010
  31. I ordered a sandwich at a gas station yesterday. When the man gave me my rueben it smelled of sweaty socks. Instead of eating it, i fed it to my dust bunnies.

    by Shannon on 07.07.2010
  32. Jame knew he was going against the order of things,but he had her in his scope from a thousand yards away,She would never know what hit her, her moronic mind’s final synapse would be a blink and that would sum up her her miserable existence,Jame squeezed the trigger,,,Blam blam he fired off 2 shots the first straight through her eyeball although the first was all he needed, the second ripped through her temple and she fell in a clump dead before she hit the snow now wet with crimson, His training paid off well,To him it was just another mission but the incentive of a million francs in his credits account brought a smile to him just the same,Some fucking fire boss she turned out to be,,,

    by philipe gold richard on 07.07.2010
  33. order is all about the opposite of choas. put things in order. give them organization. or perhaps it is about, “hey, i’ll take the caesar salad.” you know, place your order, son. well this shit is so out of order on the menu that i can’t find the appetizers…

    by Craig Peterson on 07.07.2010
  34. It wasn’t so much that he was being bossy – she could handle that. It wasn’t even the task he had given her that was so annoying. It was the word he used. “Order.”
    “That’s an order.” Without a hint of joking.
    But now he was king, and she couldn’t even joke about murdering him.

    by Nonelle on 07.07.2010
  35. The Order that passed down through the generations was still in play. The vampires and the Lycanthropes couldn’t not coexist, yet two lovers made it work. Roland and Leyana stole away from their kinds to hide in the shadows of the forest to embrace one another.

    by Megan on 07.07.2010
  36. I nervously followed the mass of students down the hall. It was eerily quiet as they formed two straight, uniform lines with blank eyes and expressions. If I was going to get to the bottom of this mystery, it was going to be at their destination.

  37. There is none.
    It is bORING.
    who needs it?
    lifes more fun without it. but more stressful


  38. In order to win she was going to have to make a strategy. She sat down to plan it out and tried not to think about what would happen if she lost. If she lost that would be very bad indeed.

  39. “Order! Order! I will have order!”

    “I’ll have the egg-fried rice please guv.”

    “Don’t be so impertinent you oik.”

  40. Most people request things, but he only gave orders. I think it would have honestly killed him to have to swallow his pride and ask for something. And, to offer someone help would have been a circle of hell.