
July 7th, 2010 | 266 Entries

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266 Entries for “order”

  1. i have no idea what to write about order except that there is no true order to anything….. only perceived order.

    by derek on 07.08.2010
  2. forms the way you move past me and i feel that torture that never goes away, and this sentence isn’t long enough for you.

    by Ashley on 07.08.2010
  3. take me want me love me fuck me baby just touch me hold me scold me mold me i need to feel this real feeling you’ve got me BLAZED

    by gabrielle on 07.08.2010
  4. you inspire nothing.
    i do not despise you,
    i could never love you.

    by gmogmo on 07.08.2010
  5. order is the way in which we are structured in society. order is NECCESARY for social cohesion and essentially “getting along” with one another. however, too much order leads to a static environment where nothing changes – there needs to be a balance.

    by Ian Teichert on 07.07.2010
  6. Order is nothing, sure it makes things organized, simplified. But why make life simplified? Life is meant to be crazy, full of fun, rule breaking fun. I want to live, without order.

    by karlie on 07.07.2010
  7. Why must there be a way for the world to spin? Without a way to understand ourselves with the temptress of unruly minds. The caset carnival of chaos that not only surrounds us but smolders with indulgance.

  8. life tries to find order. all the ducks in a row,
    we all run around with our little file cabinets and plannars,
    trying to make sense of this chaotic world.

    by Sydney M'kay on 07.07.2010
  9. Order is something my dad likes. Order can reduce my stress. Order is confining. Order, I think ruins things. Order, like many things, can be good or bad. It just is.

    by Daniel Staub on 07.07.2010
  10. There once was a dead man who wasn’t able to attain law and order and pace. The justice he wanted was always beyond his reach.

    by Brennan on 07.07.2010
  11. Not thinking…. just writing. Sheesh this is hard. I need some practice. I didn’t write anything about order. Now I did. :)

  12. It’s something that I think authority figures have. Order. Order ties in with the law, in my eyes. For what is right. Maybe if it isn’t but if it makes sense to you then its true.

  13. What is order other than the opposite of Chaos? What is Chaos, other than the spontaneity of things within the universe?

  14. Social order, pecking order, may I take your order? When was the last time you asked someone what they wanted, and I mean so you could help them. When was the last time you wanted to help them, even though it WASN’T your job? You are not in uniform, speaking into a mike and taking orders and saying Please Pull Up To The Second Window or packing small boxes of hot food into paper bags and waiting for the customer to slowly count pennies and nickels.
    Maybe you should. More often. Help people, I mean.
    No, don’t say May I Take You Order Sir/Madam. That would be weird.
    But really, you should.

  15. I wasn’t sure what order to go in. I wasn’t sure where all the pieces were supposed to go. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do or say. Nothing made sense. Everything was a mess, all scrambled up in my head.

    by Alessandra Hoskins on 07.07.2010
  16. Why does everything have to be in a particular order? Life is supposed to be spontaneous and fun. Too much thinking leads to indecisiveness.

  17. There is no order to life. It has no meaning. We all may have our own misconceptions that there is, but we are wrong. There is no light in the darkness. It does not flicker. Close your eyes, it makes no difference.

    by Scott B. MacLeod on 07.07.2010
  18. new order. listening to it again on the computer, thinking about you singing to me while laying down on your rock hard futon-bed, smells like lots and lots of cheap cigarettes. I can’t do this. I thought it would be easier but it’s not.

    by Jacqueline on 07.07.2010
  19. “Order.”
    Raise your hands, children,
    no shouting or laughing
    I want you to tell me together,
    one voice children,
    ‘Good evening Ms. Clemons,’
    I want you to pack up your bags now,
    no talking.
    Head home now,
    shut your eyes
    and fall asleep
    and never wake up.

    by IvyIvy on 07.07.2010
  20. There was no order anymore. It wasn’t chaos, not anarchy, it was simple disorganization. But what can you do? Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants.

  21. The Order had fallen, and darkness had spread, how did that man lead them? Demons He had utilized the might of a demonic pact to bring forth an army of a power untold. I was going to stop this, I had to, but what could I do I was a normal human.

    by Chaos_Valentine on 07.07.2010
  22. The order was filled, but where in the world was the customer? He was supposed to be there hours ago. Nothing but silence.

  23. people want to keep everything neat and organized. Order is being clean. PEople work better under clean surroundings. Order makes work go by faster. Order also helps people get along.

    by betty on 07.07.2010
  24. WOuld you like to take my order? said the man to the overly done up waitress. SHe twirled her hair and smacked her lips together. You could tell that there was a moment’s hesitation in her eyes where she though “do I really want to go through this motion?”

    by Kristin Annable on 07.07.2010
  25. An order is something you almost always cannot refuse.
    If someone gives you an order, he or she expects you to follow it, and not to ask any questions.

    Have you ever tried refusing?

  26. straight lines. Perfect. annal retentive. put in place. all your ducks in a row. That is the order – orderly order.

    by Jane Simon on 07.07.2010
  27. She orders me around like she’s a princess, and I can’t help but oblige; the harsh turn her soft voice takes is shocking, shocking enough to push me to action.

  28. What’s new in your world?Sunny and hot today. Need to take Willie for a walk, he is getting fat. Lost 19 lbs and can’t beat that. I want my life to start over, be more exciting and adventurous. I want a challenge.

    by Marianne F on 07.07.2010
  29. i have control issues but also it is important that there is a divine order to things, which is comforting. I enjoy order through Feng Shui which gives my home beauty with a purpose.

    by alexander morris on 07.07.2010
  30. I’ve been ordered specifically not to talk to them. And I do it without remorse. freely and fully. is that such a vile thing to do? be a happy free soul?

  31. orders of operations, fractions, mathematics.. i’m not very good at math. not at all. i kind of failed… badly. well the teacher was dumb and there was not a particular order to do anything.

    by chandon on 07.07.2010
  32. there is no order to this society filled with the unfounded opinions of people all trying to get a word out at once, the only problem is no one wants to listen!

    by Dylan Darnell on 07.07.2010
  33. we put order in our lives so we can fix the disorder that runs it.

  34. Now that I’ve done what I needed to do in order to be a part of this website I am intrigued by the possibilities. I’m not sure if there ever is a proper order. Just DO.

  35. Order is when everything around me falls into place, respectively. It’s a chaotic city on where I live.

  36. The order of things
    I can’t get the hang of
    Spinning around

  37. I like to have things in order, but i am not very organized. I really like file folders but i dont think that there are enough file folders in the world to organize all of my stuff.

    by Kalee on 07.07.2010
  38. The Order had to reestablished. Mr. Weasley was no where to be found, and Ron was oddly placed between harry and hermione. One step and he was done for. into the spider web, and then into the spiders stomach!

    by nikolette on 07.07.2010
  39. Order is overrated. Well, I shouldn’t say that. I’m a perfectionist. I will admit, I always loved those math problems in school: Julie is in front of Bobbie, who is two people ahead of Cynthia, but three people behind John. Who is at the front of the line>?

    by Jill on 07.07.2010
  40. if order were the main stay of my life, I’d be in big doo doo.
    life should go by ón the seat of your pants’or it is no life at all.