
February 24th, 2009 | 184 Entries

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184 Entries for “neglect”

  1. It sat in the corner with blank eyes and a broken heart. Her dress was clean but worn. And her slightly mangled form reflected a neglected woman’s youth.

    by Ebraina on 02.25.2009
  2. I’ve neglected to put much effort into finishing my thesis these past three weeks. I don’t have a job when I’m done with school, because the banking industry neglected to take car of itself and as a result the economy is crashing. “We neglected to inform you that we weren’t hiring now.” sorry you filled out the application.

    by Nick on 02.25.2009
  3. Neglect? I don’t want to be neglected. Who does really? If you take on a responsibility you have to live up to it. Take care of others if you want to be taken care of. Neglect not lest ye be neglected.

    by Anviroid on 02.25.2009
  4. I hate people who neglect their self. People who don’t care about what they put into themselves. People who gorge themselves on crap and don’t even bother walking anywhere!

    by Gillian on 02.25.2009
  5. Sometimes I neglect my blog. But when I get into blogging, and reading the blogs of others, I neglect pretty much everything else, including getting enough sleep. But I’ll sleep when I’m dead!

    by Scott on 02.25.2009
  6. no, she did not mean to neglect her child. the strain on her relationship with Jacque was too much to bear at times, thus sometimes the responsibilities of taking care of Sammie slipped from her mind. 6pm: make dinner. 7:30pm: draw a bath for her. 8pm: read a bedtime story to her. 8:30pm: tuck her into bed. and then from 9 o’ clock onwards, she was on her own. the emptiness of the Paris apartment consumed her, and she never felt more alone. even if Sammie was having nightmares, her cries would not reach her. no, she wanted her child to be independent, the complete opposite of who she is right now.

    by joyce on 02.25.2009
  7. neglect is a heart breaking word really. so many people face it in so many different ways. whether they are without food, water, love or toilet paper. neglect is hard. it can make you feel like you’re less than you are. personally, one of my pet peeves is being ignored. why do we do this to each other? we all need attention, affection, stimulation from others in order to feel alive. so many people avoid it though, weighed down by their own neuroses.

    by steph on 02.25.2009
  8. How harsh an abuse as neglect? Willful hurt and more so, the silence that comes with it. How do you look into eyes so fair and innocent and still turn away? How does a heart become so cold that even the basic human kindness no long exists? What happened in your life to cause such walls? Walls so high and so think that you forgot what that pain feels like? You must have forgotten for if not, how could you inflict such hurt and heartbreak upon another?

    by Pattie Anne on 02.25.2009
  9. the stone was neglected. it had been lying on the road for two billion years already without noone really trying to pick it up. it wasn’t too heavy – abut 60 grams or so. but nevertheless…

    by toehk on 02.25.2009
  10. sad and forlorn alone and unloved, neglected
    happy and bright, gregarious and loved, wanted
    how close we are to one or tother, open your heart for the right one

    by mary on 02.25.2009
  11. I neglected to work on my thesis for about three weeks now and am lacking in motivation to start once again. I just want to finish but I come up with every excuse to procrastinate. I work on it a little at a time, but today I vow to no longer neglect it. I’m going to the library.

    by NK on 02.25.2009
  12. Sometimes people neglect the ones they love
    And to be neglected is one of the most inhumane actions to give forth. To neglect a child or pet say a lot about your soul.

    by Zelda du Plessis on 02.25.2009
  13. It’s a bad word. It usually is result of bad things. People can practice it or simply do it by accident it. It’s something that is normally a negative word. I personally don’t like it. I don’t like to be treated that way nor do I treat others taht way.

    by Zach Young on 02.25.2009
  14. You. You feel that you know all, and you think that you can solve all of the problems I have. What you do, in fact is fail. You fail to see who, no, what I am! You do not see my anger, sadness, my personal hell! You are the one who leaves, though you are right there!

    by Amy Max on 02.25.2009
  15. over the years, deterioration of the mind and body led Ned to feel that somehow he had been cheated. This was a brilliant trick of his mind, as he really consistently proved to be too damn thick to pick up on the so obvious signs indicating the necessity of action on his part.

    by I shot the deputy on 02.25.2009
  16. i will never neglect anything , because neglecting won’t gain , but if you don’t neglect it then we may gain something, so always go for it . Neglecting is not an option at all

    by Girish on 02.25.2009
  17. why this again? why dwell on something like this. why not watch sunrises from front porches and watch your lonliness melt away. why not be defiant rather than neglected. defiant of your sadness. defiant of anger. defiant of everything

    by Jacob on 02.25.2009
  18. a second chance perchance to reach from beneath untended and ragged undergrowth which threatened to throttle the naive and tender respond to sun’s first kisses beyond the winter of discontent.

    by rosylee on 02.25.2009
  19. my god the words come never clear
    like never wanting coming out
    at this hour i’m not surprised
    more angry
    and fearful
    why didn’t it work?

    by henry on 02.25.2009
  20. read as much as you can.reading makes you full of knowledge.reading must be made fun otherwise it will be a boring activity.reading with comprehension will be helpful and you can collect too much material for use. Reading good books will give a new direction to your life.

    by umesh kumar mishra on 02.25.2009
  21. I fail to neglect my family, often at the expect of neglecting myself. That’s life for a mother.

    by Priscilla on 02.25.2009
  22. I feel neglected. By fate. What has happened so far has been negated by what is happening now. I have been neglected. Overlooked.

    by Varshini on 02.25.2009
  23. i want a fast car.
    drive it to anywhere and
    watch the lights dim as we leave the city behind

    too young to live like this.

    by Sundipta on 02.25.2009
  24. you neglected the love that I gave to you. I held my heart out to your crossed arms and it fell to the floor, neglect. You neglect to realize the nights that I spent pining for you, the nights I spent crying over what you had done, the nights spent lonely without you. I miss you, you neglect to remember my love

    by Nick on 02.25.2009
  25. now is the time,
    examinations woes,
    have i lost time,
    neglecting my work?

    by luke on 02.25.2009
  26. i have been neglected.. i feel alone, as if no one gets me… does it have to do with the fact that i m gay or the fact that i have an eating disorder? am i neglected or do i neglect myself?

    by random on 02.24.2009
  27. Infected by your selective attention. Direct mention wrought naught but neck tension.

    by nightshine on 02.24.2009
  28. leave me alone. forget to take care of me. you don’t care anymore. ignore me

    why do you have to do this?
    i still love you.
    do you forget to recognize my feelings?

    it makes me so sadh=

    by alyssa on 02.24.2009
  29. This sick economy, the tragic result of an unsustainable financial system, too complex for regulators, riskier than most of us knew, lesson from the GP unlearned. this is bad, this could possibly have been foreseen.

    by Pat Easley on 02.24.2009
  30. The walls are cracked, and the ceiling is caving in. The house is older than the trees surrounding it, and it shows. The once-new layer of paint is chipping away, giving view to layer upon layer beneath it. Pinks, blues, reds, grain colors. The house hadn’t been lived in for years, it was as it had been neglected by human nature. And what a shame it was, for the house had once been full of memories.

    by lucas on 02.24.2009
  31. sitting alone on this abandoned night. I neglected the life i could had. success and acceptance could have been the life i lead. its a shame i chose the neglected path and now i am alone and weak

    by talentless on 02.24.2009
  32. Toy Story, Woody, when Buzz shows up.

    by Harry on 02.24.2009
  33. she closed her eyes and roams the street aimlessly. She might have worn something she had found earlier in the public laundry last night, but she was not sure. Have she called back her mother who had paged her sometime last week?

    by Irene on 02.24.2009
  34. I neglect, facts; mostly everything what do we hear never mind as i stand with two feet onward looking so sober like my thoughts go back in time. Do we ever forget, no.

    by Radu petrescu on 02.24.2009
  35. what i feel on a daily basis. somebody hep me.

    by Timothy Whitaker on 02.24.2009
  36. I tend to neglect my chemistry work. As a result, my typing is hampered by the two very large chemistry books that are forced to be on my lap.
    Fuck you, chemistry.

    by KMurray on 02.24.2009
  37. I was worried about leaving my cat behind. She doesn’t like anyone much but me.
    Sometimes I feel like Charlie Brown; a little insecure about how I’ll be doing in twelve hours.

    by Jess on 02.24.2009
  38. the doll sat in the corner, dusty from neglect, gray shadows playing across her faded blue dress.

    by ophelia on 02.24.2009
  39. forget! just be! live your life how you want to, insulated by waves of colour and sound that blind and deafen you. there is something important lying just under the surface of your shallow pool you call a life but you can’t see, you can’t feel, is your neglect inherent or purposeful?

    by sarah on 02.24.2009
  40. It’s like a disease. It infects, it murders, it steals everything you have and spits in your face.

    It comes from the ones you love the most. Or so it seems. So this way it can hurt the worst.

    It’ll bleed you dry. It did me. I still wont recover. Not for a while.

    by SunshineK87 on 02.24.2009