
May 2nd, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “magic”

  1. Lights fluttering in the air while the sick breathe new life. People of all ages laughing with true merriment, a welcome release from the cruelity they endured. He was taken aback by how simple happiness could come, for he had been the one to take it away so many times before.

  2. Magic, do you see dark sorcery or the bright cape, top hat, and sneaky wishes? Or childhood wishes breathed onto the back of fireflies, carried up into the stars?

  3. It’s the magical world, a room with many windows and skyscrapers as the view. The floor was carpeted with soft-orange carpet and the wall is wood-paneled. I want to call it home.

    by Bernardia on 05.03.2024
  4. The germination of a seed and the growth of a plant seems like magic but she knew that this was normal. But she was still surprised when the seed she planted turned into a tree overnight.

    by Chanpheng on 05.02.2024
  5. “This is where the magic happens,” he said, indicating the summoning circle. He placed the candles, rang the bell, read the book and voila, there was the demon. “Why have you summoned me” he croaked. “No reason, just bored,” came the reply.