
May 27th, 2011 | 551 Entries

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551 Entries for “mint”

  1. The mint lost all its flavour the moment you spoke all your bitter words.

  2. can i write about something other then mints i really dont like them all that much i enjoy sour things i hate being refreshed by its coolness

    by desiree on 05.27.2011
  3. I slipped a mint into my mouth just before I walked into the office. Today was my presentation and I felt tired and entirely divorced from reality. The mint was strong, slightly fizzy and as I took a deep breath, I felt prepared to give the board my all. Let’s hope it’s good enough for them.

  4. chocolate drizzling fresh white sparkling cooling refreshing a favorite by many lovely joyful fun classic

    by desiree on 05.27.2011
  5. in mint condition, right? perfect. what if im not perfect? will you take me for who i am? i miss you. a lot. i understand you didnt like who i turned into but for some reason i reallly thought it impressed you, i was wrong. im sorry. ill quit. i want things to be better. i do. im just sorry….. i want things back. you know… you my friend again. itd make me a lot happier. you mean a lot happier than you know… then i know maybe even….

    by olivia on 05.27.2011
  6. Sipping mint juleps on the patio, the porch, the deck. Thinking ourselves back in time. Sitting on the grass, one cool summer’s day. Watching the small deer play down by the river, frolicking with the children. They seem so happy. We seemed so happy. Times were different back then, much simpler. Not so much hustle and bustle. Les complications.

  7. lalalalallalalalalalalalalalalla
    iiiiii loooooveee mmiiiiiiinnnntssss!!!!!!!!!
    ttthhhheeeeeyyy mmakeeeee meeeee feeel coool.:D

    by Ale on 05.27.2011
  8. i like mints. they are tasty. they make my tongue feel weird. my parents love them.
    i sometimes find them in cheap stores. the most i like are the ones that have chocolate.
    i get cold when i eat them.

    by Ale on 05.27.2011
  9. mint is a spice that you can use for a lot of foods.
    it is also a flavour for ice-cream and chocolate; biscuits and lollies. yum yum

    by Aeron D'Arcy on 05.27.2011
  10. The mints were a million years old. At least that’s how they tasted, and they’d been there for as long as I could remember. Once I’d tried one, at her suggestion, but I spit it out in my handkerchief when she turned away.

    by Hanna on 05.27.2011
  11. My
    There, in Texas.

    ”Don’t think. Just write.”

    by Salma on 05.27.2011
  12. mint, it is something in ice cream and gum. IT is used to flavor things, but not usually as a main food. It could be found in a chicken dish or as a decoration on a plate in a nice restaurant. A mint is also a place where money is made. Especially change, but also paper money I believe. Mint is also condition.

  13. I am far from mint condition—circulation’s hard on you. A line from a song, but it certainly sums up the way I feel right now. Old and in the way—another musical reference that also describes my current mood. Don’t know when I’ll ever feel young again. Can’t wait till you’re 21, then you start trying to apply the brakes by 30.

    by Andie on 05.27.2011
  14. mint is very yummy. it’s also a healing herb..I think it’s in the chapstick I use…it was expensive chapstick I’ll have you know…got it at target it was like six buck what the heck?! but ay way i really enjoy mint tea too it always relieves a headache…i like mint ice cream also it’s very yummy.

    by Erin on 05.27.2011
  15. Her lips tasted like mint. It was cool, and refreshing, and wonderful. It felt like everything I’d been doing these past weeks had led up to this moment. I’d anticipated it for so long that when it finally happened it was indescribable. I love her.

  16. I like mint in my tea. I dunno its something that I always like to add to things. I think it gives my stuff an earthy flavor. I see myself in the future planting an herb garden so that way I’d be able to have fresh herbs everyday. I think that works right? Even if im in the city ill get a ch- ch- chia pet and call it a day.

    by Alex on 05.27.2011
  17. The cooling sensation rushed through her mouth. The chill went down her throat and straight to her bones. Eating minty candy on the coldest day of winter was probably not the smartest idea Tiffany had come up with. She shivered, and pulled her coat tighter around her shoulders. The fur-lined hood covered her ears, and she smiled.

    by Aliyah on 05.27.2011
  18. Steam rose from the cup in front of him. It smelled fresh and cold. That was his favorite thing about mint–it’s cold smell. It cold be hot enough to burn your tongue right off, but it would still smell like a winter morning. Cold and crisp.
    The morning sun filtered through the windows, making the shop feel warm and cozy. There were a few customers scattered among the tables, though they were all regulars–they wouldn’t mind him taking a break.
    He sighed. Why couldn’t all morning be like this? Of course, if they were his life would be beyond boring. But still. It was mornings like this that made you appreciate the other kind. The kind where you get thrust into a horrible kidnapping case. The kind where you hear from your best friend that you’ve been avoiding for months for good reason. The kind that you’re glad don’t come around more than a few times a year.
    He sipped his tea, the chill and heat running down his throat and spreading across his face.

    by Ciel on 05.27.2011
  19. Mint green keeps your head clear when its easy to fall in. The gum keeps your breath fresh but lights up the butterflies in your stomach. It becomes numb after a time. So do you.

  20. Her kiss tasted faintly of mint. It was one of those experiences that built itself into memory as a permanent foundation; something to be remembered in the warmth of death as what life was defined as.

  21. the girl sat before a table. on it was a single white pill. This whole place was reflective and white and sterile. There weren’t any doors. she didn’t know how she had gotten here, and she didn’t know how she would get out. Maybe the thing before her was medicine. Maybe it was poison. Maybe it would drug her again, and she would wake up in another white, sterile place. She would never know until she tried. It seemed the only way out. She picked it up, placed it on her tongue.

    it tasted of mint.

    by Genna on 05.27.2011
  22. I’d like to mint my own money and flood the market with currency until money actually became as worth less than the paper it’s printed on. Trade and barter all the way.

  23. It’s pretty mint how people can all talk online these days. No longer do you have to have the awkward niceties before asking someone something directly. I recently signed up to an online dating website for fun, and today someone asked if I want to spank them. The answer is no, but you gotta appreciate that sort of bluntness.

  24. His wife—ex-wife, acrually–had always loved the tiny peppermints that sit in large glass bowls at the front of their favorite restaurant. He felt sick whernever he found a stray one forgotten in an old coat pocket or tucked away in the crevices of his car. Being left sucked.

    by thecandiedmango on 05.27.2011
  25. The united states would be a mint flavored land of wealth and prosperity and opportunities to make as much damn money as you’d please and to live off the work of others if just ten peoploe in the government did their freaking jobs the way they were supposed to. seriously, you people are paid enough, go and do your freaking jobs.

    by thecandiedmango on 05.27.2011





    by MISHELL HERNANDEZ on 05.27.2011
  27. my husband’s favourite tea… an easy herb to grow with my kids. the gum they don’t want to chew because it’s too “spicy”. invigorating and refreshing!

    by Jennifer Story on 05.27.2011
  28. He needed a mint like I needed to end this date. He had already pressed his mouth against mine in the most awkward kiss known to man kind and then he had slobbered all over me, like a st.bernard. I wish he would let go of my hand. His palms were sweaty.

    by Tina on 05.27.2011
  29. A cool breeze overtakes me, making me shiver. I feel almost refreshed by this chilling sensation running across my spine– and all within two seconds, it’s gone. I hit up another round and let it happen again, and again, and again.

  30. there once was a girl who loved mint tea, she didn’t just love this form of mint she also liked mint chip ice-cream and minties but what she did not like were mint choc biscuits which she was currently forced to eat for a dare set by the best friend she was currently hating on. Not only did she not like mint, she was almost allergic to chocolate well this is what she tells people for fear they’ll delete her from existence for such a ridiculous dislike.

    by Holly on 05.27.2011
  31. That peppermint was way too strong. I don’t know what the manufacturers put in the ingredients for this batch, but WOW. This mint was 1000x more potent than any mint I’ve ever had before.

  32. lolly fresh herb refreshing flavour favourite with potatoe and peas great on lamb when I ate meat that was

    by pheona mulligan on 05.27.2011
  33. I don’t like mint but I know he does. “Fuck yeah, mint smoothie,” he says. He already knows I don’t like mint so I can’t pretend to like it and get a sip from him or at least an agreeing smile. It’s too late for that. Instead I smile and shake my head and feel a little sad.

    by Sophie Calhoun on 05.27.2011
  34. Jelly. Keeps the mosquitoes away. I don’t mint if you do. Ice cream with Magic Shell. Weddings. Commintment. Holla!

    by Lizette on 05.27.2011
  35. Mint’s a complex flavor, I guess. Kids don’t really have the pallet for mint yet, I’ve noticed, until a certain age at the very beginning of maturity. That’s why there’s kid’s toothpaste and that’s why you never give a York peppermint patty to a three year old. They’ll think, “oh, chocolate!” And then bite in and think it’s full of toothpaste.

    by Zach Gozlan on 05.27.2011
  36. The photograph was in perfect shape…mint condition you may say. I traced my finger along the silhouette of the woman, her hands wrapped around the mans neck. They both looked filled with joy, excited, and anxious. “Junior prom 1988” the caption at the bottom read.

  37. This word always makes me think of the color green; not just any green, but a beautiful mint green. It’s quite lovely. :) Also, I soon think of mint chocolate chip ice cream, which is also quite wonderful.

  38. Minty fresh delicious gum almost saved Leonard from death. Almost. He was about to step in front of a bus that would have run him over, when he realized his date would be doomed to failure if he still had onion bagel breath. But then, he dropped the gum wrapper on the street, and hating litter, he picked it up. And then the second bus came.

    by Ellen on 05.27.2011
  39. Thin mint cookies. A slice of heaven. With all of the tasty treats that heaven must have, I’d imagine the dead would get tubby fairly quickly. Then how would they flit about on their angelic wings?

    by carolyn on 05.27.2011
  40. The mint color is a beautiful color. I think it’s soothing. I also like mints with chocolate combined. Its sucha rich and almost elegant taste. IIt reminds me of feeling warm and luxurious. Its a luxury to be able to eat them.

    by Kieran on 05.27.2011