
May 27th, 2011 | 551 Entries

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551 Entries for “mint”

  1. Mint grows in my backyard. Sometimes people put it in ice tea. It’s pretty cool how it cools down your mouth, though I think it actually makes it warmer. Its odd that mint has come to be considered what fresh breath should smell like. Why not some other taste? I think it has to do with hte cooling sensaton you feel when you eat it.

    by e on 05.27.2011
  2. mint reminds me of candy i used to eat when i was younger. peppermint patties. the taste of the chocolate on your tongue. the coolness of the mint following immediately after. the excitement at seeing melted chocolate on your fingers. brings back memories of a simpler time. a time when everything was sweet.

    by Sara S. on 05.27.2011
  3. Mint, my new flavor.
    He had asked me, ever so sweetly here this evening. A perfect dinner. I had pasta-he had a burger. A perfect evening stroll through the park. And a perfect good-night kiss. His breath smelled like mint.

    by Marie on 05.27.2011
  4. I went to the Denver Mint once. I couldn’t wrap my mind around all the gold bricks I saw there. What is the point of all of that? Storing it the way we do? We don’t have a gold standard any more. It seems like a waste when so many are in need and so many go hungry and so many don’t even have safe water to drink.

    by Joy @ Joy In This Journey on 05.27.2011
  5. “But metafiction isn’t even cool anymore,” said my friend, rolling himself a cigarette. “That shit hasn’t been cool since Vonnegut died in ’06.” he licked the paper and then twisted it into a tight bundle before pressing it between his lips to light it. “He died in 2007,” I said. “And he wasn’t the only one who did it. Did ever open up that Kundera book I gave you?” My friend inhaled and looked at me. “Fuck that guy,” he said, and spit near my shoe. “Well how the fuck else am I supposed to write about the word ‘mint’ in an interesting way without making it self-referential?” I asked. “If I talk about two people meeting in a bar, overall, the premise will be too cliche. If I have the guy roofie her, it will be misogynistic. If she roofies him, it’ll be too neo-feminist. The only other mint things to write about are Mojitos and Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.” My friend scratched his face and then ran his hands through his hair to create a kind of static lift. He did this whenever he was thinking. “Ok,” he said. “How about this. The story could be about a guy. This guy’s name is – is – is fucking Dave, or whatever, all right?” I nodded. “Ok,” he continued. “So, Dave is gay, right? But he’s married and has a kid. So, he decides that, one day, he just can’t do it anymore. So he gets really drunk on Mojitos and then picks up his little girl from school –swerving through traffic and shit– and drives her to an ice cream shop. And he buys her two scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream and then tells her that he has to go away for a very long time, that he might never come back. And the whole time he’s telling her this he’s chewing up mints like fucking crazy, because his breath smells so much like rum. So he gets into his mint colored Cadillac, a classic, from the fifties, and he leaves the girl in the ice cream shop. And then he drives to Mexico, so they live in like, San Diego or some shit, right? And so, he drives to Mexico and just doesn’t stop, has no idea where he is, and then pulls over at this bar. Well, he ends up getting wasted because he’s just so guilty, and there’s all of these locals, and some of them speak English and so they invite him over to sit with them. And they’re ordering Tequila and laughing and drinking and then someone roofies this dad, and he passes out, and when he comes to, there’s like three of these Mexicans holding him down in this back alley, and one of them is raping him, and he just starts crying because it’s everything he’s ever wanted but in the worst possible way at the worst possible time. Why don’t you write about that instead? Why don’t you make that your story?” I looked at my friend and didn’t say anything. I wore my disapproval plainly on my face and didn’t say anything, not until he spit on the ground again and stamped out his cigarette and said: “Well, fine, fuck it. I tried quitting cigarettes once by chewing on mint toothpicks. Why don’t you write about that instead?” And so I did.

  6. i’ve already done this one.
    mints are not as good as gum to me. sometimes i like mints, my favorite are the wintergreen mints. the white ones. the ones that if you chew them in the dark, they spark. once, in my film appreciation class, my teacher had us turn off the lights while he and i chewed on those mints. i’m running out of time.

    by Emily on 05.27.2011
  7. She held the pack in her hand. From her fingers, she could detect its minty odor. What did it mean? Did it mean anything at all? Maybe it meant nothing…But what about the way he smiled at her? Was that nothing do? It was WAY too devious to mean nothing, wasn’t it? She couldn’t decide and looked at the pack in her fingers.

  8. Cool, green, refreshing. New, shiny and in superior condition. All positive adjectives, unless you dislike the color green. Mint can be found in nature.

    by Danay on 05.27.2011
  9. I am walking down the street and I see several mints dropped on the tar. They are in unopened packages. I pick them up and store them in my pocket. A bit gross, I know.

    Suddenly, a boy approaches from behind. He wants them back. I sigh and comply.

  10. mint is the color of her eyes
    and her life is now part of mine
    her eyes tell a story
    of love and turmoil
    i love her

    by Emily on 05.27.2011
  11. condescending son of a bitch, trying to teach me how to play chess. ill pretend i know how. i’m familiar. i have no tactic and i know i cant win against him, but i have too much pride to admit this. he stares at me. we lock eyes. i cannot tell which kind of stare this is. for me, its permeating. i blink. its still my turn. i offer him a mint. its still my turn.

  12. Poop.

    by Squill on 05.27.2011
  13. I’m too emotionally zapped for this. I actually experienced Stendhal syndrome at the National Gallery earlier this week. Between that and my dreams lately. I’m in it for the long haul is all I can think to say.

    “I could be bound in a nutshell and count myself the King of Infinite space were it not that I have bad dreams.” -Shakespear (Hamlet, Act II, scene ii).

  14. used in tea, even gum. excellent for after-biryani lunches. or right before awesome kisses. cant live without it. umm. i heart this stuff. yeah.

    by Maryam on 05.27.2011
  15. Mint.
    It was his smell.
    lieing there with him, after our first time, his smell was overpowering. Musky, but still, the ever present smell of mint.
    even now, when he is gone, i still smell the mint. it floats around me, almost as if he were here. it shows me I and never alone.

    by Breanna on 05.27.2011
  16. Minty fresh. Peppermint tea, steaming throughout your system as you breath, as sharp a a breath of cold crisp air from a winter day. Making each taste of air a different experience, a new taste. The experience of a smell.

  17. ode to menthe, you perennial beauty. keeping my drinks crisp and my lovers breath fresh. you grow toward the sun, curling your way around my window sill into the light. spearmint and peppermint to name a few.

  18. one day we will sit in my backyard, sipping mint juleps and chatting and smiling and undressing one another with our laugh. its summer and its time.

  19. The minty flavor stayed in my mouth long after the numb feeling in my mouth and head went away. It lingered on my tongue and brain making it hard to talk and hard to think. I couldn’t tell him what I wanted and I couldn’t tell you how I got here, to this chair where I sit talking to this strange man. He kept asking me all these questions I didn’t know. Where he was, what he was, where he could find him, and they just kept coming, they were never ending. I couldn’t see the mans face, but I could see enough to see that he was wearing a mask. It was black and sat close on his face. A bright light was in my face and then everything went black.

  20. dsn

  21. there was a slimy film covering my teeth, the usual product of a long night of drinking. they felt furry and i knew my breathe was no winning combination. if i couldn’t find a toothbrush a mint would have to suffice.

  22. Annie sneakily plucked a single leaf from my spearmint plant sitting atop the square wooden kitchen table. then, i knew she was the reason my plant was slowly dying. i had nurtured it for nearly a month and now, at closer look, i saw it was slowly growing naked. she smirk at me sideways, knowing i had seen her.

  23. I was sitting in a chair next to you. It was one of the best days of my life. So far, I count all the days I spent with you as the best days of my life. This best day was on my seventeenth birthday. We went to Olive Garden with my family and my other friend. But you were always my very very best friend. Don’t tell, okay? I’m sure you already know. I suppose the rest of the world knows too. Mint? We ate mints. They give them to you when you leave Olive Garden.

    by Lindsay Anne on 05.27.2011
  24. Mint? Mint Ice cream? thats what i start thinking when i hear of Mint. But wait, i also know of a mint shampoo. whoever the fuck makes a mint shampoo? what is my scalp ? a fucking food thing? or whatever. this one word is like mint, to me, though. I wish i had known about this before tonight. Would have helped a lot.

    by Abid on 05.27.2011
  25. “Fresh and clean” thought Allyson. She scooped up another scoop of chocolate mint ice-cream, and handed it to the young kid from behind the counter. Chocolate mint suited children. It was clean, young, and fresh.

  26. Do you have a mint? I absolutely need one. If I don’t get one I wont pass this interview, wont get a job, wont make enough money to ball, and will never get a girlfriend. Mint please? … please.

    by Darlinette on 05.27.2011
  27. light green colored, it makes me think of the winter time and santa clause… it tastes good in salads with strawberry dressing. it’s a pretty color to paint with

    by chloe on 05.27.2011
  28. I love mints, they are really tasty and the always make my breath smell good. I love it when they melt in your mouth and you don’t have to crunch them. I also like mint flavored gum for the great flavor. It’s so yummy!

    by Annika Scopel on 05.27.2011
  29. fresh mints melt in your mouth refreshing simple green

    by sherrod on 05.27.2011
  30. candy. ice cream. mint death but my ex loves it.

  31. The girl had the largest eyes I’d ever seen, and I just wanted them to go away. I wanted her to take her little blue wagon and roll it on back down the walk where she came, back to the sidewalk and onto the next house, where she can ring on Mrs. Dobson’s doorbell and offer her ThinMints and Moosetracks. I am thirty-five years old and I weigh two hundred and fifty pounds.

    by Gala on 05.27.2011
  32. sweet clear beautiful thing as fresh and green as nature itself

    by Kirsten Nielsen on 05.27.2011
  33. green leaves in the backyard when i was eight. a little artsy backyard in the suburbs of new york. a quaint and extremely happy family of three with a creative backgrountD

    by remy on 05.27.2011
  34. Mint is not only a flavor (or is it more of a sensation?). It’s also… CASH!!! How does that term even come about anyway? Mint… it’s fresh, it’s clean. I love seeing fresh ‘mint’ in my wallet. The crisp crackle of a new $20.

  35. minty goodness of the toothpaste, sliding down her throat, lunch. but then again the kick it once gave her was gone, the high disappearing with every day she greedily gulped down tube after tube. therefore, death it was. slow, painful, minty death.

    by blacklilac on 05.27.2011
  36. Ice cream. It has to be my very favorite. Specifically, I’m thinking of the gelatto kind. I remember going to get some one time at Baybrook mall. Andrew was working at Fossil, and it was right across from his store. So we went over on his break and just hung out. It was fun.

    by Ben on 05.27.2011
  37. perhaps ill make a mosaic with the remnants of my former plant pots. im unable to cultivate a garden and keep it alive, this mint plant is my last shred of hope.

  38. mmm. Chocolate with mint. Tasty and refreshing. Leafy, green. Can be white in some chocloates. After eights. Refreshing and tasty but can be quite strong. Can also mean money- minted- expensive rich etc. or just generally good. Often a good positive word.

    by Shannon on 05.27.2011
  39. So fresh. Soooo fresh. My mouth encircles the minty latex; my fingers probe the radiating heat. Mint makes the encounter all the more stimulating. Excitement courses through my supple lips. Hairs raise with our minty erotic interlude.

    by Natalie on 05.27.2011
  40. He sits next to me as i finish ordering my drink at the bar. vodka with a sprig of mint.
    He’s attractive, young, with a powerful glint in his eye. I’m lured in by his looks, but my eyes trail to a golden glint upon his finger. A ring. I frown slightly and look away. Do I care? Yes. My desires are once again over-ruled by my standards. Well, at least I still have standards.