
March 4th, 2010 | 253 Entries

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253 Entries for “hold”

  1. “Hold it.”

    The cop faced his gun at the robber and gave a signal to his companion. They had to be careful.

    by LOL HOLD IT. XD on 03.05.2010
  2. i carry. i have things in my arms. to love. to have close. to be part of. to enjoy. to protect. that is what holding is. it’s to have something and to not let go. the hold of a child, of a parent, a friend, and of a lover. that is love. that is to care and to have. to hold. to hold. to. hold.


    by Jenna on 03.05.2010
  3. In his arms I’m squeezed and all the emotions- turbulent and haphazard- expel out of every pore.

    by Chinemenma Udokwu on 03.05.2010
  4. to have something, i am holding a apple. to grab something. to have something in your hand. To handle something. To keep something for someone, or just yourself. To hold it

    by jjjj on 03.05.2010
  5. I hold on for as long as I can. Reaching with my other hand toward the surface and the light I can see through the rough waters. One hand in a firm grasp, but it is quickly becoming slick and I know I can’t hold on forever.

    by Shelby Kling on 03.05.2010
  6. Hold me closely for the hours end. Hold me tight for I love you, my dear friend. Don’t whisper the lies that you’ve already told. Scream the truth, it’s beauty to behold. Touch me. Love me. Hug me. Kiss me.

    by Elsie Lopez on 03.05.2010
  7. I wanted to hold my wife closer to me. I sometimes feel like I am too distant and need to improve my sense of passion. I love her so much. Why is it that I do not hold more tightly to the things that are so important, yet cling to the trivial bull crap in my life.

    I need to know when to hold em, and know when to fold ’em

    by Michael on 03.05.2010
  8. i need to hold on to my life. i need to hold on to love, to friendships, to happiness. i need to hold on to vivaciousness and life and free-spirits. i have to stop holding, stop grasping. i have to just be

    by emmy on 03.05.2010
  9. me when you like to let go what can you see when you hear it dont ever take it for granted always look on the bright side , and know that its always going to be okay.

    by nickybird on 03.05.2010
  10. I hold people to help them feel good and warm
    Fire is hot and I am unable to hold it
    when on the phone and I am put on hold I feel cold inside.

    by Dee on 03.05.2010
  11. I want to hold you, but so many things hold me back. For one, I don’t know that you want to hold me. I don’t know that you hold any affection for me in your heart or your loins or anywhere else. I hold my doubts which won’t go and avoid holding you, who could go. I’m holding on to writing as time runs out.

    by R on 03.05.2010
  12. on for dear life dont let go even if it hurts bloodies your fingers or makes you cry if it doesn’t do anything of the nature then it probably isn’t worth holding onto but dont worry about it if you want just do it dont forget to breathe as well and if this keeps going on much longer i dong know what else i’ll say. did you know gitmo keeps peop[le held for longer than is necessary i think my spelling is atrocious anyone else having fun>?

    by Scott on 03.05.2010
  13. i hold a pen in my hand. when i write, most of the time. it flows better that way, easier than when i try to type, unsuccessfully usually – like this attempt here.

    by sadhbh on 03.05.2010
  14. to have and to hold, hold my hand, look both ways when you cross the street. Please hold me, hold me close, love me tender. Hold the line, please hold. HOLD ON HOLD ON, i’m almost done. BEHOLD!

    by courtney on 03.05.2010
  15. do not hold back. the time is now! there is no other. why wait? haven’t you done that for far too long? the world is waiting for you, you have felt it all along. this is confirmation. breathe in; breathe out. go!

    by Reuben on 03.05.2010
  16. Hold. Like a fermata. Just hold the note, hold everything, hold it, hold me in your arms. It’s got this romantic feeling, this loveliness, this wholesomeness. Just holding something, just holding. Holding an object. Hold. Putting a call on hold. Putting your everything on the line. Your job on the line. Do it for love. Hold,

    by Flora on 03.05.2010
  17. I hate being put on hold. It’s generally a Hindi who puts me on hold. Why do I have to hold? and what exactly am I supposed to hold onto? Theres only a few things to grab, im already holding the phone. what else is there?

    by Robbie L on 03.05.2010
  18. Hold onto who you are and don’t let it go for anyone. Reach for your aspirations and keep them close to you. Let no one bring you down. These are the things that make us human and life worth living. Never let go. Always hold on.

    by Anthony on 03.05.2010
  19. I want to hold the ones that I love dear to my heart. Forever.
    Holding does not have to be something physical… It’s the emotional attachment that comes with the word that really impacts someone. Though, I wish I had someone to hold to cherish right now. :/

    by Sally Kim on 03.05.2010
  20. I hold onto you with all of my heart. I try to grasp every memory so I can remember forever and not let go. But sometimes it’s hard because I feel like a part of me holds back and keeps from giving you everything because I am afraid of being hurt. But i try to hold on.

    by Kayla on 03.05.2010
  21. Well, we hold hands, so it’s a comfortable thing. Holding things, the best type of interaction between you and the physical world. When you hold something, you feel a sense of empowerment over it. You feel, YES. I AM THE MASTER. I CONTROL THIS … OBJECT! Haha. But yes, holding is great. Holding is so important, we hold hands.

    by Victor Chen on 03.05.2010
  22. I want to hold you. My hands are cold. Hold them like you always do. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold you. Please hold my jacket. Please hold onto this. Please hold my heart. I hold the snow ball. I’m hungry. I hold the banana and food in my hand. Holding stuff is touching stuff.

    by kii on 03.05.2010
  23. please hold on the phone please hold m purse please dont stop please stop please is a word that everyone should be using everyday it makes people more willing to want to help you or do what they are told or asked. Please and thank you easy workd that everyone should use

    by eroticserenity on 03.05.2010
  24. She held me by the fire place. I never knew how much I loved her until I looked into her eyes. Her eyes told me everything I needed to know. And I held her back. It was beautiful. I’ve never felt happier. I never knew what happiness felt like before this moment. All it took was a touch. An embrace. We reached for each other. We reached to hold each other forever.

    by Jacqueline Benton on 03.05.2010
  25. holding me. i love you. why are you leaving me. i need you. i need you to hold me. i miss you so much. i miss you holding me. damn. where did you go? where did the time go? i miss you. i miss you holding me. come back….

    by Caroline on 03.05.2010
  26. I hold his hand in mine, fingernails digging into his skin, bitting my lip. He cries for me to stop, begging me to let go. But I can’t. I can’t. I won’t. Because I know that once I let him go, he won’t come back. And I’ll be all alone again.

    by Margo on 03.05.2010
  27. i wish he was here to hold me. :)

    by SayRaw on 03.05.2010
  28. hold onto what you love and who you love. Things may seem hard but all you have to do it hold on.

    by Natalie on 03.05.2010
  29. He held his lover closer to his body. The warmth that spread through him was something he had never had the pleasure to experience before. And as Yusei yawned and snuggled closer, Jack knew that he had made the right desision is claiming him for himself.

    by Kathryn on 03.05.2010
  30. Hold Please, said the receptionist while I waited to hear his voice on the other end of the phone. I couldnt bear to keep the secret from him any longer. Of course, he did deserve to know absolutely nothing about ME as I know nothing about him. HOLD please. Yeah. My life is on hold.

    by Jes on 03.05.2010
  31. hold on tight

    by meg on 03.05.2010
  32. hold on to me
    hold me now, don’t start shakin’
    i want her to know.
    don’t hold on to it any longer.
    let it go.
    cast it upon the Lord.
    he will hold it for you.
    you won’t have to worry about it anymore.

    by adam on 03.05.2010
  33. hold hold what? hold who? how tightly should i hold? should i ever let go? will i be able to? am i being held? who is holding me? will they let me go? will i be able to break this hold? or will me holding on prohibit me from breaking their hold.

    by ricky on 03.05.2010
  34. hold

    by Camille on 03.05.2010
  35. one day you have to hold onto something. mostly because you want to believe that holding onto what you believe in is true. you want to know that when you hold onto something, you are living for something wonderful. maybe if you hold onto your emotions and feelings, everything will fall into place.

    by zoe on 03.05.2010
  36. hold on to my heart. I love you bay. hold me close. you are my everyhting. thank god that I have you. I love you. you are so much more than I could ever have imagined. baby you mean everything to me. thank you for being who you are. I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! hold me. forever. please.

    by joanna on 03.05.2010
  37. I would absolutely love to have someone to hold. I have had people to hold only for brief moments lately and seriously, it just wont suffice. No one appreciates the uncommon sweetness of a gentleman anymore. Oh well…itll be nice to learn to sustain on my own.

    by Jimmy on 03.05.2010
  38. Hold onto my heart.
    Hold my hand.
    I want to hold your hand. The beatles.
    Will you hold this item for me.
    I have things on hold.
    Hold off.
    Is that how you spell hold?
    That’s how you spell hold.
    I will hold.

    by danielle on 03.05.2010
  39. to hold onto something is to never let go. when you love someone, you want to hold onto them. but what would happen if they didn’t want to hold you back? we all go through this. and it truly is sad.

    by yay. on 03.05.2010
  40. hold me while i write this letter. hold me while you walk away. hold me while you live and be happy someplace else. hold me while i cry myself to sleep.

    by julie on 03.05.2010