
March 4th, 2010 | 253 Entries

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253 Entries for “hold”

  1. As I held on to the only hope I had of living throughout the night, a small noise erupted from the farthest corner of the room. I turned to see a mouse, staring up at me with it’s big, dark eyes. The mouse seemed to be frowning. Whether at not being able to find a scrap of food or not, or at my horrible predicament, it was a sweet but simple gesture. Turning towards the door with one final tear running down my cheek, and one final smile lighting my face, I let go of the …

    by Johni A. on 03.05.2010
  2. hold. there’s one person i want to hole me. but he’ll never be able to hold me because out relationship is impossible. i really want him.. he is my soulmate, and don’t tell me that he’s not because he is. why does he have to be so much older?

    by Kat on 03.05.2010
  3. When i hold your hand it makes everything better. Not a hand of equal size, but your hand. Nobody’s can replace it. Only yours. It comforts me and makes me whole. I long for the next time to hold your hand. Comfort me, make me feel better.

    by Alex Diment on 03.05.2010
  4. It’s rough and it’s tough. Nothing is easy, and nothing ever seems to go right. It seems so easy to give up, but I will hold on, not out of need or clingyness, but out of desire and love,

    by sean on 03.05.2010
  5. Whenever I see the term “hold”, it makes me think of a mother first holding her newborn child, or being held by the person you care about most. It’s so a comforting feeling and somehow can take away all your worries.

    by Jodi on 03.05.2010
  6. hold on
    i’ve not had my caffiene
    caffeine first always
    stop your mind
    what are you thinking?

    by richard marion pannell III on 03.05.2010
  7. hold someones hand. feel the warmth. feel the love. hold them in your heart. cherish and hold that moment you never know when it wont be there to hold. Hold that feeling deep inside. squeeze

    by Ellen on 03.05.2010
  8. not to let go, store up, fasten to one position

    without moving,

    by ann bishop on 03.05.2010
  9. I want to hold onto the good moments in life. I want to hold onto those good times, and keep them in my pocket. I need a journal to hold these memories.

    by Fergus on 03.05.2010
  10. holding me back.
    I am holding myself back, again.
    why Do I always do this?
    No confidence

    holding me back

    I hold myself back, yet again,
    when all I want is someone
    to hold me.

    by David on 03.05.2010
  11. hold on to me, i am almost gone. we are already dust and shadows. we hold onto the idea that our existence can transend our lifespan. can it? hold me.

    by sara on 03.05.2010
  12. i thought he was mine
    to have
    to hold

    but he didnt know
    he held
    onto himself

    by eliza on 03.05.2010
  13. holding, holding, holding. please hold. telephone lines, telephone lines. ring, ring. spanning the city, like spider webs. thick, black spider webs, trapping people in. “expanding the world,” but really doing nothing but making it smaller. ring, ring. please hold.

    by katherine on 03.05.2010
  14. hold on to me, fermata, spelling, lit class, stream of consciousness, seventh grade, mrs. farris, crazy woman, certifiable, schizophrenia, i binge, i eat, i feel full, but i keep eating, and i don’t know why i do it. but it’s going to stop. stop sign. red light. you can run a red light, give up at a red light. driving down town, oglethorpe. traffic lights.

    by katherine on 03.05.2010
  15. hold on to nothing, you have just one shot to win his love. But every time i think of something it slips, just like the first time i held on to that nothing…nothing but trust…nothing but love.

    by Rania on 03.05.2010
  16. Holding something requires hands and if you don’t have hands then i’m very sorry but you cannot hold objects like pliers or a raincoat. Though you can still wear a raincoat. And then put a realistic looking prosthetic hand on under the sleeve and have it fall off and start screaming in a shopping centre. That’ll scare everybody.

    by adam on 03.05.2010
  17. the way it feels when logan holds me is just wonderful. i love it. i feel so safe. and when we’re far apart, when i’m off at school i try so hard to remember what it feels like when he holds me. how is arms wrap around me. I can’t help loving it. i want that feeling all of the time. it hurts more than anything to not feel it.

    by jen on 03.05.2010
  18. hold my hand i wanna hold your hand the beatles

    by z on 03.05.2010
  19. I have to keep a hold onto reality in these fragile times. I feel it slipping, and I have to reach out and grab it, and pretend it’s you so I don’t lose it. I miss your arms holding me. Come back soon so I no longer have to fight.

    by Lex on 03.05.2010
  20. Hold on tight. Life is a roller coaster so get ready. Dont whine that is not going to make it better. Just hold on tight. Get a hold of yourself and hold me tight. Our lives are the blink of an eye. So Hold on and make something of it.

    by David on 03.05.2010
  21. if i could hold her i could be happy. but i can’t so i sit here in misery. we are all held by something….or sometimes nothing at all.

    by mike o on 03.05.2010
  22. i want to hold like, i never have before. I miss you holding me. I wonder if you miss me too. Do you ever think about us? Holding someone is a sign of compassion right? Yeah. And love? I hope. I held you with all my might.

    by fr3d on 03.05.2010
  23. Holding…is like having someone in your arms or holding a cup of tea in the early dawn of time looking over the red oceans full of newly created life.

    by Me. on 03.05.2010
  24. To hold somebody is like feeling time dissolving into fragments, if you love them.
    The eternity is layd bare for you to feel and experience on a truly intimate level.
    Something so deeply touching like that.

    by Me. on 03.05.2010
  25. Hold on it’s going to be a bumpy ride

    by Cathy on 03.05.2010
  26. i’d like to hold your hand every time i’m walking anywhere. you make me feel safe, feeling your body moving next to mine and your arm brushing mine, fingers interlaced, looking down at me with pursed lips asking for a kiss on occasion. my favourite thing is to be lying in bed with you holding me in your arms,

    by megg on 03.05.2010
  27. I like to hold things in my hands. I like to be held. I like holding hands. I think holding hands is one of the most soothing things about being in a relationship. To be physically connected with a nother human being in such a simple manner. Embracing, interlocking fingers. It makes you feel safe and washes away all vulnerability that you may have felt before.

    by Kat on 03.05.2010
  28. inescapable bond that forever seems etched into the crevices of my hand

    by shaun on 03.05.2010
  29. “All flights are on hold”, and ominous voice from the heavens of the ceiling blares. “All flights are on hold.” I think, not again, and cozy myself on a bench.

    by Kunze on 03.05.2010
  30. Holding someone is like trusting them with your heart because if you let them hold you, they have to see all of you

    by Jayme on 03.05.2010
  31. hold me tightly. I dream about prom night under the pool table, where you kissed me for the second time ever. Why do I still dream of that embrace…when you have been gone for years. I still love you. I would do anything for you to hold me again… And I don’t even know you anymore. hold me tightly.

    by lesjac on 03.05.2010
  32. embrace. love. cherish. to feel completely encompassed in someone else. acting as if there is so little time for you to be together so you feel as if you need to wrap yourself around them for dear life, only to repeat the same ritual the next day. being thankful for someone, for something. letting go.

    by Taylor on 03.05.2010
  33. holding on. you wait and wait for what seems like forever for something that you think you need; love.

    by b on 03.05.2010
  34. I was waiting on hold for what seemed like an eternity before I heard the soft sound of someone on the other end breathing quietly but hesitating to say anything. Waiting. Then a quiet voice said the dreaded words, “the result of the test is positive.”

    by traveler on 03.05.2010
  35. I feel like my life is on hold, I am just stuck in a holding pattern and nothing is changing,it’s driving me nuts. How can I get ahead when I am being dragged down by circumstances?!

    by Annemarie on 03.05.2010
  36. hold the latte, I won’t be late for you anymore. I keep waiting and holding. I’ll drink my coffee on the way to work. The imaginary coffee that I won’t be able to buy. Just like the imaginary love we had between us. Hope you ejoy your lonliness because I’ll enjoy the holding of the abuse that you have caused. Enjoy.

    by Michela Martinazzi on 03.05.2010
  37. Wait. Just keep waiting. Time will pass, and time will pass, you will age, and age and age and nothing will be accomplished and ohmygod I’m wasting so much time stop stopstopstosptosptstsotpp

    Hold. Stop holding time.

    Hold me instead.

    by machen27 on 03.05.2010
  38. hold onto your hat or it will blow away. hold onto your money or it will slip between your finger. hold onto your sanity or you’ll be screwed.

    by Liam on 03.05.2010
  39. hold me help me to keep writing. that yellow bar is scaring me. hold me. keep me still. confine. bent all out of shape trying to escape hold me let me go cliches hold me tight want to say good night and that bar is now growing red.

    by k on 03.05.2010
  40. hold on thight, for we don’t have forever. we hold both with our hands and our thoughts. Hold me like you never did before.and be happy to be held

    by veronika on 03.05.2010