
October 3rd, 2008 | 1,005 Entries

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1,005 Entries for “hill”

  1. If only I could run a hill again, maybe things would be different in my head.

    by risktakker on 10.07.2008
  2. upwards and onwards, closer to the sky, the sun and the clouds. Smaller than a mountain yet larger than a hillock. Part of the rolling countryside, something to roll down or hike up.

    by Stu on 10.07.2008
  3. Hill? That’s a strange one. I wanted better. Oh well. I live on a hill, sort of. Going down. I think hills are cool because they remind me of the countryside and meadows and all that cool stuff. Lovely.

    by Mathew Mullooly on 10.07.2008
  4. por que colinas?
    eu nunca nem vi uma, não saberia dizer se as visse tambem. onde vivo há montanhas, e nada mais.
    serras, chuva e poluição, mas nunca vi uma colina.
    apenas as imagino, ao ler um livro ou ver um filme.
    e na imaginação construo colinas.

    by gabriel on 10.07.2008
  5. hill.
    worth it. jealous.
    full of daisies.
    lie down and stare at the sky.
    enjoy the walk up.
    the walk down won’t be as fun.
    don’t think about the top. think about the walk.

    by tara on 10.07.2008
  6. Up on the hill, I found her. She stood stoically above the world, gazing upon its finite beauty.

    “This place is soon to go,” she said.

    “I know. But at least we’re together.”

    And then…

    by JDeck on 10.07.2008
  7. I saw the hill and it looked waay too steep for me to mount it. I was out of shape, and as I watched others pass by me, flowing to the top with ease, I had realized that I had let my life go. I had become who, in my younger years, I swore I would not become. I promised my self then and there, that I would begin the chaneg

    by deb on 10.07.2008
  8. long as i can see as the bike picks up speed long as i dont see cars i let i t go no brakes tucking down as far as possible more speed please deer dont show now please car dont turn now fast faster done

    by wheelie on 10.07.2008
  9. A hill is high about the trees, it has long grass growing green all around. We need to accomplish climbing the hill when ever possible. Dont let the height of it make you feel as if you cant do it. Just let go and do it.

    by Linda on 10.07.2008
  10. It’s not always easy walking up a hill. But it certainly offers a great view down.

    by ingi on 10.07.2008
  11. The hill is buries us. there is a silence for a moment when all the air in the world seems to have gone out and then a crash as if they very sky lets go from its hinges and then we are buried, everyone of us, in the bruising tidal wave of earth and grass and stone. A moment preserved.

    by Robert Benson on 10.07.2008
  12. The hill is steep. My God. And so far away from everything. We meet at the top. She is waiting for me there and I am comforted after the long climb by the very sight of her, the comfort of her hands. the familiar tiredness in her eyes.

    by Robert Benson on 10.07.2008
  13. Climbing the hill was a struggle, he was winded, out of breath and as he stumbled up he thought he would rather die. He crested the top and looked and what he saw made him collapse and start to cry.

    by shane on 10.07.2008
  14. The hill stood before me, high and mighty, it’s apex taunting me with it’s promise of the rush I’d get from sailing down from it…I turned my bike and rode away…

    by Janah R. Adams on 10.07.2008
  15. on top of a hill i was. and so it was that i was on this hill. but i dont really care… a hill is a hill. hill’s rock. ur all like,,, not enclosed, cuz its like open and stuff. u know. on the hill.

    i wish i had a hill. i dont. I got a mountain. but it’s not as easy to get on as a hill. there should be more hills in the world. hmmmm…

    by Ardi Coetzee on 10.07.2008
  16. hilly atmosphere
    out the airplane
    of sugar-mounds,

    You hated tea-parties anyway…

    we don’t know where this plane
    is goin’,
    but we made it,
    (with our
    own two hands),
    and eventually those hands got us there.

    would you come away with us?…

    by Jenealia on 10.07.2008
  17. jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water… but then jill’s boyfriend came and beat the crap out of jack for trying to do his girl.

    by emily on 10.07.2008
  18. hill down
    hill up..
    then i will go..
    i love you..
    i love me..
    but i dont like the way you love me..
    please.. please..
    don’t hill..

    by svgcn on 10.07.2008
  19. i was running down the hills when my mum called my name. i turned back to see what she is saying but lost my balance and started rolling down in full speed. i was crying for help but noone came.

    by ipek on 10.07.2008
  20. she sat on top of the hill. The ribbon fell from her hair as she looked out onto the old dilapidated house. How could he treat her like this? What did she do to deserve this punishment. She gave a huge sigh as a tear fell down her cheek.

    by Estel on 10.07.2008
  21. The kittens came up over the hill one by one. At first I thought only one was emerging from the bushes behind the hill, but by the time they had all appeared, it was four tiny kittens, no more than a month old.

    The hill was made of rocks and dirt, placed there by a long-gone construction team, by the look of it. The mother cat had no doubt chosen the location because it was just a few hundred feet from a Red Lobster dumpster.

    When I tried to climb the hill, the dirt under my feet seemed uneven and fragile. This was a hill for kittens to climb, not big, awkward me. It was a good hill for them to hide behind, and made it very hard for me to even think about grabbing them and trying to get them to a more safe and habitable location. These were warrior cats, and they chose their garrison well, this little hill of old crap.

    by alan david doane on 10.07.2008
  22. down the hill at the shoe store is ware i lost my wallet but the clerk be hind the granite counter the one with the laugh a day smile

    by marshall hoellwarth on 10.07.2008
  23. Let me tell you a story called hillz. It is a story about a young girl and a young man. It was first told to me a few years ago by a story-teller of local repute. It’s a love story, but not the kind you have maybe grown to expect. Nor is it the tipe of true-love-waits bullshit that may have been shoved down your face. No, this is a story of emotional persistence and devotion. This is a story about hillz…

    by Cecil Baird on 10.07.2008
  24. The hill was rocky and had a dead tree on top. A tire swing on a rotted rope swayed and creaked in the light breeze.

    by ali on 10.07.2008
  25. green tree mountain
    breeze flowing softly through
    flowers outstretched to the sky
    rolling entwined laughing
    love found on the hill

    by Stephanie on 10.07.2008
  26. she came up running over the hill, stumbled and fell with a thud on the course, thick long grass. she gave a wretched gasp for air and wailed into the rough tundra, an expanse that covered everything up to the bleak horizon

    by zoe on 10.07.2008
  27. We trudged up the hill, slowly, painfully. It was pulling teeth to get ourselves and our gear up that mean bitch but we did it and when we got to the top we had a look back down below, back from where we came and noticed Tony, face down in the slow. I was the first to notice.

    by Robert Benson on 10.07.2008
  28. sledding. Aunt Edna Bell. Christians. Danger. Fun! Past. Past is future. Going by too fast. Scared sometimes but can’t stop! No one gets out alive! I’ll get you here I come. Don’t look back

    by ray on 10.07.2008
  29. puff.puff.puff. gotta make it up this hill. puff. puff. puff. get to the top. puff. puff. puff. view of all i survey. puff. puff. And coast down the other side. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! it’s all worth the puffing. puff. puff. puff. puff.

    by susie mac on 10.07.2008
  30. when i see hills i think of The Lord Of The Rings were the hobbits build their houses in the hills. Like, theyre built INTO the hills.

    I want to have a hill house :)

    by samantha on 10.07.2008
  31. If I walk up a hill,
    and then take a spill,
    will there be a thrill,
    or just a medical bill?

    by L on 10.07.2008
  32. on top of he hill, there was a perfectly shaped round tree. She was standing in front of it. Her white veil floating in front of her face. It started raingng. But I stood there shouting at her. It was the only thing I could do. Just shout.

    by Stet on 10.07.2008
  33. whether falling down one or feeling as though you are the king of one, hills have taken a strong place in our daily English usage . At the moment I’m the king!!

    by Con on 10.07.2008
  34. Boy, you’re gonna carry that weight, carry that weight a long time.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    Spare the rod, spoil the child.

    The milk’s gone bad.

    Bad to the bone.

    Pet Cemetary.


    Kimbo Slice.

    Lemme get a slice and a soda.


    Peanuts, heah! Getcha peanuts!

    by The Gooch on 10.07.2008
  35. Hills are no fun when you run up to the top, but are easy when you run downhill

    by Juan on 10.07.2008
  36. i was laying on the hill, looking up at the sky. warm, yellows, blues, and purples. clouds transform all sorts of shapes sizes and textures.

    by kristina on 10.07.2008
  37. I couldn’t believe what I saw. Yes, it was a monster. A monster at the top of that hill… or so that song by The Automatic said. I looked up the hill and saw nothing. Nothing but a few sheep. Then, out of nowhere, came a giant lochness monster on a motorbike! I ran.

    by Ricardo Clarke on 10.07.2008
  38. Hill is a very high object made up of rocks. For many hill is the representation of victory. Hill has many trees and trees represent life. Huge hills may be closer to clouds. So, standing on a hill and watching the surroundings with clouds floating nearby can be very pleasing. Hills are good targets for trekking too.

    by foo on 10.07.2008
  39. I lived on a hill once and it was such an awesome hill. We both loved each other so much we married and had 9 children? I do not think so! Once a week
    I would go out side and sleep on the hill even if it was 30 degrees out. My time is almost up so I should stop typing. Good bye for now!

    by Ali on 10.07.2008
  40. Its a raised part of a ground which requires much effort to climb. Its a place where you can go and get a chance to view the rest of the surrounding from a higher level

    by Tanya on 10.07.2008