
April 2nd, 2011 | 552 Entries

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552 Entries for “galaxy”

  1. I immediately think of Star Wars. And of open areas and a place without sound. I see stars and meteorites. I can just picture some strange life-form on some unfound planet.

    by CMR on 04.02.2011
  2. the entire galaxy is such a mystery to me. Who knows where it ends? Who knows where it starts? does it ever do either of those things? i just want to learna ll there is about it; even though i know i will never learn everything there is to know. All the stars, the planets, the shapes, the unseen; i want to learn everything and see everything there is to offer.

    by Danielle on 04.02.2011
  3. the brilliantly bright stars shine in the night,
    in the galaxy where there are too many planets and stars to count;
    too many for a person to count in their lifetime.

    by Alicia on 04.02.2011
  4. I can see the galaxy from my window; it can see me. I can see the galaxy in your eyes; can you see me?
    Please see me.

  5. It is big. Really really big with lots of stars and black holes. There may be aliens too! Who knows what else. People may go out there in it someday. Soon maybe. Maybe we will live there?

    by Dan on 04.02.2011
  6. Across the galaxy you went. You’re no where to be found on this Earth anymore. You’re really gone. Your spirit floats freely away in the galaxy. Watching over us all. You’re really gone… You’re dead…..

    by Mimielizabeth on 04.02.2011
  7. um espaço criado para conter todo o ser vivo sem espaço psicologicamente grande o suficiente.

    by dipa on 04.02.2011
  8. The Galaxy is a very large and interesting place. There is so much space in our galaxy alone, it is hard to understand the exact real notion of time and space. Galaxies are found in great numbers and there are many that are yet to be discovered.

    by JSMatthew on 04.02.2011
  9. in a galaxy far far away…. I Love star wars. I hope somewhere there really is a awesome galactic battle for the fate of the universe.

  10. I was young, but not stupid. I knew that the galaxy was not the only thing that I had to believe in. I didn’t have to agree with everyone else. I knew there was more. I believed in Love, and I wanted to find it.

    by Amy on 04.02.2011
  11. An open world, unexplored and new. A place where anything is possible, unknown and yet so much a part of our home. A beautiful landscape in which our home resides, our own small galaxy of milky way.

    by Maya V on 04.02.2011
  12. we live in the milky way galaxy. one day we will travel to other galaxies. as soon as machines develop intelligence. i’m pretty high right now but i maintain that that is true. it’s also a tranny name.

    by Jonathan on 04.02.2011
  13. It’s that large expensive THING that I’m in. It scares me not because of its expanse but because of the fact that I mean so little. I’m only human, my ego carries me so far to think humans dominate much everything else. But the existence of the galaxy tells me i’m wrong. the galaxy is…large.

  14. Galaxy always reminds me of Star Wars. I’ve never actually seen the movies in their entirety, but I just know that the beginning starts with “In a galaxy far far away” or something to that extent. It’s interesting how one word can produce the notion of an entire creative genius for one man. He makes a shit load of money off these movies.

    by Jennie on 04.02.2011
  15. A beautiful never ending existence where there are too many stars to count. A place to stare at, a place to wonder about, a place to research. Full of wonders and mysteries.

    by sarah on 04.02.2011
  16. “Relax, spiral down, dodge the black hole, hit the hyper drive, don’t forget your towel. All good names for a band. Ya know, if I had one to name.” She scratched her head, blank face made up so glamorous. He gave her a suffering look, eyebrow quirked. He placed the album, a galaxy splashed across its expanse, back on the rack and sighed. This date wasn’t going well.

  17. Sometimes I think like the concept of a galaxy is crazy. I just saw an Imax film about our galaxy the milky way, and it totally blew my mind.

    by Kat Hansen on 04.02.2011
  18. universe
    milky way
    black holes

    by Cher Garman on 04.02.2011
  19. There was once a place where everyone gathered in order to be happy. This place once existed harmoniously with anyone and anything. Every being was a part of this place. This place connected the living, dead, and inanimate. This place is the galaxy.

    by Kelsey on 04.02.2011
  20. Nebulous and far, constant and close. Something we live in, yet we can only imagine the outside of in vision. There are galaxies within us, and galaxies afar, but it’s the bridges between that make them important.

    by Marcus on 04.02.2011
  21. neverending wonders and questions. what’s out there? who’s out there? in the arms of the spiral lying so far away, we could find things we’ve never imagined or things we only dreamed of. how can we ever know though? even time may not lead to answers. it’s all within sight, but just out of touch.

    by summer on 04.02.2011

    by Yo Mama on 04.02.2011
  23. The universe is made up of innumerable galaxies, but even within a single galaxy, the different worlds that one encounters are infinite. The perspective of one person as opposed to another’s, the difference between the terrain of the natural world- all differ significantly. We cannot know everything about even ourselves, making it hard to grasp the multitudinous facets of life.

  24. A galaxy is a fun placer because cats meow on it. A cat is a cool thing because it tastes like ice cream. Have you tasted your cat? Because I have. It tastes like the milky way chocolate bars, and that makes me think of the Milky Way galaxy. And a galaxy is a bunch of stars.

    by Alexann on 04.02.2011
  25. far awar, dark, purple clouds of god nectar.
    I want to ride the stars until my mind rots,
    until i can’t tell the past from my own heartbeat.
    we are all together in our magenta nebula,
    our galaxy of heart.

    by Beck Argonne on 04.02.2011
  26. You said that I should read hitchiker’s guide to the galaxy. All the beautiful things in my life revolve around laundromats. I want to go to one some day and find true love. I think that’s how it works. Yeah, laundry breeds love.

    by _Name_ on 04.02.2011
  27. the galaxy is everything around us. everything that makes us who we are and the place we are from, the earth the sun the sky and everything in it. the trees, nature, animals. us ourselves as human beings. the thoughts the think and the conformities that have come about the human race. the galaxy is everything and everything we know.

    by tiffany on 04.02.2011
  28. expanse, unlimited, raizio, light, spiral, astronomy, never-ending like an imagination…inception…movies. stars and hydrogen, nuclear reactions and fission on our sun.

    by Lauren on 04.02.2011
  29. in this galaxy there are billions of people. billions of people waiting to meet you, to share a connection, to love.

    no matter how you feel now, please don’t give up. you are somebody’s reason to smile.

    by anonymous on 04.02.2011
  30. the huge awaiting abyss that enfold us all while we sleep. echoes our memories as if closes in. the pale sky opens up to endless possibilities. i watch the skies waiting for the enormous mouth to swallow me who

    by ryles on 04.02.2011
  31. If Dr. Fudo could have looked out and seen all of the galaxies in the sky… it wouldn’t have even compared to the beauty of his partner and friend, Rudger.

  32. Far into the seething dark, rolling stars make their trail, their burning stories. I wait for the light, to illumine my book, the last pages growing dim with shadow. I hold the fox trail to my nose, how candid, the path he is found prancing in the moonlight, comfortable in his solitary night-fur. How much longer do I have? The whole earth, turned to settle me, bring me to the middle nerves, let them still like soup resting in a bowl.

    by Mollie on 04.02.2011
  33. A galaxy is part of space and contains many stars.

    by A on 04.02.2011
  34. big large stars black never ending planets aliens life space meteors shooting stars far away lightyears amazing

    by Cooper on 04.02.2011
  35. the galaxy that we are in is the milky way. we define a galaxy as a cluster of stars and objects that orbit these, as well as nebulae and black holes. A galaxy is huge, and when looked at, is a thing of extraterrestrial beauty. the galaxy really puts humanity to shame, but it is also a thing to admire.

    by Bob on 04.02.2011
  36. The galaxy is so big yet we call it a small world. Maybe because the world is small compared to the huge galaxy that makes up the surrounding space. But we don’t know much about the galaxy. Or at least I don’t know much about it. People learn more and more everyday but for me, my galaxy is about an hour away and it is home.

  37. it’s big. so big it makes me feel insignificant. but at the same time hopeful. if there is only one guy out there for me in the entire galaxy at least there’s a lot to choose from. i may not have met him yet but he’s out there some where. some where between the milky way and my house. i’d travel all over to find him. waiting is just too useless. i need my rocket ship. i’ll jump in it and leave the rest behind. i don’t care about it all anyways. i’ll check every star, planet and meteor. a round the galaxy trip, but one day i want to be home again.

  38. In all the world, in all the galaxy even, I don’t think there is anyone more beautiful and more unavailable than the girl that I have a crush on. I want her but I can’t have her, so why do I still want her?

  39. Galaxy. When I see the word Galaxy I think big. I think of far off people, planets, creatures. Things I can never reach, yet somehow are so close. Metaphorically or Physically? I never know. All I know is the Galaxy is far reaching and something I will never fully explore

  40. When I was younger, I was always interested in outer space; the planets, stars, and everything that went along with them. I would borrow books repeatedly from the library, and begged my mom to buy me The Magic School Bus in Outer Space for the family computer for Christmas.

    I got it.