
May 7th, 2024 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “moon”

  1. it shines brightly and brings out the wolf in some people! Moonlight is a lovely glowing light. It sets the scene for dramatic and romantic encounters.

    by Kandy Ackland on 05.08.2024
  2. The party had become lively, it’s music and dance could be heard from below. The lonely witch perched up in the mountain watched the village beneath with longing, only turning his head away at the creak of an opening door. Joined by his soldier, who looked warm in the face, the loneliness melted from the witch if even by a little.
    Yet excitement gripped him when the soldier extended a hand towards him and said, “Moon’s pretty tonight….. wanna dance?”

  3. Moon rocks over me, smooth boat following me through the trees, dragon’s eye half-open, still sleepy, just keeping watch

  4. I swear he could be the moon. Visits me at nocturnal times and sometimes a thing that I’m so deeply attracted to or avoid when I don’t want to remember things.

  5. The moon seems like a nocturnal companion, keeping our thoughts awake, and almost seems like it’s there for us to be reminded of things we avoid or attract.

    by Carmela on 05.08.2024
  6. The moon looks so close but it is far away. She can imagine it floating in space, attracted by the Earth, but always falling away from it. Attract and evade. The moon might illustrate some human relationships

    by Chanpheng on 05.07.2024
  7. The moon is in the sky. I want to see it tonight. It has been a while since I tried moongazing. I miss looking at the night sky. It makes me feel so small and insignificant, in a good way. The world existed long before me and it will exist after me. That is okay. In the meantime, I should slow down, breathe, and enjoy my life. Everything is momentary, including pain.

    by J on 05.07.2024