
April 30th, 2010 | 439 Entries

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439 Entries for “fireflies”

  1. i saw little firflies, they absolutely lightened me.

    by irnamolly on 05.01.2010
  2. summertime, hot breeze, moist air, peepers, pitch black and sudden flashes of light. green or yellow, disappearing,

    by julianna on 05.01.2010
  3. i like the band’s song , I don’t know what does it mean exactly it reminds me of butterflies ,lovely weather mist of flowers and extreme relaxation.

    by ghada on 05.01.2010
  4. pretty, in the summer when i’m alone outside my house in the huge mudfield and by surprise they come and take over my mind, my whole being for these seconds are fireflies and i will never forget how they whirled around like little rubins

    by Amanda on 05.01.2010
  5. fireflies. god, i hate that song. it drives me insane every time my roommate’s ringtone goes off. not that the song itself is much better, but still…ugh. the actual bugs, though, are kind of cool. they have their own story and light up the world in a way that nothing else can.

    by leah Jarvis on 05.01.2010
  6. if anyone in this world could try to die, it certainly would not be the firefly.

    by bill on 05.01.2010
  7. I was distracted by a small light when I was standing at the sink doing dishes. You can tell it is summer in the midwest when you start to see the sparklers out. At least that is what my grandson calls them. He loves his sparklers. I love him loving them.. and I love the summer in the midwest.

    by Barb Young on 05.01.2010
  8. I like fireflies in the evening, they bore me to distraction in the day /just dull bugs/at night I am in love

    by cyn tinnin on 05.01.2010
  9. do moths follow fire flies? the poor little ugly bugs following the beutiful bugs out of their legue. poor guys.

    by kt on 05.01.2010
  10. what the hell are fireflies???

    by DR on 05.01.2010
  11. fireflies are insects, but are also used to symbolise things. Their basic and underlying simplicity and seeming insignificance is somewhat inspiring when one sees a group of them together forming an opra of light and appearance despite being nought but a fly in essence.

    by peter on 05.01.2010
  12. the light lillte thing that copy the stars. When god looked down and saw he let them live for his amusement. They were the copies that always changed and moved in unpredictable patterns.

    by Saule on 05.01.2010
  13. you would not believe your eyes/if ten thousand firflies/lit up the world as i feel asleep. that song used to be beautiful until it was played WAY to many times. it reminds me of forests and late nights with the family. peace, calm, flash backs…and s’mores. yum.

    by elaina on 05.01.2010
  14. I hate that stupid sone “Fireflies” by Owl City. His voice is whiny, and it just makes no sense to me.

    I remember catching them in Missouri one summer. I was 17 but felt like I was 5 at the time.

    I wish that Tomball had firflies. It would give me something to do at night.

    by MM on 05.01.2010
  15. i like fireflies. they glow in the dark and make me warm and fuzzy inside. fireflies are also good to have in the bedroom if you’re afraid of the dark. the best part about them is that you can catch a bunch of them and sell them to science because no one knows why they glow in the dark and then stop and start and stop and start and stop and start. :) sweet life huh?

    by tim on 05.01.2010
  16. firesflys cry at my window.
    don’t fall asleep
    i wish it was that simple to stay here
    but my body’s screaming to give in
    and ive wanted to give in
    so i go down.

    by sharent hernandez on 05.01.2010
  17. fireflies is a song about fireflies that i hate. i hate the mans voice i hate the lyrics. i hate that there are people out there tha listen to such crap. what happened to artists like dean martin billie holliday, and other greats.

    by Ben on 05.01.2010
  18. fireflies are bottled in in a jar by my bedside. The holes in the top are for the air that will mark the remaining moments before morning when their light has died and all that is left are the carcasses of magic

    by Eddie kirsch on 05.01.2010
  19. Fireflies fly freely and franticly,
    searching for somewhere to squat for free.
    Despite being lit up for all too see,
    being a firefly, isn’t for me.

    by colin on 05.01.2010
  20. thats succh a shitty song on the radio. but i guess its just like all of the others songs. popular. all new music starts out as shit and is highly criticized, look at the Beatles for example. there is still a point where you should have some skills though, being famous is glorified.

    by coooooot on 05.01.2010
  21. You would not believe your eyes
    If ten million fireflies
    Light up the world as I fell asleep
    Cause they fill the open air
    And leave teardrops everywhere
    You’d think me rude
    But I would just stand and stare

    I’d like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly
    It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
    Cause everything is never as it seems

    Cause I’d get a thousand hugs
    From ten thousand lightning bugs
    As they tried to teach me how to dance
    A foxtrot above my head
    A sock hop beneath my bed
    A disco ball is just hanging by a thread (thread, thread)

    I’d like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly

    by Beth on 05.01.2010
  22. fireflies are one of the most interesting species of insects, and concidentally the word is the plural of firefly which was perhaps the most unfairly canceled tv show of all time. Firefly was a magnificent story blending styles of science fiction and western movies into an amalgamation of lasers and hilarity.

    by Hugh on 05.01.2010
  23. The song fireflies. Through the skies. Fireflies in our eyes. The light, the burn, the feeling. Freedom.

    by Austin on 05.01.2010
  24. I like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly.

    We hang stars in our windows, rainbows in cups on our desks, and we sing. She strums her guitar while I struggle to tune my ukulele.

    We sing.

    We live. The stars will be back next year.

    by r.a. on 05.01.2010
  25. A summer evening with children fluttering like the fireflies above them. Swooping. Soaring. Both bug and child in bliss from the warm summer air and the freedoms Summer gives.

    by John on 05.01.2010
  26. Fireflies are lovely. But only at night … When the sun shines they are just ugly bugs. But in the night, they are as pretty as butterflies :)

    by Mist on 05.01.2010
  27. the fireflies flew right by my ear. They reminded me of fainting and falling into that different world. The world where nothing made sense yet everything was nothing and nothing was everything. The place where it didn’t matter.

    by Rx on 05.01.2010
  28. beautiful
    i will

    by marines on 05.01.2010
  29. They were everywhere. I was chasing them farther and and farther into the darkness. They were leading me no where. I lost myself to their light. I lost myself to their beauty.

    by kristen on 05.01.2010
  30. Fireflies stand out in the night. Like stars on the dark canvas of the sky. Don’t hold them tightly, they’ll bleed through your hands like a broken glow-stick. Don’t let them go, they won’t come back. But let a child find this out on his own, and watch in thirst.

    by Amy Snyder on 05.01.2010
  31. fireflies light the skies every night, I wish i lived in a place where the fireflies were abundant. Their beautiful little lights are so relaxing, I really do with to see mor of them. THat’s why living in a city is so horrid, it kills nature for us all. I wish upon wishes to be in a forest with trees and birds, so i can see nature as it intended to be.

    by Coral on 05.01.2010
  32. Fireflies stand out in the night. Like stars on the dark canvas of the sky. Don’t hold them tightly, they’ll bleed through your hands like a broken glow-stick. Don’t let them go, they won’t come back. But let a child find this out on his own, and watch in thirst.

    by Amy Snyder on 05.01.2010
  33. one word is like on life to me
    its evident that in my world its all i see
    i could write a *salilaque”
    of my life
    but to me thats pooty
    because i don’t live to be something else
    i live to be me

    by t-dog on 05.01.2010
  34. Lost in the woods, crying in terror, she struggles to walk. Her feet, blistered, bleeding, stumble over roots and rocks, wishing, hoping praying to find someone, anyone, to console her, bring her in, love her. her dress, already tattered and torn, catches on branches and thorns, then she collapses, cold, wet leaves stick to her face and tangle in her long hair, she is helpless, hopeless

    by Cecelia on 05.01.2010
  35. The skies in the late spring come to life, with a light of their own.

    I grew up knowing them as “lightning bugs,” but Fireflies are the better term. Lightning is too fleeting, and fails to carry the same warm glow.

    They don’t light the whole night, but they do make it more enjoyable.

    by Ike on 05.01.2010
  36. are super queer insects. All they want is attention with their constant flashing, its like a drunk sorority girl in panama when girls gone wild are in town.

    by casey on 05.01.2010
  37. Who are you? I see you. Flutter in the night sky

    by Kat on 05.01.2010
  38. ten thousand fireflies light up the world as i fall asleep. owl city shouldnt sell out they are a great band!

    by kyrie on 05.01.2010
  39. their are so little and full of light ..they are seen in all that dark arround them..u may not see the big tree but u cannot miss the makes me feel like the stars came to life and are moving from here to there around..they make me think that maybe fairy tales are not just iamgination ..their are pur beauty.

    by ira on 05.01.2010
  40. id like to make myself believe that planet earth spins slowly… ten thousand fireflies lit up the world as i fell asleep… beautiful things never last thats why fireflies flash… people are messed up and weird but thats why you love them, if you let those loved ones let go of you and leave your life you will never regret anything more.

    by Cecelia on 05.01.2010