
As a raw food vegan, rocket forms an important part of my diet. I don't eat much lettuce, preferring the darker greens, spinach, watercress and my favourite lambs lettuce, all packed with vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll.
She was walking along the sea front as she did every morning, bag of bread in hand ready to feed the pigeons, seagulls and starlings. She was totally sidetracked by the dreadlocked Violinist who sped by on a skateboard plaing Vivaldi. She followed this extraordinary vision and the birds missed their food.
They are really not my thing, perhaps because my obsessive dad taught sports, or because I'm clumsy and was always the last one picked for teams. They do motivate others to exercise, I suppose, but I'd rather walk or dance. And as for watching sport on tv - only tennis does it for me, other sports are barbaric or boring.