
June 18th, 2010 | 379 Entries

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379 Entries for “without”

  1. i had no money, and depression covered my mood. the only thing that struck my being was the feeling of emptiness and drought. Without many things i tried for in my previous struggles.

    by james on 06.18.2010
  2. without you, i thought i was going to fall apart. I thought that without you in my life would have no meaning. but then I saw that having you in my life is creating the darkness that blocked my light. I found it was easier without you in my life.

  3. Without you, I can’t live. RIght now. Because I’ve lived my whole life without you up until now, but now I need you. I need you like air, so don’t you dare leaving me. Don’t you dare not loving me.

    by Rocío on 06.18.2010
  4. If you’d asked Dean a year ago if he could live without Sam, he’d have laughed it off and secretly thought that it was impossible. But here he was, at a table with a woman and a kid, neither of whom was really his.

    Without Sam. Without Cas. Without anything but the car sitting in the driveway.

    Without *hope*.

    by TimTim on 06.18.2010
  5. Without you I feel like I can’t smile. When you died you took something from me, something I can’t get back. And now I’m without that and I’m without you.

  6. Without love, the world would be an empty place, full of bitter memories and dark shadows lurking in the minds of lost lovers. Without light, these shadows grow ever more present.

    by Elizabeth Montalvo on 06.18.2010
  7. with­out you, there is noth­ing. you are my world, you are my every­thing. next year, when I will be with­out you, there will still be noth­ing but you in my life. I love you, and I love what you do, but I hate the thought of being without.

  8. We have to do without, she said, because you left.
    “Without” is cheap plastic in place of crystal,
    Polyester in place of silk,
    The facade without the smiling heart behind it.

    Without you, we are lost.

    by moomoo on 06.18.2010
  9. without love, I’d be nothing. Without happiness, life isn’t worth anything. Without hope, I’m not quite sure where I would be. I hold onto the littlest hope, but sometimes maybe being without it is just better. Maybe without hope I wouldn’t get hurt so often.

    by Jenn on 06.18.2010
  10. without you, there is nothing. you are my world, you are my everything. next year, when I will be without you, there will be nothing but you in my life. I love you, and I love what you do, but I hate the thought of being without.

    by Madeline on 06.18.2010
  11. Without a brain… I would be probably alot better off. Pah!

  12. without you im nothing. i love you. I will always love you. But you dont love me. I am way to dependent on you. and it sucks. youre not even that great. Why do I even love you? But without you I am nothing. And nothing id what ill always be.

    by Patrick Pfohl on 06.18.2010
  13. its like not having, the absense of something
    without a horse perhaps
    you’d be lost in the desert no horse and shiz
    man that would just suck
    no one wants that
    generally without is not good
    unless you mean like without something shit like, violence bastard, when it is good.

    by George Gilman on 06.18.2010
  14. without money, you cant buy much..without love, you cant feel much, without fun, there can be no laughter. without time, there would be no limits..without this word, we would have to use another word..ha

  15. to be with none, not to have any, preposition

  16. without you I would be lost. I would be hopeless. but would I be without you wthout you would I be respectful of myself? whtout is lost but can it mean gay ithout could mean more. without can be more. without you is more. without is empty but in this case a whole.

    by eyutze on 06.18.2010
  17. Without you, nothing.

  18. Without people who can recognize ignorance and stand up for all the discrimination…..things would be different

    by Allison on 06.18.2010
  19. with_out mit_aus wer ist hier raus und wer mit das geländer bleibt fest und glatt die gedanken hängen zwischen euch kennen den weg das herz verbietet sich das wort

    by c/oc/o on 06.18.2010
  20. Without you I would have nothing,
    Nothing that is worth living for,
    I would die without you,
    and without you I would crumble to nothingness,

    by Anomynous on 06.18.2010
  21. Without love you are just a shell of a man and without me you are just a sorry excuse for a waste of space and without sanity you are just my love. Together we are what we may never be but without each other we are just…dust.

    by Sarah on 06.18.2010
  22. Without you I live my life wondering why. What would have happened. What would have happened if I never met you? Would I be the same? Would my views on life be the same? Because of yo I love life. Because of you I have a reason to live. I now know the true meaning of love and never have I loved a friend more than you. You taught me to laugh at life’s difficulties and to always smile

    by Aparna on 06.18.2010
  23. without my dog i would be alone sometimes and kind of scared but i love him. i live without internet after 11:00 because my school is kind of like a prison but i guess it makes sense. i’ll never sleep with internet 24/7. a lot of people live without a lot of necessities because they can’t get them or have no way of accessing things they need.

    by Sarah on 06.18.2010
  24. without having to repeat the word ‘without’ in this game, I wouldn’t have had time to rethink what I wanted to say, and without wasting time explaining my situation, I would have explained the word without a lot better.

    by JonJon on 06.18.2010
  25. Without a purpose, the heights are dizzying. I cannot make the ascent if the presifis is not in view, cannot force myself to summon the will to continue.

  26. Without hope I am bleak. There are days that I feel that I am without anything. More days without than with. Without hope, without feelings of salvation, without a reason to live. I am without a soul.

    by Ding Dong on 06.18.2010
  27. Without life would be okay, without time, i think my mind would love the brake, I cant say I have no weaknesses when Im not sure if anything im doing is really what I want at all.

    by Allison on 06.18.2010
  28. Without things we would be lost. Without others. Without a sense of self. Without love. We need things. And some things are essential to life, to be without them is to be without a soul. You can only survive without a soul for so long. For a little while you’d be fine, though feeling like something was missing, but gradually you’d realize that you couldn’t do it, that you simply couldn’t be without.

  29. With or without you never seemed like such an easy decision.

    Now it was really you standing over me, looking down, and it was much easier to call.

    Without you, dear.

  30. I really have no idea my mind it totally blank without a better word to write about. This is a poor choice for my first word to write about. I epically fail.

  31. without love, life would have no meaning. without life, we have no love.

    by stanleigh on 06.18.2010
  32. What can I do without music? I can’t do anything. Without it, I can’t live, I can’t dream, I can’t see or hope or be. It has connected me to so much. Without music, my violin, my love, where would I be? What would I be doing? How different would I have turned out?

    by Ai on 06.18.2010
  33. This word could carry negative connotations when being used to describe something that is without. Without a heart, without a soul, etc. But it could be a good thing too; without heartache, without warts.

    by Nicole Regalado on 06.18.2010
  34. Without her, he didn’t see the meaning of life, he needed her to live – she was his air.

  35. It hurt her, being without him.

    She missed his arms, his chest, his head and eyes and hair. She’d dreamed big and included him in everything, but some things can just never be.

  36. longing, needing, all ways feeling there must be more out there.

    by Ken on 06.18.2010
  37. Those without will always believe that they should have (whatever it is that they don’t). Being without builds character. No one is ever without themselves. Do without hate.

    by Three on 06.18.2010
  38. I don’t have any hair. I am bald. If I had hair maybe I wouldn’t wear so many hats. Then the hat companies would make less money. If there were no bald people hat companies would be broke.

    by hal Baum on 06.18.2010
  39. without you guysi would die. i love you all. without you guys i’m empty and my mind poisoned by my own thoughts.

  40. without you,
    without me,
    da da da….
    wait what?
    What does it mean when people say ‘to live without’? Without what I wonder….ha!

    by BeeBee on 06.18.2010