
June 18th, 2010 | 379 Entries

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379 Entries for “without”

  1. Without can be really bad, if you are without things that you need in life such as food water and air, which would really be bad because all of those things can lead to death if you are without them. Being without sweets though, is a very good thing for your health. Being without company can make you crazy, being without a brain is unhealthy and being without friends is lonely.

    by Jane on 06.18.2010
  2. Without you, everything is about you.

    by Nana on 06.18.2010
  3. without you I am alone. when you’re gone you’re all i think about, like a permanant disease. when you’re with me i can’t help but stare. when you leave i feel like a bomb drops onto me.

    by Devin on 06.18.2010
  4. Without him, the house was a fist. Her breath didn’t fit, her clothes hung from the skeletal remains of love shut out. A house without doors, without air, without a single sentimental goodbye. All that remained were the vacuum lines, perfectly straight, in the square little bedroom that he said would never end.

  5. with out an excuse
    to delve deeper into your heart
    I make up my own –
    it’s become an art.
    and now I sit
    and wonder how
    I got myself under –
    in –
    and with out
    you now.

  6. Without is a compound word. With meaning alongside or to join is one of the root words for this word. The other component is out which means depleted. Without subsequently means lacking something. also this song makes me think of U2, who sucks.

    by Adam gainer on 06.18.2010
  7. I was lost without my friends near me. I looked around the new school and stepped aside as somebody almost smeared me into a locker. I double-checked the school map and stepped into my first class. I sat in an isolated seat in the corner where no other students were at the moment. Nobody noticed me as I quietly went through the school day.

  8. Without love there would be no life. Without friends, there would be no love. Without family, love wouldn’t mean anything. Without you, I’d be so much happier. Without life, I wouldn’t be able to write this. How about them apples? ;)

    by Sarie on 06.18.2010
  9. I can’t stand living without you. When my boyfriend suggested we no longer see each other, I thought I could handle it. I thought I could find a good, or at least bearable, substitute. But there’s nothing like you. I miss you, pork. You were always good to me.

  10. without a schedule i am poor but free to run barefoot. i can’t afford the doctor to remove the thorn. my feet are beautifully sculpted by the sandy beach. they are sore from the hot asphalt.

  11. Without my circle of protection the world would know all about me – and what would they all see?

    by BelBel on 06.18.2010
  12. when i am without you, i amount to nothing.

  13. living creates great sadness and melancholy in the blooming days where all is done and all is gone and forever shall the wind shake the trees from above where all is said and all has been made we cannot, cannot go without the buds and blossoms of the year

    by gia on 06.18.2010
  14. My hand was held out, open, shaking it looked for something to keep it still. You were here and sometimes there. Your hand covered mine, it no longer shook. You ask me what torture is, I can’t leave you without an answer. The roads sway and I with them, there is no stability here. Maybe there. I hope there’s someone.

  15. “No.” Was all I could say. Millions of questions were going through my head. Why did they abandon me? Why weren’t they there when I needed them the most? Why did they make it seem like everything was alright when it wasn’t? Why am I without them?

    by Taylyn on 06.18.2010
  16. Without him I felt empty. I looked around the room, seeing a couple of bodies. One was Kielov’s. One was John’s. I knew I would be happy with Lorcan, but this moment had culminated over the last year and now it was time to be happy. I knew that this would all happen again, that I would have the rest of my life to be wildly happy, but that it would end. And then in 20 years, it would begin again. We’d have our chance all over again.

    by Elizabeth on 06.18.2010
  17. without you
    there can’t be a tomorrow
    without you
    there can’t be a smile
    without you
    there can’t be me…

  18. The thought of living without you
    turns my insides out.
    I can never dream of living without
    hearing your voice each day.

  19. without a doubt i can no longer go. without it i can no longer be. its been a year and i cant remember whats its like to be without it.

    by xisa on 06.18.2010
  20. Without doubt the craziest thing ever! Like, INSANE!! Anyway… not like anyone died… just… almost… well… that’s life… guess you can’t always know…

    by Redhead on 06.18.2010
  21. without you I feel empty and broken. I miss you desprately, I know i shouldn’t. but I but I do

  22. Without you is a such a painful and perilous journey throughout this depthy universe of dark stars

  23. She existed, but no more than that. There was no longer that fiery glow just beneath her surface. She had been extinguished; she was an lantern without a flame. She was lifeless.

  24. Without you, I feel free. I feel good; simply put. I no longer have strings attached, I can fly to the highest cloud and sit, thinking of story lines and of faraway places. Ideas, thoughts, dreams, all mesh into one.

  25. a preson that you really wish you were with is not a state in which i would like to be. if only i was WITH them now. I could make things better and I could be happy again. How i wish this word were it’s opposite. love doesnt fade…not for me

    by forsaken on 06.18.2010
  26. Without a doubt, it was the stupidest thing I had ever done in my life. Sitting in the police station, I glanced around at my fellow detainees. We weren’t guarded, not really- just a guard by the door nearest to the handcuffed people. I wasn’t cuffed. I slid out of my seat slowly when the guard was distracted by a fresh escape attempt by one heavily tattooed woman who was cuffed to the bench. The other door wasn’t guarded.

    by Katie Adams on 06.18.2010
  27. I can’t do anything without you. you left me here, in america, while you went to enjoy yourself in mexico. i’m a bumbling mess. i say your name every 30 seconds. i hope youre having more fun without me than i am without you. i love you sershio munoz.

    by miho on 06.18.2010
  28. I sit here without knowledge of what to write. Band of Horses blares in my ears. I think the song is…. i forget the name. def from Everything all the time. Wow u can just hit back and edit the text. LAAAAAAMMME SAUUUUUCE.

    by Greg on 06.18.2010
  29. Without chocolate, I’d be truly miserable on days like this – days full of rain and yelling and bad moods and crappy coffee. Without chocolate, I might have given up an hidden in my bed all day.

    by on 06.18.2010
  30. Without expectations exist no hesitations. A situation occurs in which we are presented with expectations and ideals of what is to come. Without these, there would be no hesitations.

    by Amber on 06.18.2010
  31. i was without a doubt lost in the forest with the garden gnomes chasing me with potato launchers.
    i had the magical jewel of Saint Christopher’s and they wanted it back! well too bad.
    without the jewel i will die.


    by Tori Glassburn on 06.18.2010
  32. Without you, I feel like nothing. When dad comes at me with everything he’s got, shouting slurs and muffled curses as he bends down to hit me, then I think of you and wonder how life went so wrong. Mom, come back, save me from it, from dad, from myself…

    by MiaMia on 06.18.2010
  33. Without the monster she was nohing. With the monster she was even less. But she was hooked, and nothing would change that.

    by barry on 06.18.2010
  34. Without an end, without a bend.
    I never lend any of myself.
    Not to a friend, don’t care to amend.

    Without a face, without a place,
    She was gone, and no trace.
    Time’s a race, without any case,

    I feel without.

  35. I can’t leave without you. You’re not staying behind on your own. I will not allow it. No matter how tough things may have gotten, you know I’ve always stood by you sinc

    by Pol on 06.18.2010
  36. without you i would surely die you’re my son please always take care of yourself like i would

    by Lori on 06.18.2010
  37. Without is the lack of something. Usually something you want. To be without is a terrible feeling. Without love, without the things you need. Being without something is possible the most horrible feeling ever. All I ever wanted was to be with, not without. Is that so hard to understand? It makes me sad. I hate being sad.

    by Silvercira on 06.18.2010
  38. without you is hell

    enough said madeleine long, i love you

    by Bryn on 06.18.2010
  39. this is when you don’t have something you feel you should need or that you do actually need it could be a possession like food or whatever but you can also be WITHOUT something immaterial like love or whatever and if you’re without that life isn’t much to be had now is it? Yeah thats about all I can think

    by Lee on 06.18.2010
  40. Without. Without love, without happiness, without faith. That’s what comes to mind. But how sad is to be “without”.

    by Mel on 06.18.2010