
June 18th, 2010 | 379 Entries

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379 Entries for “without”

  1. Without him in my arms, my fabric came apart. It unraveled in the wind like kite strings in May, unhinging the nerve endings in my brain and winding around every artery, constricting my blood like anacondas in the south. I was pale and fragile and alone, under the sheets of a hurricane, left to ponder how the universe would function without your presence.

  2. I was without you for so long. It doesn’t feel like I thought that it would to be back with you again. My mind had seen it through rose colored glasses, pretty in pink with a bow on top. Reality was far different than that. I don’t feel like I did before, I don’t feel anything. I was without you for so long that I don’t need you anymore.

  3. you. i am with out you. it feels odd being with out you because we were together for so long. Now that I am writing about this, its seems weird because I don’t really think about us anymore. Ever. Why were you the first thing I thought of?

    by Carly on 06.18.2010
  4. Without you,
    there is no sun in the sky

    Without you,
    there is no sweet air to breathe

    Without you,
    I am alone.

    by Jasmine on 06.18.2010
  5. without you, the earth moves, the stars gleam, the poets dream, the sky soars, the days… bore. but i’d die without you. without you… life goes on, but i’m gone,caue i’d die without you. i wouldn’t be me without you, and without me you wouldn’t be you. we have grown as one, so without eachother, we are nthing. forever, i love you. because without you, i’d die.

    by Naliah Nadel on 06.18.2010
  6. without…………………………………………………..

    by abc on 06.18.2010
  7. without blood or a bible i am just pure thought, living alone and without. Life in dreams as wind in the seams of an ocean.

    by Fred on 06.18.2010
  8. Without what? Who knows, I know I don’t or maybe I do but just not yet. Without. Without. Without that someone? Without that something? Without life? So many things and all of them sound like fun.

    by Popov on 06.18.2010
  9. I can’t live without your touch.
    Your caresses going over me make me feel so comfortable.
    I can’t breathe without knowing that you are sitting there breathing next to me.
    I can’t live without you.

  10. I wish I could never be without you.

  11. Without you, I think of all I could do. Without you, I think of all the things I would love to do. And yet you still hinder me.

    by Sam on 06.18.2010
  12. I’m not without logic, I’m simply lacking in all motivation to explain myself.

  13. without anything I would be by myself somewhere. alone and mostlikely loosing my mind. looking for food. I

    by C on 06.18.2010
  14. Without a decent tether support, the elevator went down at terrifying speed. All the hopes and trade dreams of an entire world crashing down across the algae-gelled seas and mossy continents of a new world

    by David on 06.18.2010
  15. Without you I would die a miserable death. Without you I would be alone without a breath. I need you and must have you to live. My Oxygen

  16. Without you, this place isn’t worth being, see. That’s how deep it goes. Deeper than you can possibly imagine from where you are, emailing me like it’s nothing. Without you, I don’t sleep at night, wear sunglasses all around, ignore the hot guys staring me down.

    by Ella Emma Em on 06.18.2010
  17. Without a doubt, I could feel his heart pulsing beneath my fingers. I held onto the feeling grimly before shoving my weapon deep into his chest cavity. Peace at last for me, the avaenging angel of darkness.

    by Mysteria on 06.18.2010
  18. I can’t do without
    I can’t think about
    anything but you
    & all you’ve taken too

    by Amanda on 06.18.2010
  19. Without love, then the world will be nothing.
    Love brings us together. Love is what we need and want in times of hardship.
    Without love, what will we all have? People who we don’t care about. No friendships, relationships, mother daughter laughs, and much more.
    Now, who would want a world without all that? No one. Everyone wants love. Everyone needs love.
    Take Jamie, for example. Jamie is horrid. He is loveless. Jamie lives in a cardboard box outside an old, rundown factory. He has no wife, no parents, no nothing.
    Poor Jamie.
    Poor you, if you don’t have love.
    So, spread it. Spread the love.

  20. I know I can live without you. I’m worried that you won’t live without me though. I’ve helped you out through so much and I know I can keep helping you. But I think it’s time for you to start helping yourself.

  21. Without clocks, without maps, without technology, where would we be?
    Without love, without hate, without reason, what would be be?

  22. with or without, sugar for your tea, creamer for your coffee. So many questions! I could do without the questions! My brain wishes to sleep, and without your constant prattling I think this would be a much easier task to accomplish! I could do without the inner monologue of doubt, I can’t find the on/off switch though…

  23. without you i would be lost, i would have never expierenced the things in life that have made me me. i cherish the time that i have spend finding myself in your eyes and having you bathe my soul, without these thoughts i would be nothing.

    by amy on 06.18.2010
  24. “With or without you,” I said. “I’m going on because it’s what I was tau-”

    “I’ll believe that when vampires sparkle.” He hissed, gritting his teeth in pain.

  25. without going on and on about myself, i attempt to talk. it is hard, for everything comes back to me. all i say, do, type, yell…it’s all a diary of who i am trying to be. none of it is truthful, however.

    by Jordan on 06.18.2010
  26. Without. I live without a lot. I’ve lived without my father for the past 6 years now. But I’m still with.

    by Katrina on 06.18.2010
  27. This is relative, and inevitable. This is what we all have to deal with, and to embrace. This is.

    by Lane on 06.18.2010
  28. i feel lonely without my family especially the kidos, and friends. Miss my city and it sucks out here.

    by abc on 06.18.2010
  29. They just keep talking. About nothing particular and without any real purpose. Make it stop.

  30. without you, without love, there’s nothing in me. i have nothing to look forward to. i’m just an empty soul.

    by Nancy on 06.18.2010
  31. Without her, he is nothing. A nobody. Just like he used to be.

    Without her, he feels nothing, sees nothing, has nothing. She is the heart and soul that he lacks, the love he never had, the family he never knew he wanted.

    Without her, he is dead.

    by K.C.P. on 06.18.2010
  32. without a doubt I cannot write a good script with this word. I am without inspiration. without motivation. without drive. I cannot write a script without a prompt.

    by MC on 06.18.2010
  33. I can’t catch my breath because there’s no air. I know I am suffocating slowly and death isn’t supposed to hurt but it is pain. Pain is all I feel, peircing , sharp, and deadly I know. Deflating my lungs, pain, I suffocate without you.

  34. She had gone without all of her life and she was determined that her children would never want for anything, no matter what the cost …

  35. cracking all over brittle like mascara eyelashes batting wet. you knew. now you know better. coppery longing between us and no more.

  36. Living without you is a very sad thing that I wish I never had to do. Baby I miss you so much it hurts. Living without Computers would be very tough aswell. I dont know what I would do

    by Kayla on 06.18.2010
  37. Without you in my life i always thought i wouldn’t laugh. Or even smile ever again. Without you everything would fall apart. Without you i wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning. But now that you’re with her… I wonder what I ever saw in you. Why you were so irresistable. Why i needed you so much when you are really just a lie, everything you did and said was a lie. We were a lie. Love, ha. Every moment was a game for you.

    by Danielle on 06.18.2010
  38. Without Water
    The sweet sound of your voice
    Telling me it’s all alright in the world
    Without your kiss
    Your touch
    It’s like being without

  39. Without my voice, I’d never express my thoughts or feelings in a way that is not unemotional. Typing words on the screen doesn’t get the emotion through. It’s the sound that’s needed. Something I’ll have to do without.

  40. you, it, me, we just float along the crust of the earth, untethered balloons. where did you go? what did you leave? a chair, a shaving kit, smell of old spice showers in the morning and your eyes same as my eyes you gave.

    by Liz Mannebach on 06.18.2010