
January 14th, 2011 | 323 Entries

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323 Entries for “whim”

  1. Oh, whims. They can get you in trouble. They’re impulses. But supposedly benign ones. Things that make others smile. Things that do no harm. Are they? I like to think so.

    I think a whim can be a spark of genius that helps carry you away to a place where you’re not afraid to try something new.

    by Elaine on 01.15.2011
  2. The feather floated by crusted with sea salt and salty grit, like a whim passing through my mind, to land gently in the water before being crushed by the thunderous surging, salty surf.

  3. On a whim I decided to dress up as a Stepford wife. I called it character research. Honestly, after downing a few cocktails, acting like a placid hausfrau gets a whole lot easier. I admit it, my whims are often deranged.

    by on 01.15.2011
  4. I want to know what this word means, going to google it. Ah, a whim! I remember know. What an interesting word. I like it. It makes me think of choices, and how they reflect on us.

    by Trey on 01.15.2011
  5. i seriously donnon what is the meaning of whim, so i cannot write anything about it coz the actual meaning has to be known first and then i can think writing something about it but in this case i made an attempt to write something which still i end up without understanding what really it is. :)

    by naveen on 01.15.2011
  6. Whims sound beautiful because of the soft ‘wh’ sound, but whims are overrated. The unconscious mind is overrated. Whims can be quirky and entertaining or poetic, but more often than not they are mundane and id like. Sod whims.

  7. Not much of a whim, stumbleupon already brought me to this particular whim. Well, that was a whim but this isn’t. A little unexpected I figured I different word would greet me. Would I whims would walk by more than just Wednesdays.

  8. I don’t have a whim. I do have whims. If I acted on my whims life would be a bundle of chaos. If everyone acted on their whims the universe would be a bundle of chaos. The assumption is that whims are always bad, however. They’re not. I imagine they are mainly rather eccentric and quirky. The bundle of chaos may be fun. It may be scary. Perhaps our unconscious whims are overrated.

    by Tina on 01.15.2011
  9. Smile.
    My love, I will never let you go. Not ever.
    Even though it is my whim, I will never let go.
    I won’t let you go from me.

  10. on a whim it would be nice to do anything. spontaneity is really the key to happiness. makes things just that much more interesting, plans are for suckers. People always do things they’d never do when they don’t plan them.

    by Chloe on 01.15.2011
  11. I am very sorry (well actually no), that I don’t know the word above my lines. ‘Whim’. It sounds nice, nevertheless, and the time is so short, or how you say it. So, I guess, in a way, I failed.
    And because I didn’t wrote my name and email address in the fields, I got another 60 seconds.

    by Szabo Noemi on 01.15.2011
  12. reckless and not thinking when you are doing something like you’re rash and well, rash. impetuous and young

    by ern on 01.15.2011
  13. He tended to do things on a whim, or at least that’s what everyone else thought. As I grew older I realised that what we called his whims were actually completely thought-out – if only in a few second’s time.

    by Andora on 01.15.2011
  14. Freedom. The freedom to be spontaneous. Random creation with purpose, force and energy. Blown apart. Generally ends in laughter.

  15. I wrote her on a whim. And it turned into the biggest disaster of my life. The fallout was horrific. Divorce. Suicide. All of life’s tragedies completed in a three-month period.

  16. to do a thing unexpectedly following one’s intuition, honoring spontanaeity, generosity, and joy. Results are usually non-regretful.

    by Gracie on 01.15.2011
  17. On a whim…waiting til inspiration hits…choosing to do what is on my list not someone else’s…on a whim…will say whatever comes to my feeble mind…on a whim to love life…

    by sheri on 01.15.2011
  18. I do everything on a whim, it seems. Even when I try to plan ahead, when everything could go perfectly if I just did things how they were supposed to be done, I end up changing it all in the end because my stupid emotions get the best of me and try to tell me that I should do what my heart says at that very moment, even though I’m obviously going to regret exactly what I do. But I guess that’s what acting on a whim means; it seems right in the moment, even if it is completely wrong.

  19. It was a whim that made me do it. Maybe I lie.
    Maybe it was a long lived wish I was fulfilling.
    I tore by notebook in half with a scream and flung it at the professor, howling and leaping downt the tiers to dive tackle her.
    Punching her I scream: “It’s pronounced sigh-napse!”

  20. Whatever I please, this is my life at this moment. Flying away somewhere I only just decided on, seeing what there is. Eating the food, maybe. Going somewhere else by boat. Coming back, perhaps, coming and going, before I die.

    by FC on 01.15.2011
  21. I do everythinn a whim. Like this writing piece. No thinking involved- just typing. I’m doing it on a whim. And it’s cool. More exciting that way.

    by Amy on 01.15.2011
  22. She had kissed him on a whim. Just like that. Now it was over, their so-called friendship was now over because of her. Why did she have to do that? What could have been worse than this? Nothing, that’s what. How she wished she had never listened to what her heart was telling her. Her brain was constantly fighting against her gut reactions whenever she saw him, but this time, her heart had won. Now what was she going to do? It wasn’t like she could go back in time…. dang.

  23. Who else could make this happen, who else would want it to? To suffice the anguish of her life, she ran away. Everyone else that was important left, I would too. So she ran away to protect her heart, to make it so it wouldn’t be difficult for us, and we wouldn’t resent each other.

    by Mike on 01.15.2011
  24. I have n o idea what this means, but I want to have a look in the dictionary. nobody knows what will happen at the end of time, the elapsed time I mean because I had no idea what I was writing about, so let’s see what happens. So, time is elapsing again, I clicked the wrong button, so I have to write again about the word that I don’t know. What am I doing here? I am wasting my time on the internet.

    by Dora on 01.15.2011
  25. On a whim she started to gather yarn, then she grabbed her knitting needles and the click-clacking began. There were holes in the piece knitted strip, there were knots but she was determined to call it a scarf anyway. She would prove that she could work with yarn like most girls. Only that she was a cat.

    by chaotizitaet on 01.15.2011
  26. I suppose one could argue that needing to write is a whim – if asked to justify it i can think of nothing more meaningful than ‘because I want to.’ But that’s a good enough reason for me. So it will have to be good enough for them.

  27. It’s fancy.

    by SeulMi on 01.15.2011
  28. When they say ill b e @ your every whim
    i think theyre lieng
    everybody has an angle
    getting something from ya
    look for your weakness

    amir you were wrong a7a
    you shouldnt ghave done that



  29. To follow him that day was just a whim of mine. It wasn’t something that I planned. He looked at me with his spectacles down on his nose and huffed disapprovingly.

  30. Whim is about a forbiden phone call, known mistake. Its about future anguish and regret that first produces tears but then down the road turns in to laughter

    by Ivana Popovic Whim on 01.15.2011
  31. He sat in the station – there were no trains till way later. Four small scraps of paper ran like rodents across the platform and down to the tracks. Little knowing he watched the cat follow and pursued it as though dreaming.

  32. whim is about food, about forbidden phone call, about just doing it unrelated to Nike shoes. I do stupid stuff on the whim that then further complicate things and hurt me and down the road make me laugh with friends. Whim is a beginning of greatest leassons in life.

    by Ivana Popovic Whim on 01.15.2011
  33. It was no longer a whim, instead, it became a decisive moment of truth. The joke turned from lighthearted banter to an unflinching silence that began to violently errupt in close focus under florecents turned spotlight. All hope deteriorated in one whimsical moment.

  34. I like to do things on a whim. A whim is a flight of fancy. Not very serious, but more light & fool-hardy. Whims are very enjoyable. I’m being whimsical right now…see what I did there? I just used whim in another word.

    by Lewej on 01.15.2011
  35. ive got a whimsical idea.. i can make whim a word tht has many more meanings to it so that this won’t be so hard on other people. I have a certain desire to become greater and to develop my whimsical ideas, this makes no sense because of time pressure and i dont know what im saying but that’s ok.

    by Luli on 01.15.2011
  36. I bought these socks on a whim…but now I’m not so sure if they were worth the fifty cents I spent…but I already cut the tags off…so there is nothing I can do but wear them…watch out world here we come! :P

  37. Having exhausted every whim, he sat down and waited for something more concrete to come and take him away.

    by HDFHDF on 01.15.2011
  38. I took myself off to the shops, just to see what I could find. I was looking for a treat, anything to make me feel better. A tea cosy, a scarf – a gold necklace. What the hell. I was dumped. I deserved something. I just wasn’t quite sure what it was…yet. Or what the budget was for that matter. How do you put a price on a broken heart and how much money do you need to mend it.

  39. I’m going to go out on a whim here and say I love you. I love every little thing about you, and I love the imperfections that you carry around with you. Is it too cheesy to say that I feel like you complete me? Yes? Too bad. You do.

    by chantelle on 01.15.2011
  40. We are all creatures of our whims. It’s what we do. It’s what defines our basic self absorbed and whiny natures. Without whims, we’d be.. not human. We’d cease to want. And when you cease to want, it’s either because you have everything or there’s nothing left. And you can never have everything. So, we’re whimsical. It’s what we are.