
May 12th, 2010 | 286 Entries

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286 Entries for “wealth”

  1. MONEY. I wish I had money. I want to win the lottery really badly. I would travel the world.

    by Lizziefresh on 05.12.2010
  2. Wealth. I haven’t got it, at least not when it comes to money. I’ve got it where it matters. Do you?

  3. money does not mean
    you are any prettier, what a
    shame. sucks to be you.

  4. She was everything. She dripped with pearls, and the scent of lilac perfume wafted from her moist skin as she walked by our table. She was the definition of wealth.

    by Rae Magee on 05.12.2010
  5. i am poor. very poor. i cant buy every shoe i see on the internet. and the more i buy, the less i own that i actually like, and the less money i have to spend on things i want. why cant i pull off the clothes like every other girl in the world?

  6. I wish I was wealthy. But to be wealthy, or even to begin my wealth, I’d need a job. I do not have a job. I will probably go apply at On the Borders tomorrow. I really hope I get it because that restaurant is really busy, I’ll make lots of tips. Am I supposed to keep writing? I finished then I hit submit without entering my name or email. So it went back to counting down from sixty seconds. Weird! I’m just going to wait for this to end. 5, 4, 3 2, 1.

    by Maria on 05.12.2010
  7. It’s about gold and money in this world but in my heart it is about having Ryan’s love and my mother’s words, my father’s strength, and my brother’s laughter. Ryan is my gold and heart; I am rich.

    by Hillary on 05.12.2010
  8. Gold and ornate. Women used as furniture. Decadence. So rich and sweet it melts my teeth. Lounge about while the world goes by without you.

  9. Maybe someday, my dreams of going to Japan will come true. Maybe I’ll live in that beautiful flat in Shibuya with my best friends. Maybe I’ll have enough money to spend on everyone I love. I hope everything turns out ok for me. I don’t mind if I’m not wealthy. I just want to be happy.

  10. The motion of the waves was getting to me. I had to put my copy of the New York Times down and get out of the cabin and onto the deck. The waves were lapping quietly at the sides of the boat in a rhythm that caused it to rock far more than you think the seas would cause.

    by Brett on 05.12.2010
  11. Wealthy, riches, gold, seductress, concubine, gold, ornate, I can feel myself slowly sinking into a plush haven I call my personal hell.

    by Midea Clematis on 05.12.2010
  12. I had never had anyone to hold, no wealth, but I still made it out all right. Didn’t i turn out just fine?

    by Henry on 05.12.2010
  13. What is wealth? To many, it’s the size of the number at the bottom of your bank account every month of the number of bills in your wallet. True wealth cannot be measured by money.

  14. A commodity which is traded amongst those who already have it for the benefit of themselves. The only substance known to man that runs up hill.

    by Aidan Lancaster on 05.12.2010
  15. rich. money. you get what you want. people in california are wealtjy. you get to drive a nice car. things arent quite so hard for people who are lucky enough to have wealth.

    by Shani on 05.12.2010
  16. It was one thing to live in a wealthy estate, but another to be rich. It was just as well that Katrina had money because catching butterflies when you’re a very pink juicy watermelon with wings made her designer home rather messy. It was all worth it for the look on the cleaning ladies face when she turned up each Monday for her daily chores. And the butterflies were beautiful.

    by on 05.12.2010
  17. don’t have it. won’t have it because I’m a fucking retard and am fucking my life up. that’s it.

    by lainie on 05.12.2010
  18. Pursit of wealth guided every move in his life until now. He wanted to succeed at all cost. Until he did.

  19. glittering brightly
    to eager eyes.
    you are


  20. I want it. I want a lot of it. Sometimes I think I’m obsessed with it. Can money really not buy happiness? I find that to be untrue to some extent. Money buys me things. Things make me happy. Am I too materialistic? Maybe.

    by Whitney on 05.12.2010
  21. Money is wanted too much. I don’t give a fuck how much cash you have, I want you to have a decent personality, get my humor, and make jokes of your own. Go take your damn bribes somewhere else, I don’t want any of it.

    by saga.wall on 05.12.2010
  22. This is what I want. I live for wealth. It is all about business, and nothing about family. Its about trying your best to be all you can be, be as rich as you can. Wealth is what will make you happy. Its a lie that you cant buy happyness. because with wealth, you can.

    by john paterson on 05.12.2010
  23. Unparalleled wealth. Unprecidented power. Absolute domination. All things that are sought after by humans. But only few have achieved them. And I absolutely could not let those things fall into the hands of the wrong person. It all depended on me. /Well, shiz./

    by on 05.12.2010
  24. I was most happiest where walls don’t make homes
    wealth brings a split seconds joy
    yet a lifetime of greed-ed jealousy fueled with hatred

    by Victoria Gregory on 05.12.2010
  25. he stacks each book, carefully placing the spine on a diagonal on the shelf, then sliding edges against neighbors until the novel is in place – completing this wealth of knowledge, and words

  26. Wealth is a matter of the heart not the pocket. what is money if you have no friends or family to share it with. Wealth is love, acceptance and joy. so enjoy the wealth of life :)

    by Michelle Bonsall on 05.12.2010
  27. he was very wealth man. all he had was money and he didnt know what to do about it so he decided to make a rocket bed and fly to the moon cause why the heck not so he did and he met some pirates and they try to rob him but he shoot them with his lasers. the end :D

    by mike cubias on 05.12.2010
  28. lots of money. being very rich. money is what you posses. being very well financed. thats all you have money. MONEY MONEY

    by mike on 05.12.2010
  29. Many people are wealthy yet don’t appreciate it. For some reason being born wealthy makes people think they themselves are worth more than others. Not monetary worth but their general worth as a person. It is rare to find the wealthy person with a sense that they themselves are equal with everyone else.

    by Anneka on 05.12.2010
  30. there was a wealth of feelings overflowing in the room. many people were scared, others didn’t know how to react. I was just bursting with love, because I was with my soulmate and he was finally happy.

    by Christine on 05.12.2010
  31. Adam Smith wrote the book. A free market economy is more beneficial to society. Joseph Smith founded the American religion. Those golden plates have got to be worth something. Can you imagine them on Antique Roadshow? The Smiths should have gotten wealthy from their royalty checks but Sire probably fucked them over and heaven knows they’re miserable now.

  32. All the wealth in the world couldn’t fill the empty void in his heart. Henry had millions upon millions of dollars, but with no one to share it with, the money seemed pointless.

  33. There was a dearth of words on a certain website that purports itself to be all about wordsmithing. Disappointment in the highest degree.

    by Peter on 05.12.2010
  34. It is important to so many, yet it is not important in the long tun. I feel that I would like a wealthy husband, so that I could afford the things I want in life. But only one thing will follow me into Heaven

    by l.bubly on 05.12.2010
  35. he was a stately old man, with a velvet coat. he approached me at dusk, when the breeze smelt like silver, and the air was as his coat

    by cha on 05.12.2010
  36. wealth doesn’t necessarily mean money. it can mean wealth in health, or love. who knows. i’m wealthy when it comes to the amount of bracelets i’ve made. :P yeah, so, fish! eww.

    by Krishana Raghubeer on 05.12.2010
  37. it sucks how wealth turns people into greedy little monsters. then they can go the opposite and use it to other’s advantage. you can go both ways with it. just depends on your own strength.

    by solange on 05.12.2010
  38. 1wealth = when economical accumulation leverages total Happenstance

    by on 05.12.2010
  39. Full, lush leaves reaching
    Warm, soft stars glowing
    Laughs, eyes, friends talking
    Breathe. The world is rich with treasures.

  40. Wealth. There wasn’t much more to him. He was very wealthy. But not only was he wealthy, but he was sexy too. His dashing good looks got him into resturants and clubs no problem. It got him the women too. He had sparkling green eyes and lucious lips.