
May 12th, 2010 | 286 Entries

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286 Entries for “wealth”

  1. they say money can’t buy happyness but perhaps
    it can buy things that will make me happy
    so I crave wealth… wealth of the mind
    but the more you talk the less I want to listen
    blahblahblah just walk away because I feel much too old for this shit

    by Sharent Hernandez on 05.12.2010
  2. The wealth that I feel in my Heart is more than I can ever express.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 05.12.2010
  3. the kennedys! they’re good people!! bobby kennedy i always look at bobby during us history because he’s hot. except i hate him.

    by hipster girl on 05.12.2010
  4. Its something that must be earned. It will not make you happy, it might help but it wont make your life amazing like you might think. It can buy material things. I would like to be wealthy some day but not show it in a crazy snobby way.

    by Marissa on 05.12.2010
  5. wealthiest in your love and friendship. If I could be wealthy with love and friendship. I would be so happy. Most of the time, I think I’d want to have money so I could make you happy. Give you more. If I had more – I’d want to give you more.

    by s.smile on 05.12.2010
  6. Wealth is not the measure of success.

    by John on 05.12.2010
  7. I wish I had the wealth of a millionaire. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about saving up for my vacation. Seems like I have time but no money. And that’s what everyone thinks wealth is, money. But time is enough wealth for me, is it not?

  8. monitary builds. it grows and breaks, it passes and dies and lives again in the creators children. forever passed untill it wears down to dirt.

    by sdfa on 05.12.2010
  9. there are a lot of things i don’t understand about wealth. why do people feel the need to sacrifice other things, like the environment, just for money? or honor? it’s disgusting. maybe if we all concentrated on being more accommodating to the needs of our planet, we would all get along better as it’s inhabitants.

    by Evan on 05.12.2010
  10. i get hungry for it and fat on it, full to my belly and wealth trickles away and i go hungry again. skinny, craving, lonely, cranky, whiny. and it comes back around when i’m lucky. it hurts so bad to be emaciated.

    by elisa on 05.12.2010
  11. somehting i absolutely wish i had. although wealth does not always come in the form of currency. i am weal3thy. so very wealthy. but not in the money way.

    by mo on 05.12.2010
  12. oprah winfrey has a lot of superficial wealth. wealth to me is having a happy and healthy family that cares about me, and loves me. wealth in terms of money is often overrated

    by sabrina on 05.12.2010
  13. Despite her great wealth, she was still ill. The sickness would never go away. No amount of money could fix her.

  14. Wealth, it makes the world go round. The more wealth the more power… or is it the more power, the more wealth?

    by Mackenzie on 05.12.2010
  15. dancing under the sun as its wealth of warmth reaches into your soul, turning each doubt into a smile

    by Brogan on 05.12.2010
  16. fuck your wealth

  17. Wealth. So many people today devote their entire lives to the pursuit of wealth. Maybe its time we took a look at ourselves and decided if being that rich-ass tycoon up the street is really worth all the trouble we’re going through. Maybe we should sit back and enjoy our lives, and stop worrying about what we’re going to do to get rich.

    by Alex on 05.12.2010
  18. I’ve never really been wealthy. I wish. Although most of my friends make fun of me for being so materialistic but in this society; who isn’t? I’m sorry that I like to shop. I guess I’m just funny that way. But I would like to be wealthy someday. I would also be extremely happy just to be in love and writing I don’t really need money to be wealthy. But that sounds cliche. Oh well…we’ll see.

    by Cassandra Cornelius on 05.12.2010
  19. I wish I had enough money to just go out and build without worrying about where the money is coming from and do what I want to do. Forget whats stopping me. Wealth.

    by john on 05.12.2010
  20. wealth is the root of societal problems. It makes people think that they are better than others. wealth = greed

    by fsdfsf on 05.12.2010
  21. I have spent the better part of my life wishing for wealth only to discover that it most certainly would corrupt so alas I am happy to be poor.

  22. It consumes you
    And it’s all your
    You’re there
    Without it or

    by Katie on 05.12.2010
  23. I have found all of the wealth I need: your eyes bronze, your heart gold, and the ring on your finger a silver that publicly binds you to me. I will never need any more; I will never expect any less.

    by on 05.12.2010
  24. I think it would be fantastic to be wealthy, but at the same time, i do feel kinda bad for kids that are born wealthy and are always called spoiled brats by everyone. it’s not there fault

    by chelsea on 05.12.2010
  25. and power are intertwined…. like death and longing. two words never whispered…. im poor.

    by Jonathan Wagner on 05.12.2010
  26. If I had the wealth of a million men I would spread it across everything. Every inch of the land would be replenished with love and the world would grow prosperous like it never has before. If I had those millions I would make a new order, one in which millions didnt matter. I would create something dynamic and new for the generations of the future to enjoy.

    by Kinzley on 05.12.2010
  27. Is what I have right infront of me.
    To be grateful.

    by Nawal on 05.12.2010
  28. the wealth in this country, the USA, is staggering. Imagine, a whole world full of open ends and anything you want is at your finger tips. You just have to work for it. But, isn’t it worth it in the end, knowing that you worked so hard for what you have, and how grand it is? That’s what the American dream is. The wealth, the end goal. You just have to get yourself there. Good luck.

    by LizLiz on 05.12.2010
  29. what does being rich do any good for anything? what does money prove? what does it share? what does it give? what is it anyways?


    by gabrielle on 05.12.2010
  30. I cocked my head to the side, listening to her trembling voice. It amused me that she would plead for her life with offers of fortune. I do not want the gold she offers me. I want revenge.
    Odd, I thought she’d be more of a challenge. her wealth always seemed to make her confident and strong. It made her feel as though the world owed her. It gave her the right to treat others badly and take what she wanted. Or so she thought. Now in her final minutes, her wealth will do her no good. My mouth waters as I tease the tip of my fangs with my tongue. Such a shame she prefered gold to silver. Gold offers her no protection against my cold skin. I smile as I take my first bite, crimson running over the wealth on her body. Revenge my wealth for the moment worth more than all her riches

    by CatCat on 05.12.2010
  31. The wealth surrounded her but did not touch her heart. It was only gold after all. Not what she wanted the most, which was to be loved. The wealth of love is worth more than all the gold in the world according to some people…but are they right? Could it be worth so much? Should it be worth so much to all of us?

    by Ash on 05.12.2010
  32. Wealth is something that every person aspires to, but only few ever receive in life. It is something most have to work for, but a few can just inherit. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a measure of the worth of someone’s life.

    by Jenna on 05.12.2010
  33. His afforded wealth was no match; traveling his merry way to the vendor of distributed nectars, an inconspicuous little placard informed him (after purchase) that it only accepted exact change.

    by Sean on 05.12.2010
  34. what’s going on? I’m confused? Who lives for this stuff? What joy does it bring? If you don’t worry about it, what goes wrong? There’s so much more. The richest people aren’t the happiest. Has no one caught on to that? They have, but no one listens, or notices. You should. Forget the details. They work out. God cares about you. Live life with a purpose.

    by Aeglos on 05.12.2010
  35. Wealth is what many consider success, but is that really success? Does that really make us happy? If we cannot be content with what we have here and now, then not, and cannot be happy with more money….

  36. wealth. health smelth. smelth not a word. stop laughing devany. um…something i don’t have a ot of except maybe i do i guess it depends on your definition because i have a lot of love which is mainly the most important thing but if you’re talking about money, hah but um, yes, no idk, will you stop distracting me?!

    by miss wildflower on 05.12.2010
  37. Wealth. One of those pie-in-the-sky terms that sounds good on paper. Like socialism. Wealth was what you wished for as a nine year old eldest girl laying in the shady uneven lawn of your backwards Kentucky home, clad in hand me downs from who knows who.

  38. You never told me you were wealthy. I gotta admit it, it sucks. I mean, I already owe you the world. How am I supposed to pay you? How am I supposed to be like this?

    by Rocío on 05.12.2010
  39. Wealth. How interesting. How frustrating to attain, yet how glorious once you have caught it. Yet why do we all seek wealth in physical goods? Why not seek wealth in soul and spirit and hope and joy? Can we not enjoy ourselves a good day, without worrying of taxes or bills or scrabbling for our paycheck?

    by Megan Tort on 05.12.2010
  40. I dont have it, not in money form. With friends its there, family as well. I despise money, it controls society to fall to their knees