
August 20th, 2010 | 248 Entries

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248 Entries for “under”

  1. Under a waterfall, where dreams do come true. Ever wonder what that really means. You don’t get anything but wet under a waterfall, last time I checked. Wet, annoyed, and possibly seriously injured. Don’t play with me, Wonka commercial. I’m on to you.

    by Alana on 08.20.2010
  2. I have a monster under my bed. he wants to get out but I keep him down there so I can scare people away at night. Its awesome. You should get one.

    by jessie on 08.20.2010
  3. to not be above something, the state of having something on top of you, to go unnoticed underneath something else, to be hidden when others think you’re dead at their feet. that’s under the fucknig radar

    by conor on 08.20.2010
  4. Under the oak tree, the cat lie still, a soft breeze rustles it’s leaves, and there was not a care in the world….But if that breeze were to blow the leaves away, what shade would be left in that bright and sunny day? Ode to the cat under the oak tree

    by Alex Hill on 08.20.2010
  5. under the hill side there was a small house. an old woman lived in that house. she had knobb knees and a crooked elbow with long gray hair. I used to go to that house ot read the old womans books. she had very little in my language but the one’s i couldn’t understand were always full of pictures.

    by Ella on 08.20.2010
  6. Under the willow tree,
    My heart fell asunder
    and I surrendered
    To a thunderous power
    that took my breath away.

  7. Underneath the bed, or even underneath the sheets. That’s where I like it best. I like skin touching skin, over and under, yours and mine. Under my skin, sometimes, you are. I’ve got you under my skin. Underneath your clothes, under everything.

    by Kath on 08.20.2010
  8. when i think about under i think about bridges and how dark and wet they are underneath. and i think of the billy goats and how they are probably smelly from living under there. its gross when you think about it. so are underbellies. ew.

    by elisa on 08.20.2010
  9. There was a beautiful girl under a willow tree crying into her knees. Her heart was broken and she felt as though she could never be loved. Her mother always told her, “You’ll always be ugly and fat! No man will ever love you!” She didn’t want to believe it herself, but everyone else told her the same thing.

    by Serephym Myser on 08.20.2010
  10. It was under the bed, how on earth it had gotten there she had no idea. She was sure she had put it away in the drawer. That was the second time this week …

  11. there was a young girl who sat alone under the bridge. she sits, she waits. is she waiting for the rain to stop or for someone to join her? he comes. they wait together. they huddle together until the rain stops. under the bridge.

    by Rebecca on 08.20.2010
  12. He hid under his humor, behind it if you will. No one needed to know who he was under the surface. He liked being alone. He liked the silence.

  13. beneath things means under. underwater, under the weather, undercover. under under under. underwear = undies, which in my opinion is much better than panties. gross.

    by Stephanie on 08.20.2010
  14. I was under you. I felt you all over. I felt everything you were. It scared me to death. That and that you weighed 300 pounds more than me, so I was crushed as a result.

    by Nicole-Ryan on 08.20.2010
  15. Not above, but underneath. Covered by shadow and shade and protected from the sun and other things above. Safety and sneakiness are ideas put forward by this word.

    by nick on 08.20.2010
  16. I went under the boat to check on the rudder. I didn’t find any problems with it, which is good. I don’t know how to fix something like that. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to learn about these things before taking the boat out.

    by Barbie on 08.20.2010
  17. She was sitting there, under the tree. Not moving, not breathing it seemed, but she was more present then anyone i had ever seen. I was as if time didn’t happen around her, or to her; she was time, and time was her.

    by Leah Kowalchuk on 08.20.2010
  18. Under? Erm. Well. Uh. Gosh. Oh. Well the first thing to pop into my head is the false name Frodo gives when he, Sam, Merry and Pippin arrive at that place they arrive at. Whatever it’s called. Also, my feet are under my desk.

    by Alex Stevenson on 08.20.2010
  19. under the sea there are fish that swim around. under my bed there is a huge pile of clothes. under the ground there are many bugs. underwear. under my ass is a couch. under age

    by krystina on 08.20.2010
  20. spanish we learned that under means something…I could never remember that

    Remember that book? Remember What’s Under there? With the history of underwear throughout the ages?

    by katie on 08.20.2010
  21. My whole world was going under, he was dragging me down with into the strange tunnel under ground.

    by ellie on 08.20.2010
  22. under a world of war and hate. peace sits, waiting on us. will you keep it waiting?

    by hallie ulrich on 08.20.2010
  23. under the bridge is where some people sleep.
    underneath me is the earth.
    under that is up to you.

    by hallie ulrich on 08.20.2010
  24. under the bed my heart lays still and under my heart your lies will fill under the rain the lies will fall and down will come justice bitterness and all :)

    by oyuky on 08.20.2010
  25. under a tree she sat, silent and solid and calm.she thought of him under her skirts, he flirts but never makes anything real of it. it’s as if there’s no real answers to the questions he asks, nor to hers either.

    by sasha lorenz on 08.20.2010
  26. the sea where the light is absorbed. no feelings. just beings. swimming with fish, with other aquatic animals in silence. the silence is deafening to self loathing and self awareness.

    by bianca on 08.20.2010
  27. underneath the willow tree and next to the pond, I contemplate the summer’s day. I contemplate the heat, and why it makes me sleepy. I contemplate the wind, and why it makes me feel dreamy. I contemplate the pond, and why its waves are like a lullaby. However, after all this contemplation, the only thing left to contemplate is the underside of my eyelids.

  28. One of the worst feelings I’ve ever experienced is that of writing under pressure. I hated sitting down during the SAT and being forced to write a formulaic essay in 25 minutes, drawing upon relevant historical or personal examples and all of that other bullshit that doesn’t even truly indicate how good of a writer you are. Maybe they should just make all the students write a few things on oneword for the test.

  29. australia, under the bridge, under blankets, undercover, under the cover of darkness, underoos, underneath him, under the pink…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  30. Underneath the overpass, I fell asleep while watching my son play around the cement pillars that keeps the bridge over our heads from falling upon us.

    by Alexander J on 08.20.2010
  31. I am a bit under the weather, but that isn’t really true. I just feel blue and have no other socially acceptable way to explain my downcast mood than to blame it on downcast skies, even if they do not exist. Que reality.

  32. Under the tree there sat an ugly squirrel. What the hell is an ugly rodent doing out there in the first place?

    by kandis on 08.20.2010
  33. Under a bridge by my house lived a troll. He ate small children, or so I heard. One day, I brought my little brother, Marvin, down to meet the troll.

    They are still looking for Marvin. I could tell them, but I won’t. Mother is pregnant again, and enough is enough.

  34. gnomes live under bridges. sometime i would like to meet a gnome. do you think they smell funny? probably similar to dirt and fish.

    by Laura on 08.20.2010
  35. under the ground, i cant see. i dont know whats going on around me, above ground. i cant see anyone, and they cant see me. but they dont know whats beneath the ground the tread on. its me. i know theyre there, but they dont care.

  36. Sitting under a bridge has to be one of my favorite things to do. I love looking up through wooden slates at slivers of the night sky above. Usually theres water around me, and I’m sitting on a rock in the middle of a river or lake. It’s peaceful, and still. Usually quiet with nothing but the sounds of the water rushing by me to tickle my ears.

    by Liz on 08.20.2010
  37. Under my clothes is my skin. My skin isn’t pretty, in places. There are stretch markes and broken veins and too many scars. My skin is a roadmap.

    It’s white skin so the breaks in it stand out like rivers on a map.

    by alicia on 08.20.2010
  38. underneath the blanket i could feel his hand crawling up my leg. i pretended to be asleep, wanting to keep the exciting feeling going until i was about to burst.

    by Elaine on 08.20.2010
  39. “What have you been eating under there? ”
    “Under where?”
    “You’ve been eating underwear!?!?”

  40. She was under his spell, captivated by the way his dark eyes held hers whenever she walked into the room. He had an unforgiving stare and it pierced her skin, sending unwelcome shivers down her spine. It wasn’t as if she shouldn’t have expected to see him again, but how was she to know that the seemingly harmless one-night stand was actually her sister’s ex-fiancée?

    by S on 08.20.2010