
August 20th, 2010 | 248 Entries

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248 Entries for “under”

  1. underneath the water there is seaweed that wasn’t there in the middle of summer but has grown freely since everyone left town. The water was clear and calm and you could see right through to the bottom.

    by emily on 08.20.2010
  2. Under the palm tree, Alison sat with the brim of her hat tilted. She had been there before, under the same palm tree, with her mother before she died. Now, it served to remind her of both the pain and happiness her mother brought her.

    by S on 08.20.2010
  3. under the water i swam haphazardly, looking up and uncomforted at the quickly dimming light. I didn’t know where I would end up, but All I could think about and feel was the water crushing all around me. I needed help, and fast. The only thing that was happening was I Was being puled down faster, faster and faster, under the crushing weight.

    by Smoke on 08.20.2010
  4. I am under the world right now. Soon I will rise and take my place among the galaxy. What the puny humans don’t know is that I will take control, and I will master everyone and everything. There will no longer be freedom, there will no longer be hope. I will make this MY planet.

  5. Everything seemed fine when we were sitting there, feet tucked in the sand like the day had no end, but my hopes were high and I was young.

    by Garrett on 08.20.2010
  6. Under the broken blue and white sky, I see angels. They smile at me and put a single finger to their lips as if to tell me they were real but no one else needed to know.

    by Liz on 08.20.2010
  7. she hid under the bed as the dark figured entered the doorway of her bedroom. her hands clasped around her mouth tightly so as not to let out even the smallest breathing noise. tears streamed down her face and her body shook uncontrollably. the noises of footsteps slowly making their way up the stairs just moments ago had become louder as someone or something crept toward her bed. black shoes pacing around the room. thats all she could see as she lay helpless under her bed trying to find a weapon. after what felt like a lifetime of waiting, the figure left the room and headed down the hallway toward the bathroom; the opposite direction of the stairs. she wasted no time and began her escape. tip toeing towards her bedroom door, she carefully listened for a footstep on the cold bathroom floor. once she heard it she ran toward the staircase. fast paced footsteps almost immediatly followed her but she couldnt turn around. she wouldnt turn around. leaping over steps and breathing heavily, she made it down the stairs and rounded the corner to the front door. as she reached for the handle, she realized the house was silent. not a footstep could be heard and there was no way the intruder could have caught up to her by now. overtaken by fear, she stood frozen in front of the door.

    by alex d on 08.20.2010
  8. She was under quota, and she knew it. What would the higher-ups say when she gave them a lackluster sales report for the fourth month in a row? Would they give her more grace, or would they cast her aside as they had already done with several far more experienced employees she knew?

  9. under pressure. under stress. under confusion. i need direction. i need perfection. i want persuasion. i want to be able to do what i want. i’m under the weather in all aspects of the phrase. i want to become so much more, i know i’m more than what i’ve become.

  10. i live under an apple tree, and watch the clouds drift across the sea. I wonder what life would be like, out from under this apple tree.

    by briana on 08.20.2010
  11. I was underneath my bed when I found it. I was playing hide and go seek with my cousin, and thought I barely fit under there I chose it as my hiding spot. Anyways, you’re probably wondering what I found under my bed. Well, I’ll tell you what I found under there, but first you have to understand something.

    by cody on 08.20.2010
  12. you look up at me from under your rain soaked hat, brim dripping water down the sides of your face, so quickly i can’t tell the difference between the rain and your tears.

  13. it was still there curling itself around her legs. She felt its silky tail, sinuous body and small wet nose. The man on the opposite side of the table was telling her very serious things about her financial future and she couldn’t concentrate becuase of that cat.

  14. Outside, under the old oak tree, she moved ever so carefully, hidden from the eyes of those who would do her harm. Suddenly a shot rings out, and as she crumples to the ground, my heart aches at her tragic ending.

  15. It was dragging me under. The fear became overwhelming, especially with the people who surrounded me not noticing a thing. Another panic attack was coming on, this one stronger than I could imagine.

    by Nikola on 08.20.2010
  16. Something’s ticking beneath the bridge.

  17. Under

    Beneath, of a lower value. Many consider themselves to be undervalued, underappreciated, underloved, so to speak.

    by dandy on 08.20.2010
  18. I gasped for air as the water pored into my car. I tried to find one last pocket of life. To breath, to live. I could see it would not be the case. My dad’s words of driving carefully crazing into my fear. Just a little ice. A few beers. Never to see my kids again. All under a tsunami of water.

    by Taylor on 08.20.2010
  19. under neath is wear every one goes to feel something. anything. seriously like I don’t even know what to say but we are the creatures of the underworld. we cannot afford to love. we cannot afford to live. it’s what we will do for the rest of our lives. we’ll drown under the sea and whatever man, it’s life , that’s it that’s all.

    by ashley on 08.20.2010
  20. Under the bridge, the troll sat contemplating his existence. Under the ground, the worm tunneled thoughtlessly toward his next meal. Under the skin, everybody looks about the same– disgusting. Under the bed, the monster waited.

    by Sara on 08.20.2010
  21. beneath the surface
    where it all arises from
    bubbling, boiling, building
    anger, frustration, resentment
    hot from the friction
    of all these feelings
    mingling together
    a disastrous recipe

  22. under the wide sky I sit thinking about my love, who is at home resting, scratching the dog.

    by Richard Clarke on 08.20.2010
  23. I went through the manhole to see what kind of world lies under the street. It was dark, dank and spooky down there. I crawled through the sewer pipes to see what I could find.

    by Judy Jacobs on 08.20.2010
  24. I hear a noise. I look down, and there it is. Staring back at me with wide, black, twinkling eyes, is the most adorable creature on the planet. A little ball of fur, right there under my bed.

    by Priya on 08.20.2010
  25. I was under aged for the party. We went under the bridge. Wash your underwear!

    by PumpkinGirl on 08.20.2010
  26. Undergrund. Warum können die nicht mal das T richtig aussprechen? Das heißt doch UnTergrund oder? Jaja, die sagen Andergraunt. So ein Quark. Da ist der Quark schon wieder …

    by EliEli on 08.20.2010
  27. Under impressions that I’m under stressed
    Under worked and under tested
    Under water and under whelmed
    Understood but you have to yell

  28. The troll under the bridge told the goats this: “To go over my bridge, there is a toll. To go beneath it, there is only death. Nobody goes under my bridge except me–because there is more than just empty space below it; more than just the river. There’s more than just one troll.”

  29. Whenever I feel down
    I try to remind myself
    that there is a brighter side.

    That nothing is as bad
    as it seems at the time.

    I just hope
    that I don’t
    give up one day
    and go under–
    but only time will tell.

  30. I lived under an oak tree for about 40 years. MY dog spot used to fetch a Frisbee and bring it to me and thew gnome
    we would have tea in the morning and sit and watch the sunrise after dark
    I used to watch the birds and mermaids swim through the water and kiss the tree

    by vida on 08.20.2010
  31. Sitting under that old willow tree, I couldn’t help but feel like this place was my refuge as the leaves and branches hide me from your view.

  32. sometimes feels like we’re going there, when swamped with high expectations from ourselves. hang in, swim or tread water. it’ll get you somewhere other than under.

    by Deb on 08.20.2010
  33. I was under the table. No, I wasn’t hiding; I was looking for my other earring. This earring belonged to a set that my husband gave me years ago. We were going on a date tonight, to try and, ya know, spice up the relationship.

    by Eva on 08.20.2010
  34. The burden was too much for her, knowing what she’d done. It weighed done on her shoulders; her bones slowly giving giving way. And as much as she couldn’t bear it, she was trapped under the massive guilt that consumed her.

  35. Underneath my exterior, you’ll find someone who is lost. You’ll realize that she isn’t as confident as she appears, and that all she wants is someone to help her understand.

  36. under the blue sky we lay and hold hands. We watch clouds go by at an insain speed and as it gets darker stars start to appear. The sparkle and some fall, leaving a mesmerizing trail of forgotten pain and sorrow. Together in the wet grass, holding each others hands. This is all we need and will ever need.

    by lena margret aradóttir on 08.20.2010
  37. I was under the impression that everything was as it should be. But seeing your bags packed and at the door, I knew it wasn’t true.

  38. under winter snow
    the lily begins to bloom
    changing of seasons

    by TyTy on 08.20.2010
  39. I stand under the great oak and look over this wretched world. I sigh and scream and cry for the lost humanity. All is broken and I stand under the great oak, with no hope left.

  40. Under the flowing water, cool, refreshing, running over my entire body like silk, hitting the hidden spots that no one sees, no one knows but me… Under the water

    by Amy Wood on 08.20.2010