
June 30th, 2010 | 237 Entries

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237 Entries for “trend”

  1. I rocked the glasses like they were the hottest trend. I kept getting sideways glances from suits on the street.

  2. what people do to look like other people because the people around them are doing. also a pattern in stuff people are doing because other people are doing which will dictate what we as people get because it’s apparently what we want.

    by Sian Joan on 06.30.2010
  3. One by one, they slowly converted

    A fad.

    A trend, they called it.

    Struck by lighting, the man believed it to be a message from the gods.

    So they followed. One by one.

  4. “Did you invest it all?” she asked, her cold voice telling him there was punishment if her orders had been disobeyed.
    “Yes, of course,” he said hurridley. His prediction was that she was crazy and they were going to lose everything. He hoped she would be right about the new trend in the market though. They desperately needed the money.

  5. trend is something I tend to avoid. trend is something I don’t spot in time, don’t catch, don’t think to care about then wonder
    would I have
    should I have
    liked it
    would it have opened new doors
    or just wasted time
    who I am and want to be

  6. standing on the high street. they all look like clones. walking in and out of various stores in unison. boots. check. leggings. check. plaid, scarves and hats. sunglasses hiding the view of their vacant eyes and homogenous souls.

    by BeRyan on 06.30.2010
  7. I glared at the trend of the line graph in front of me. Down. I gulped. How many layoffs would we have to make to cover this? I looked over at all of the people in the building. I thought of thier families, and how many people would be on the street.I had to fix this.

  8. Following the trend that started with an excellent sale, Lisa decided to try her luck at finding something blue.

  9. trends go in and out of style, but a trend that will never go out of style is a smile. always smile. you never know when someone may be falling in love with you smile. smiles make you truly beautiful. Smile.

  10. trends we set,
    rooted in our own melancholy,
    act a bird and fly,
    but even they migrate to the same destination.

  11. trends are what people get caught up in to make themselves fit in. clothes, music, colors, style, even whole personalities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by nickie on 06.30.2010
  12. I don’t know about this trend analysis thing. I mean, someone decides that some colour, some style, some thing will be the next thing, and then everyone follows them like lemmings.

  13. there is a new trend where i live and all the cool young ladies and fellows are engaging in it right now. i can see them outside of my front room window. i want to go join them, but i am afraid. i’ve never done it. i’m afraid, because i know if you don’t do it, you will get beat up….and i have never done it…i’ve never, ever eaten through my butt. i don’t want to get beat up.

    by Leonard Nosferatu on 06.30.2010
  14. You were always so trendy. You bend with the flip of every Elle and Vogue page. You silly girl. I hope you drown in your ‘This seasons must haves.’

    by bella elaine on 06.30.2010
  15. Trend. Das sind so spitze Damenschuhe, auf eine ganz bestimmte Art geschnitten. Bequemlichkeit ist da nicht so gefragt, Hauptsache man kann sagen: die sehen ja wirklich gut aus, einzigartige Designerware, das passt zu di-di-di oder zu dem-dem-dem, und es ist IN.

    by EliEli on 06.30.2010
  16. I pulled on my leg warmers, then climbed into my four inch heels. 1985. My first day of high school. I was the trendiest person ever. I felt proud of my fashion sense.

  17. I think it’s interesting hoe some things are trendy and other’s are “lame”. What’s so amazing about these things that “everybody” loves. today I read an essay that mentioned mob mentality, and how we are inclined to think certain things because others are. It’s rare when a genuine original thought is created.

  18. the trend lately has been to follow trends. You never see anyone starting new ones, they just keep recycling old ones and trying to do it better than anyone else. It’s really quite sad as it seems to wipe out the imagination of whole groups of people.

    by kelli on 06.30.2010
  19. as he grabs my shoulder,
    and forces me down to the blankets,
    i sink into a world of confusion
    where everything is lost.

    is this a trend?
    or is love stapled permanently
    on my lips?

    when do i know,
    what’s real,
    and when to

  20. If it is trendy to jump off a bridge, would you do it? Just a modification of an overused phrase. Which, by the way, overusing something may make a trendy to use.

  21. what is a trend. At school there are these silly bands going around. I’m not really sure what the point of them is but there’s not much point to a lot of things. Honestly how gullible are people?

    by Valerie on 06.30.2010
  22. Come and spend all your money on the latest trends! Because, after all, if you don’t everyone will look down on you and scorn you…for the next week or two until we change our minds and change the trends again! Just to keep you all spending money and being consumers. Ours is an evil laugh. Ha. Ha. Ha.

  23. There are a lot of crazy trends in out society nowadays. It’s kind of crazy. Remember how there were bellbottoms in the 80’s? Then the whole hippie movement before that? Now look at today… lookin’ like a fool with their pants on the ground.

  24. a statement, a fad, starts with the letter t, 5 letters, is a term used in fashion, one syllable

    by Cannon Sucks on 06.30.2010
  25. although my firends and i get along, i can’t help noticing how they follow trends. are they real? or are they just humans with clothes that everyone else has? of course, i is human of them to WANT to fit in, sometimes I want to also.

    by lacey burns on 06.30.2010
  26. hip, in, cool, Klamotten, Mode, Kleidung, Musik, Menschen, Promis, TV, Tiere, Marken, Themen,

    by Sara on 06.30.2010
  27. Trends. We all hear about them all the time. Trends make the news constantly. It seems that the “shelf-life” of a trend is getting shorter and shorter all the time. What formerly was a three to five day stint has now morphed into something more akin to a three to five HOUR stint. Are our attention spans suffering that greatly from the constant barrage of information? Have we become such instantaneous information junkies that we no longer have the mental capacity to consider an idea, a concept, an invention, or even a trend longer than a few hours? Does our sub-conscious refuse to hold on to even the thought for more than a fraction of a day? The constant bombardment of news and/or new information keeps our attention level piqued, but we’re never satisfied. The concept of sitting still for a while to contemplate an idea is as foreign to most of us as is a language from another country. Have we completely lost the ability to “stew” on something? If this is indeed the case, our ever-decreasing attention spans may be putting us in danger of overlooking some of this century’s best and brightest new ideas. Will the next big discovery go unheeded simply because we are on such information-overload that we cannot take the time to recognize the importance of a new train of thought.

    Our brightest and best of the future may very well be those who have retained the capability to think through an idea before tossing it aside to rush headlong to the next new concept.

    by Kimberly on 06.30.2010
  28. There are all sorts of trends right now. Some of them silly, and for children, such as animal shaped bracelets, and others not so silly, like the trend of inflation, or the downward trend in the stock markets. Trends usually change over times. A lot, actually. But, usually they repeat, like bell bottom jeans, necklines, economic trends, and birth rates.

    by Allie on 06.30.2010
  29. I don’t trend to follow them. They’re too slow on the streets so I pass in front of them. Nah.. I follow speedracers!

    by Auguste on 06.30.2010
  30. It’s about being popular, being on the peak of a wave so you can tell others that you were there at the beginning, that you helped tell people this was cool. It’s about knowing what’s interesting to teens, seeing what crap is selling, and trying to be like the sheep.

    by Joshua Bauer on 06.30.2010
  31. coming and going, like a door swinging with the breeze. going in, then out, the back in again. never constant or perfectly shut, always open for more.

  32. following trends is like bobbing in a sea of waves on an inner tube. you might catch a good one, but other times you just fall through the middle or get tossed off completely. you might think you look good out there bobbing in the waves, but sometimes- you just look like a bobble head.

  33. The newest trend that I have given into is Facebook. And it now consumes my life, great.

  34. Trend over time, words leak over calendar pages like spilled coffee, trends leak over my hands like spilled blood, blood spills over our hands like water, water spills over the land filled with hormones and filth.

    by roberta on 06.30.2010
  35. Followers. I don’t like it. Everbody I see is following trends. It’s okay for a while, but when that’s all I see I’m just tired of it.

  36. Shopping malls, popular girls, all they think about. Society is so entrapped in everytyhing having to do with that is cool. Do what the trend is and then you will be happy. Set the trend and then you are cool. Live the trend and you will be content.

    by vanessa on 06.30.2010
  37. She reminded me of my mother in the sixties, her eyes laced with a trend of a apathy and some morose color of blue.

    by on 06.30.2010
  38. I didn’t know what was happening. It wasn’t my fault, was it?
    No. They looked at me with such disgust.
    I wasn’t anything different.
    I was their child.
    But no, I didn’t have the blonde hair, the blue eyes that they wanted.


    No fixation, no cleanliness, no perfect genes.
    And I didn’t get to see anything but my mother’s face, and the cement below from the second story window.

  39. It is something that happens when someone dresses a certain way or acts a certain way and other people prefer to do the same thing and don’t try to change at all. A fashion model sets trends every season and pretty much everytime they step out of their house into the public eye. Actors also set trends. Especially the ones who create their own line of fragrance and clothes, etc..

  40. my current trend is minimalism. It reminds me of zen. I buck the trend. Go against the grain. Become an individual. Be different. But we’re all the same. Which is very strange. Kind of like a paradox. I don’t know why people like to follow trends.

    by loi on 06.30.2010