
June 30th, 2010 | 237 Entries

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237 Entries for “trend”

  1. Trend? Trend? I don’t know. Trend. It pronounces kind of but not really like train, which is a way better word.

    by YllwElctrcStr on 06.30.2010
  2. Trends are ridiculous. I don’t follow them. As soon as society finds something they love, it is devoured in the rapids of popular media. I’d much rather live on my own than worry about the perception of others.

  3. Trends are the things some people say are cool, they follow them so that hopefully they too will become cool. It doesn’t work.

    by Kelsey on 06.30.2010
  4. a trend is like a fad. sometimes trends can be really lame. sometimes something is cool before it becomes a trend, but once everyone likes it, you start to get sick of it and then it sucks. i can’t think of anything else to say now.

    by sierra on 06.30.2010
  5. Trending topics… like on twitter? Or trending fashions. If trending actually happened with important things, like art, music and self-expression, I think we’d all be in a much better place.

  6. I love trends…Especially when they involve girls with very little clothes on. School should be more trendy…Fuck dress codes and shit like that, they just need to get more in style.. Same with rap music…they say its “devil music” but thats what they said about rock and roll in the fifties…

    by Ted on 06.30.2010
  7. I’m always up with the trend. Or so I like to think. I’m never quite convinced I’ve totally got it, but I know there’s something. I just wish I had it all, you know, like in the magazines. But is that really the trend? Hard to know a trend from a trend.

  8. I hate trends, but we all follow them, right? Fuck it, i can’t write shit about trend. I hate the word trend. Give me a new word, Hahaha, I just suck today apparently.

  9. Trends. Sparkling vampires, skinny jeans, band shirts, twilight merch, Miley cyrus making young girls dress like hookers. What has this world come to?

  10. Fashion. Style. Glamor. It’s all reality in the 21st century. Camera flashes, poses, dancing with celebrities. It’s all just drinking and celebrating in this modern life, even when those just outside of the dance hall are dying slowly and quietly.

    by on 06.30.2010
  11. The jeans she was wearing were bang on trend, it was just a pity about the the 1960’s jumper she was wearing tucked into them

  12. I hate the trend of animal prints. They all look cheap and tacky. Who invents this stuff, anyway? Who is the fashion dictator who decides what women will wear, and when, and how? This nameless, faceless person – who probably shops at Target – needs to be deposed and the position eliminated, NOW.

  13. Trend. Bandwagon. Trend setters. Cool people. Fakeness. Just going along with what everyone else is doing. Lame. Graphs. Trendy Cindy.

    by Sam on 06.30.2010
  14. Trends bug me. By the time I finally catch on, its not cool anymore.

    by Katie on 06.30.2010
  15. The earth is fueled by neverending
    trending, trending, trending, trending –
    gossip, celebs, stars, and craze
    factories filled with murky haze
    going green, going out
    stylish hair, glossed red pout.

  16. He was the guy who changed with the season. Skinny jeans, converse, hats and shades. Everyday, something new for the girls to look at and the guys to stare. His clothes changed with the season. But his heart, his heart he managed to keep the same.

  17. She wore her pants hung low. Her belly was visible to anyone who wanted to see it; though no one did. The native trend was pants slung so low they would slip downward when the wearer walked, but nothing was trendy about how Beth looked. A roll of flab hung down over her waistline and made her look… out-of-place.

    by Becka on 06.30.2010
  18. What’s the latest? How far out is it? It’s interesting the the word end is inside trend – as a trend is generally a beginning.

    by dcooper711 on 06.30.2010
  19. When I think trend I think high school. The celeb trends make their way to the self-conscious students and they use this in hopes of appearing to be something they’re not. Let’s start positive trends for a change.

  20. The trend of society is to be what everyone else requires of you. You are born an original, destined to die a copy because of society’s trends.

  21. not to set but not to be met and ever surpassing harassing malaise all the lonely days. take me a way the setting of days the perennial flowers and eyes all a glaze

    by William on 06.30.2010
  22. twilight

    how much more of a
    trend can you get?

    “You seeing Twilight today?”
    Hell no
    I value good cinema and good
    writing much more than that
    trash could ever produce.

  23. A trend is the lanes of human traffic which have not been bent towards creativity.

  24. You don’t think you follow it, but you do. You recognize patterns in others, without trying, it’s intuitive. You catch trends. Before you know it, it’s the only thing you can see. Everything serves as evidence to match the trend you’ve discovered.

    by gallygal on 06.30.2010
  25. Trend… fashion… sometimes cool… sometimes rather dorky!
    Guess trends are just… there… can’t really… do anything about them… but people can’t force you to wear ’em either… so… no harm done!

    by Redhead on 06.30.2010
  26. I hate the new trend. Pants practically around the boy’s ankles, boxers hanging out. What will they think of next. I hope it includes dressing the boys like humans instead of rag dolls! Oh, and the girls need to put some more clothes on too because at those young ages, I have no desire to see their flat tummies and chests.

    by Heather on 06.30.2010
  27. Trends come and go.

    by Steve on 06.30.2010
  28. She never followed it. Dyed her hair at least once every two weeks. Piercings, and clothes that didn’t fit the weather. Her friends looked nothing like her. A bookworm and the new girl who understood her problems even when she had never experienced an identity crisis.

  29. Life is a trend, it ebbs and flows like the tide. One day it’s here, the next it’s gone, washed out to sea with the sand and shells. Why worry about what’s going to happen when it’s just going to be gone to tomorrow? Live life to the fullest, live for today!

    by Stacy on 06.30.2010
  30. A thousand people want a kewpie doll. And they all want one now! Does that make it a good idea to go into the kewpie doll business? Not so much. Does it mean that kewpie dolls are the new God, probably not.

    by williebee on 06.30.2010
  31. I am a trend setter. People follow what I do. I laugh, they laugh. I dress in black they dress in black. People want to be like me. Why is this so? I don’t know. Maybe it’s my domineering personality, maybe it’s the dream life I lead, maybe it’s nothing but me doing my thing.

    by Betty on 06.30.2010
  32. I followed the trend of all my peers–I thought of myself and I put myself completely first. And in the process I hurt the one person that I could completely depend on. Something I’ll have to live with and learn from.

    by Victoria on 06.30.2010
  33. The trend was not so easy to follow. I watched as one of them swam by, with a spot on its belly. Then two more came in the opposite direction. I didn’t know which way to go, so I just closed my eyes.

  34. that’s what our love is. nothing but a passing fad. full of wonder, and happy, and glitter. for now. but newness wears off. patience wears thin. and although i wear your t-shirt post coital bliss. one of these days it will be you. wearing the pain of what we once were.

    by tova on 06.30.2010
  35. “things are looking up.” she mumbled unconvincingly. she stared at him with a blank expression that meant “please go away. i am tired of pretending to be interested in talking to you”

  36. It is something that people use to disguise who they really are. It is shameless. It can be crazy. Unpredictable. You never know what it is going to be. Who decides what it is going to be? You are a robot if you follow it.

  37. Trend. Clothing comes in and out of style. I don’t think I’ve ever really considered mysefl a trendy person. I don’t wear clothes that are completely out of fashion I just don’t really care enough to spend all that time and money on something frivolous.

    by Elena on 06.30.2010
  38. It is so hard to follow the trend unless you have a lot of money because it is always changing.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 06.30.2010
  39. Who really cares about the trends of today anymore? All I care is that your shirt is thin enough for me to tear with my bare hands. You can accommodate that? Good. I’ll see you in 10.

  40. something popular, but not always the right thing or even logical/ sensible. peer pressure, always driven to be the first, the best.