
January 13th, 2011 | 385 Entries

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385 Entries for “summer”

  1. It was 34 degrees lastnight. I was burning up like the middle of summer . Outside, I couldn’t feel my fingers, but I could feel your fingers on my frozen skin.

  2. its very hot, sweating… very humid, I hate summer weather. Never again will I want to live in such a humid place, I want to move to Canada where it’s more cold, and snow :D I love snow, snow is white, fluffy, and makes everything more peaceful. If I just had to be anywhere I would want to be in uk

    by Tyger on 01.13.2011
  3. I love summer so much. The beach, the sun, the warm air is so incredible!
    It’s very energizing!

    by Patrick on 01.13.2011
  4. Es summte. Es war nicht das Summen des Sommers, Bienen, Fliegen, Mücken. Nicht die Bahn in der Ferne, nicht der Summer am Auto. Es war ein tiefes Summen, fast ein Brummen, das die Erde unter den Füßen vibrieren lässt. Nicht so grob wie bei einem Erdbeben. Es war fast zart, unmerklich …

    by EliEli on 01.13.2011
  5. in the summer we were dead, the car that crushed us felt no remorse as it sped away down the dark desert highway. As we lay there dying I looked over and saw her hand, still perfect as it lay next to her ruined face.

    by Lauren on 01.13.2011
  6. of course, there was that one summer we spent together. i’d like to say it was hopelessly romantic, but we both know that’d be bullshit. no one really understood why mrs. finnigan jumped off the main street bridge. it scared us all, of course, but it kind of woke something up in us, too.

    by megg on 01.13.2011
  7. summers the time of the year when the airs filled with scents of sun block & tanning spray. the swift breezes carry the sounds of volley balls bouncing from hand to hand, children laughing and playing in the tides of the vast deep blue sea. its careless & free as everyone strolls in their bathing suits strolling along the streets in the downtown markets that boarder the upper parts of the sand. the nights are warm, & everyone prepares to journey out with their tans from the day, CA beach styles & good friends in toe.

    by syd on 01.13.2011
  8. I’m standing on the beach, my feet curl up as the icy atlantic water washes teasingly near them. I watch the gulls circle the air repeatedly. I feel like they’re watching me, watching me wait for you.

  9. Ice cream, sweat patches, true love. That’s you i’m talking about.

  10. “Thith ith the wortht thummer ever,” Ben said. His lisp got stronger when he cried. He tucked his glasses up onto his sweaty nose and threw his red-stained popsicle stick into the pool.

    by HDFHDF on 01.13.2011
  11. Its the best time of year, time to do all that you feel dear. Oh how I wish summer came round
    right now! I do wish this. No I’m not a silly cow!

  12. sunshine, puddles, rain, thunder, friendship, love, nostalgia, hope, youth, running, swimming, happiness, nature, park, fleeting, time, clouds, adventure

    by sierra hellwitz on 01.13.2011
  13. Summer passed quickly. Without her by his side, Devlin sat in his room and mourned. Like a lost child with only his imagination, he couldn’t help but think of the worst possibilities. She was stuck in Italy, being held captive by a handsome man in a tuxedo with a rose tucked neatly into his pocket. But she did not know that she was a prisoner, that was the worst part of it all, and Devlin could do nothing about it.

    by MegMeg on 01.13.2011
  14. new york, my love. sweat dripping down you when its raining outside. merging together until you dont know which is the sticky and which is the smooth. spending some alone time at a small flea market. admiring the miles long display of vintage sunglasses and owl paintings. smoking a cigarette, and feeling at home.

  15. i am upside down this year, escaping the burials and delayed lives. the peaches and melons are bursting in my mouth and birds sing in terribly loud voices to assure me, this is not a dream, this is not your summer.

    by s on 01.13.2011
  16. beach

    by thania on 01.13.2011
  17. The time when everything in bloom can be enjoyed almost indefinitely. The pinnacle of life and energy.

  18. Its good to just say one word. Its quick, interesting to think of. YOU dont have to listen for too long. It saves paper. Its really short.

    by Rita on 01.13.2011
  19. we could be aywhere but here we do not have to be staring at the sky and praying for the sunshine our summer clothes hidden with wool we could be staring at the sunshine a reliable source of heat no worries hot oil and sand like a great messy blanket they will come home the rest of them with tails of lobster suppers and you want to see dave on the jet ski like james bond he was oh we laughed and still we look at the grey cloudy pigeons the raindrops bouncing on the unpaid BMW the days are long and we wait and wait for the leaves to turn and the outside things come inside.

  20. Summer is the best time of the year. well, not actually. I like all seasons, but summer is warm. I like the feeling of a hot breeze on the back of my neck. In summer you have no worries! :)

    by Elise on 01.13.2011
  21. The beads of sweat grow, bud, and flow into one another. Rivulets run to the tips of her tanned fingers that hang over the white plastic armrest. The towel beneath her is damp and growing warmer. The salt water is drying in her hair and bleaching it in the sun.
    She keeps her eyes closed and listens to the sea.

  22. Summer has always meant the difference between the beauty of my home town, and the effort it takes to get there. Hours of battling strangers whom I feel shouldn’t be there in the first place ! But once there…the waves of cool water rinse the stress off my soul.

    by Bruce Treleaven on 01.13.2011
  23. Summer is the name of a woman that I work with. She has a huge nose and the most annoying laugh I have ever heard. she is an obsequious coworker and no one where I work really enjoys her company

    by Kaitlyn on 01.13.2011
  24. the heat of the wonderful blazing sun is magical at this time of year. i wish there a was a margarita waiting for me on a lawn chair with a friend and some sand calling my name is this beautiful season I can’t get enough of, oh how I wish it encompassed all four of our Michigan seasons.

    by Amanda McCarthy on 01.13.2011
  25. A time of beauty. Hot. Humid. Time for bathing suits and snow cones. Sweat dripping down. Fun memories. Vacations, no school! Bright blue skies, no clouds in sight. Cool blue water waiting for you to dive into.

    by Nicole on 01.13.2011
  26. I’ve lost it.

    The ability to run near-naked through the shimmering heat, to dive into the river and spread my arms and simply swim, the ability to breathe through sticky air and crash out exhausted under the stars.

    This isn’t old age, it’s soul-death.

    by Leca on 01.13.2011
  27. The summer was his favorite time of year. In summer there was no school to get in the way of marching, of drumming, of playing grab-ass with the rest of the line, of listening to the front ensemble slowly get better and better. The summer was when he did what he loved with no interruptions.

  28. so much fun and excitement, ukraine, i used to go to ukrainea lot , see all my friends, go out, the lake, swimming. Get tan, play games. Vollyball, soccer. 4th of july, go to mount shasta, siskiyou, swimming, hiking. Fireworks so much fun. My mom’s birthday, we always cook before that and have a good time, dancing. Its a really good time.

    by anna on 01.13.2011
  29. oh man what I wouldn’t give for a wee bit o summer, less of this gray London bullshit and all its darks and weights and burden of scarves and gloves and rain and crap everywhere

    just a nice day of summer, a glass of OJ, the sun, the big old blue, and clouds floating on by, with the Beatles, beetling out of my hifi…

    by g dawg on 01.13.2011
  30. He misses those careless summer days the most. He misses Jin’s incredulous, loud laughter, misses the way his smiles could be brighter than the sun itself. He misses it how back then they could read each other like open books, how the world was only a stage for them. He misses those times so much it hurts, but nowadays he has no choice but to try to forget.

  31. summer is a lovely time of the year, when I am happiest. It makes me think of childhood, when life was so much easier. summer makes me think of fruit, sunshine, love, a wonderful world. it is also the name of a lovely little blond girl in my school. summer holidays are the best time of the whole year.

    by Kim on 01.13.2011
  32. She had golden red hair that drizzled past her shoulders. A freckle peaked out from under her blouse on her right shoulder. Her eyes were glassy emerald and coquettishly fluttered when she spoke. A fair-skinned palm rested on her bosom as she let out a song of laughter. Her name spilled past my lips, “Summer…,” I whispered, and coughed up all the feelings I had ever had for her…for Summer.

    by SamSam on 01.13.2011
  33. summer time and the living is easy
    humidity and storms
    blue sky
    puffy clouds
    living in a mountainous region for a good portion of my life allowed me to feel the heat yes escape to the mountains for a cool-off

  34. Just another day where everything is different, and yet all the same. It’s summer, the time for life and regrets. It’s sunshine and pool water and broken dreams all wrapped up into a ball. It’s not worth it, but at the same time, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

    by Emily Anne Giambalvo on 01.13.2011
  35. missing summer vacation and the wonderful times we had as a family.
    vacation was a dream realized and still a technocolour memory.

  36. Warm and wonderful. Butterflies floating around…it’s so bright I can hardly see! The river is sparkling, and even the rocks appear to be shining. I can’t wait for my birthday! There’s nothing better than a backyard barbecue.

    by G on 01.13.2011
  37. Summer is the best season of the year. Pool parties. Shorts. Flip flops. Sunshine! Freckles begin to appear on my face. Sitting on a blanket beneath a star studded sky.

    by Becky on 01.13.2011
  38. summer
    the summer is a time of relaxation, it’s a time of taking into consideration the last semester, term, or half a year. It’s a time for sun burns, and tans, it’s a time for fun. Summer green is the brightest green, glowing in magnificence.

    by eric Heideman on 01.13.2011
  39. Hot ditty it’s summer in the city, back my neck getting hot and gritty, beat down, lookin’ for a cat that goes by “Kitty.”

    by on 01.13.2011
  40. It was hazy and yellow, the sky soaring in a rubbery fog of cement and sweat. She smiled, knowing his voice over the phone was enough to keep the living from longing for the dead.

    by Sarah on 01.13.2011