
January 13th, 2011 | 385 Entries

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385 Entries for “summer”

  1. Heat.
    It was hot that day. But despite the sweltering temperature Marin wrapped her arms around herself, shivering. She felt cold. So cold.
    Something was not right here.
    Worried, she looked around, taking in the quiet houses that lined the streets. Why so quiet?

    by ArcticDragon on 01.13.2011
  2. Old film vision, running on the beach, loose clothing swaying in the wind, opening a sunkist, sandy toes, moon reflecting off the water, surrounded by friends. Good and bad choices. Make the most of it.

  3. It was a summer day and all was well until the clouds came. They masked the sky in their dark tantrum and cried over the land creating puddles which later turned to lakes. As we watched from our rooftops, we wondered if it would ever stop. Naturally, we wanted peace again, but unfortunately, I believe we ticked Mother Earth off for the very last time.

    by DanDan on 01.13.2011
  4. Summer, for me, is a time of boredom and horribleness. It’s a time of swimming and boys, and sitting at home all day. It’s a time worse then winter, worse then spring, worse then school. It’s the spawn of my existence, and I hate summer. I’ve hated summer ever since I met someone that shared the same name, the girl that tried to make my life a living Hell, and succeeded.

  5. Summer is bright time, when birds laugh and people fly in the skies, like their minds. We sing with our hearts with the sun, because the sun lights everything so beautifuly.Oh, the summer days we all remember;freedoms we no longer have, the lack of responsibility we had.When we could play, thinking joy went on forever.There was no hurt, no shame, no regret.Just happiness of being a child in the summer sun.Will we ever have those joys again?I doubt it.But every summer I feel the sun and I remember.

    by Kimberly on 01.13.2011
  6. in the summer it is very hot. kids play in the sprinklers and dogs run in the water. people die of heatstroke, mostly online hobos. if the hobo doesn’t have a home wither proper air conditioning, they could get heatstroke. and die. the end loz~

    by sam on 01.13.2011
  7. Summer is mean for summer camps. The relationships formed there cannot be replaced or reduplicated by any other relationship. There is something entirely different about a friendship formed in the heat of the summer sun with too many hours spent together that creates a bond that can never be broken. I feel more at home with my camp friends than I do anyone else.

    by T.Lynn on 01.13.2011
  8. I cant believe how much i hate that word. Its so bittersweet.

  9. Once a night every summer, in the cool breeze she would go and watch the men set up the tents, the wind throwing her hair every way, making a mess of its self. She would saunter up to the ringmaster, and wrap her arms around his neck tightly, and kiss his lips lightly. She would grin and hold on tight to her love whom she seldom saw and revel in the sweetness of the summer breeze.

  10. Sunlit days and warm nights – I can hardly wait until this snow melts away and the sun rises earlier. I’ll be free once again to do what I please. It’ll be a new beginning, I can feel it.

    by Brooke Potter on 01.13.2011
  11. One summer I went to a resort in Hawaii. I decided to take a walk through the rainforest on the hunt for exotic species. Along the way I stumbled upon an undiscovered penguin. A tropical penguin. The penguin was brown and had a sandy colored patch in the middle of his belly.

    by Caitlin on 01.13.2011
  12. You keep me cool.

  13. That tree,
    Those feelings,
    That summer,
    A blur in my memory,
    A stained image,
    A broken past.

  14. hot hot naked bodies sweating football softball beach i wanna be on the beach i want it to be hot but its not its cold i don’t like the cold cold hurts ice icy heart i cant feel anymore

    by shahin on 01.13.2011
  15. Summer.

    The summer sun breaks through my bedroom blinds.

    It wakes.

    The heat I feel awakens.

    Sets off a fire inside that makes me want to leap. To jump.

    To fall into a never ending summer.

    Endless days of love that makes me yearn that what is your heart.

    The summer awakens to me that what is the essence of you.

  16. Summer is the best time of the year and guess what? It’s always summer in Hawaii. Everyday is a beach day, zoo day, tidepooling day, and a day to just hang out with family and friends.

    by Candy Bryant on 01.13.2011
  17. It seemed like just yesterday that it was summer.
    I pushed my feet through the snow thinking about the warm sand that replaced the snow during the summer.

    by shira on 01.13.2011
  18. I like summer. It’s all hot and gooey and everybody’s eating iced cream and showing way too much skin. I love the sunshine until it burns my tender flesh. I definitely love summer more than I love winter. Winter is biting and cold. Mind you you can always bundle up more, in summer there is only so much you can take off…then you’re just sitting there all hot and naked and it’s kind of akward.

    by Bree on 01.13.2011
  19. hot humid heat stifling boredom in between the sheets in bed lazy days go by so quickly at the blink of an eye hazy days watching the clouds drift across the sky the trees stand so tall reaching reaching reaching

    by Laurence Dubois on 01.13.2011
  20. I saw it reflected in your eyes, the sun that you had once been used to. It had seeped into your skin, turning it eternally golden. But mainly, the summer was in your heart, making you smile every morning as you walked through the rain and fog.

  21. The season of wonder and new hope and recovery and leaving and returning sometimes without getting out of the hammock.

  22. baldy
    bora bora

    by perjackie on 01.13.2011
  23. I remember the sun on my cheeks as I walked across the golden sand. The waves filed my ears with sound and let my feet refreshed. The end of the pier looked out onto the beautiful horizon. The sun was just breaking down underneath it. The beach is my home.

    by Megan on 01.13.2011
  24. autumn loves summer. but i like hanami.

  25. Summer isn’t a time I look forward to. Does that make me strange? School’s out, but it’s not classes that I miss. It’s my friends. I always spend the summer in Florida with my aunt, hundreds of miles from home. I never get to see my friends or participate in all the fun stuff that goes on when I’m not around. It sucks! Sometimes I wish it could be fall all the time.

  26. summer is the season that is easiest to be happy in. you can be outside as mucha s you want and you feel so much better as you bask in its rays. i love waking up on a summer morning and feeling warm and like i can do anything in the world i want. that’s what summer brings.

    by jill becker on 01.13.2011
  27. summer is the time to live your adventures. you can be outside as much as you please and soak up the sun which makes you feel rejuvinated and oh so energetic. it is the easiest season to be happy.

    by jill on 01.13.2011
  28. Summer…thoughts of warm days, balmy nights, setting sun in the hills brings everything aglow. Summers of my youth spent in the fields amongst the flowers……by my gravestone.

  29. But what of the summer? What of holidays, of breaks from school, what of lazy days spent outside? You can take all of the time you want to use it as a clean break, as something different from the rest of your life, something that is meant to be quote-unquote different, but how is it really?

    Life is all what you make of it, and the summer is all the same. Assigning times to change your rhymes makes no sense at all, does it?

    by Casey on 01.13.2011
  30. Summer is simple. Summer is complex. Summer is the time for me to gather all of my watermelon and if I choose to, eat them. But most of the time I don’t. Instead, I glean all of my creative energy and fuse them into one big ball. And what does this energy tell me to do? Place the watermelon around in a funny setting and take a picture of them. Add a caption and you are ready to rival the comedians.

    by Stephynikki on 01.13.2011
  31. I like the summer…the warm air against my skin. Bikini season at it’s best. I love to lay and let my skin soak in the burning sun’s rays. The feeling of a cold pool after a hot day is beyond refreshing, its exhilarating.

    by Ana on 01.13.2011
  32. Summer floods into dry dry land
    With it, bringing community hands
    Awakening sleeping hearts
    Enlightening sleeping minds
    To leave their material belongings behind

  33. 500 days of, sun­shine, hol­i­days, warmth, bare skin, skirts, shorts, pic­nics, ice cream, the beach, long hair, the pool, sun­bathing, sit­ting by the dock of the bay, sun­glasses, sun lotion, long days, freshly cut grass, walks in the park, short nights, water fights, lazing around, bbq with friends, pear cider, Zooey Deschanel!

  34. summer is what i miss the most these days
    spending time with you under the summer sun
    the feeling of warmth radiating on your skin
    nothing to worry about
    nothing to do
    nothing but you

  35. I love summer… I love eveything about it.
    The smell of fresh grass,
    The flowers that are in their prime.
    Spending time with my siblings outside…
    All of the sunlight that I can ask for.
    The hot days, the cool nights…
    A Perfect balance.

    by Brittney on 01.13.2011
  36. 500 days of, sunshine, holidays, warmth, bare skin, skirts, shorts, picnics, ice cream, the beach, long hair, the pool, sunbathing, sitting by the dock of the bay, sunglasses, sun lotion, long days, freshly cut grass, short nights, Zooey Deschanel!

    by shelley. on 01.13.2011
  37. ” ‘ f ‘ you ,you metal scrap heap,”jessie cused as she wiggled trying to loosen his grip,”now,now,that isn’t very neighborly of you.i know!you humans love about some james taylor for the transformation?”

    ‘winter,spring summer and fall,all you have to do is call…see,isn’t that better.make it easy on yourself.superior man made it so messy

  38. her heart sways
    with the winds
    of summertime
    a paper in the breeze
    just touching the
    of the tops
    of trees.

    by hannah on 01.13.2011
  39. There is nothing so sweet and fleeting and ephemeral as summer, it lasts only as long as it wishes to, and in our minds, it is too short, it never comes, we are left, waiting for Summer, in the long winter of discontent that are our lives. Summer is not a season, it is a metaphor for all things good.

    by Zachary Miller on 01.13.2011
  40. Last summer I had my heart broken, although not in a romantic way. It was broken by my best friend. I am still broken. I don’t think I’ll be the same again. I wish I could have her back, yet at the same time I never want to speak to her again.

    by Mary on 01.13.2011