
June 3rd, 2010 | 287 Entries

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287 Entries for “starlight”

  1. LIght of stars! Shine down upon us from the wastness of space! Makes us dream about something out there. I guess people have always wondered… what’s out there? is there life? other people wondering too?

    by Anne on 06.04.2010
  2. sky, night, me, the universe, where’s the truth hiding? does it really matter? i like lying on the beach
    in the sand
    looking up

    by nikola on 06.04.2010
  3. Illuminated from afar casts a glow on your face. You become magical. You are magical. The starlight is simply revealing the truth.

  4. Starlight, star bright. I wish I may, I wish I might, have a wish from you tonight.

  5. Star light, star bright, how I wish, how I might…

    Sometimes we dream of such big things in our lives but we are hard-pressed to get them done because we find it hard to bridge the gap between what we ought to do, what we want to do, and what we actually do.

    by AJ on 06.04.2010
  6. It was winter break which meant, of course, that Matt and I were finally in the same place. I went to his house and we looked up in amazement. There were stars. We had both moved to cities where stars couldn’t be seen for miles.

    by Andrea on 06.04.2010
  7. Starlight star bright
    Brilliance is today’s delight

    Every morning star has to rise
    Shadows lay down tonight

  8. oh wow, did you see that?
    no, i did not see that.
    just over there.
    it’s gone.
    that figures.
    come back starlight, shine bright.
    you’re so weird.

  9. There are stars every night
    Filling the sky with starlight

    There are no stars when we wake
    We are lost without the starlight

    Confused. It’s dark.

    by Myca Salonga on 06.04.2010
  10. I always look for orions belt. The best three lights i know.

  11. The starlight aurating around that single star… That yellow starlight with shimmering blues. I do hope someone in the world is looking at it just as I am, just this moment.

    by Frankovich on 06.04.2010
  12. A word which is also the name of a muse song; second track on their album ‘black holes and revelations.’ it is also the light from stars (obviously), which is almost always very very old. It is not thought of as particularly bright, as the stars are very distant.

    by ben on 06.04.2010
  13. I gazed at the starlight last night for 2 minutes straight.

    by James on 06.04.2010
  14. starlight, not so bright. i thought i knew who you were but you faded away. im so lost in my own right.

  15. Blackness is cut through with perfect brilliance.

    by Ella on 06.04.2010
  16. The starlight diner was always a great place to go for a burger, fries and a great cup of coffee. Dessert was often cherry pie and there was the sweetest jukebox for dancing.

  17. I hate being lit by the stars, sitting smugly behind the glass screen. Big white teeth glimmering under the studio lights.

  18. I dreamt last night of your pale skin illuminated under the starlight. Of the gentle curve of your face, the sharp angles of your thin frame. I thought of your embrace. How when I brace you in my arms I am surprised by how little is there, by your lightness in my arms. I want to protect you.
    I dreamt last night of your gaze. Sweet and yet not quite innocent. Intent. I dreamt of your touch; my only desire to run my fingertips across your skin, down the side of your cheek. To brush your hair aside and feel the touch of your lips. To warm your cold fingers in my own.

  19. The newly wedded couple danced alone in the starlight to the beat of their own tune. Love filled the air as he kissed her under the moon and stars.

  20. Starlight, beautiful, but pointless, like a super model. It won’t help me achieve anything, but it is something to reach for.

  21. impressive. expansive. eterna;. awe inspiring. underneath. inside of. midnight swims.

    by Deb on 06.04.2010
  22. Stars are given so much significance in random events. Why is it we wish on starlight years old, and place significance in their random alignments? Starlight is so insignificant to us, but to other planets, it is more important than our own sun. Why do we look to the stars for answers when they only hold more mysteries?

    by Jacob on 06.04.2010
  23. Whirling and twirling I glide into the starlight feeling the magic glisten on my skin

  24. starlight star bright beautiful shining light. i want to see the stars every time i see you

    by caitlinhayns on 06.04.2010
  25. starlight, starbright; first star i see tonight.
    our diamonds are plucked stars from the sky. just for you.

    by Laura on 06.04.2010
  26. starlight..
    its awesome,.
    its important what you learn from its beauty..its to be admired…
    it teaches u keep travelling..beyond horizons

  27. I stared up. Watching, wanting, needing to understand. I wanted so badly to be closer to the stars than i was. Maybe i was born into the wrong time, or maybe i would be a revounlutionalist.

    by Alex Gold on 06.04.2010
  28. Starlight. The lights the come from the sky at night time. They are stars, great balls of fire, like our very sun millions of kilometres away. Stars come in all different sizes. Ummm, I’m not a astro pro, but our sun is quite young? When it runs out of fuel it turns into a large red giant.

    by David on 06.04.2010
  29. Starlight is a nice word. It reminds me of moonlight and twilight although I have never seen twilight so I don’t know what it’s about. Star light

    by Aeron D on 06.04.2010
  30. … it is perfect: I can barely see anything and my imagination can fill in the rest. I consider this the most perfect solution, because now I can have you, even though you aren’t really here anymore.

    by Caroline on 06.04.2010
  31. In the infinite abyss that is the Universe.. we are a blip in the system. Console yourself with knowing that you affect the world like the stars affect the brightness of the sky with their starlight.

  32. Starlight, star bright..I love the stars! There’s nothing like a night in the country where you can see by starlight. And there’s nothing like just watching the stars with someone you love. I’ve never seen a shooting start though..

  33. starlight is not for giving light it is just for give you directions in the darkness of life.

    by Anuj on 06.03.2010
  34. It was night. The moon was shining, and the starts twinkling. Dean Burrows was walking down the street with his phone in his hand. It was blinking of a message, and he read:

    Hey, Dean. You know…

    by Jenny on 06.03.2010
  35. Cold blades creep under my arms and legs and the side of my neck. Lightly it scraps my back at the cloth of my shirt. Irritating, dew on the grass beneath me tickles and itches. It distracts me from what I want to focus on, why I initially thought to lay face-up on my front lawn: glittering and enchanting diamonds in the sky.

  36. Straight is the hair on my head, the sheet on my bed. Straight is the road i would rather walk parallel to, weaving in and out of the woods. Like trees growing in this upright world, making the paper we write on, the cursor I push. Blink.Think.Go!

    by Cheyanne Walker on 06.03.2010
  37. in the event that the night does not shine, use the starlight to the east for comfort but dont be alarmed if it doesnt work.

    by Pablo on 06.03.2010
  38. Starlight, from such a distance, seems almost imaginary. Why do they sit so far away from each other? …yet forming such perfect constellations that not even the gods could have arranged. Amazingly perfect, beautiful, yet so brilliant that they could be mistaken for the loneliest beings of all.

    by Liana Crawford on 06.03.2010
  39. it twinkled and i smiled, he seemed so great, we seemed to be the only things that mattered, me him and that gentle starlight.

    by peaceandpoetry on 06.03.2010
  40. starlight is the most beautifull light. it is a window into the future, into a world we will never know. We are so used to get everything but were the starlight begins we will never go.

    by yann on 06.03.2010