
October 26th, 2010 | 235 Entries

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235 Entries for “serene”

  1. Serenity is fleeting in this crazy life. It’s the few moments of peace I get when I”m driving alone in the car, headed to some chaotic destination, but for that time, it’s just me, me and the road, me and my thoughts. It’s laying on the couch watching basketball on mute with my head on your chest, knowing that it’s the best sound in the world just to hear you breathing. it’s the deep breaths I take when laying in bed, knowing that i’ve made it through another day. those moments of serenity are what keep me going. they are fleeting, which makes them even more valuable.

  2. IT was a great time to relax. A long hard day at work always deserved such an award. She laid back in the large claw-foot tub, candles lit all around here, with the bubbles wrapped around her. So peaceful…

    by Rebecca on 10.26.2010
  3. Water fell over individual boulders of the rock face as it made the long journey to the bottom. Looking down from the edge of the cliff, even a child could tell that a fall would be fatal. So, Miss Barton’s death, as witnessed by the other 22 tourists in her group, was not unexpected or even surprising. It was the way her body lay so serenely next to the pool of water that made people gasp.

    by Heather on 10.26.2010
  4. falling waterfalls gushing with glory from a the perfect distance while lying in a sunny meadow with butterflies tending the flowers, but most of all, with your love at your side.

    by John Bull on 10.26.2010
  5. the hardest thing to find is peace; why do we wish to be serene? the only thing you find in rest is growing old and forgetting everything you worked so hard to learn. life is not about being still. life is struggle. life is more than the second you lost then.

    by hillary. on 10.26.2010
  6. serena. sailor moon. peace, blonde. the moon. luna. i wish i had a cat. and fought evil by moonlight. what a bummer.

    by Stranger on 10.26.2010
  7. Calmness– Something I wish I had in my life. Modern society has robbed us of this. If only I could go back in time and live without any deadlines or clocks. That would be awesome.

  8. I love a serene environment. Sadly, there is almost no places that are serene anymore in where I am now. It would be great if such a place still exists, so people can take a break from the stress of reality.

  9. I sat there, serene, thinking about the final few moments before the police would break down the door and the bloodbath would be discovered.

    by Bearded Lady on 10.26.2010
  10. A gentle rolling meadow A calm sea breeze as you walk through the warm white sand. Lying in the grass staring up at the clouds. A Sunday drive through the backroads. A sunset.


    by Kevin S on 10.26.2010
  11. place woods and simplicity, calm and imaginitive with all things great and happy and normal. the truth of calmness and happiness.

    by Tiffany Mariano on 10.26.2010
  12. Serene beings suround me daily, yet I can’t seem to absorb the serenity they so display.
    I torment myself by not absolving my distress and rejecting the tranquility put into my very hands.
    I guess we all do-
    But do we all desire to be miserable,
    Like I do?

    by on 10.26.2010
  13. ITs a peaceful waterfall. Its like a green and blue. Theres some grass. And its windy too. Im sleeping. There are cool animals. Im happy.

    by Tim on 10.26.2010
  14. Serenity…. something i very much crave.

  15. The lake was so serene. I could hear my thoughts as clear as the water that lay below me. Nothing I had seen before could match what I was experiencing at the moment. Serenity. Bliss. Perfection.

    by Anya on 10.26.2010
  16. The villagers were slowly waking up on what they thought was a regular serene Sunday morning, the church bells were ringing but then quickened their pace. The serenity was broken by the first of the many screams heard that day.

    by AshAsh on 10.26.2010
  17. Serene. Calm.
    Lack of chaos.
    Lack of drama.
    What I try to find when I come home.
    Your favorite scent.
    your favorite song,

    by Kittleigh Hill on 10.26.2010
  18. Her body is lying face down on the snow. She’s bleeding. She’s still alive but she’s dying. Is there anybody to help her? Except the silent sun which gives her cold. The rushing wind which lets her feel painful. Can anyone feel her dispirit? In the absolute serenity she suddenly reminds her of her innocent age.

  19. Serene was not the word that Katrina would use to describe life with Alec. He was almost always moving, and almost always drunk. But he did have a way of making her feel completely safe and calm. He protected and defended her, and she cared for and listened to him as much as he wanted. And this life was all the serenity she needed.

    by Holly May on 10.26.2010
  20. serene is not what I’m feeling. it’s the far distant land of silk and lovers in the sunlit morning, but not where I’m at today.

    by seekellygo on 10.26.2010
  21. I bet it’s nice and serene up there. I’m so glad you’re finally at peace with yourself. All your pain and suffering. I miss you more than you’ll know though, and so does everyone else. Roll model, friend, mentor, leader, you were the best of the best my left a hole bigger than anything I’ve ever seen. Rest in peace.

  22. She waited until he left to pour another glass. In his arms she felt so serene, as if she were a still life painting.

    by Amy on 10.26.2010
  23. Silence. It is more than serene; it is deafening. She cries in her sleep with the moon on her back and she can’t help but to think that everything is far from serene.

  24. serenity is dead. i this world. in your world. in my world. in ours. saline. salt tears. isophryl. act like your cat dosent know what your thinking. kill yourself.

  25. well for starters… I am unaware of the definition of this word. Sounds like sincere so I think of a person or act that is kind.

    by Brennan McClorey on 10.26.2010
  26. We sit staring at the sun as it sets in the distant horizon.. Serene and content, my heart pulsing with your breath. Together we watch the end of the day.

  27. like an orange sunset over my neighbors roof on a summer night. like laying on the beach for hours with my best friend. like when i lay down in the snow and feel the flakes fall on my face.

    by alyse on 10.26.2010
  28. it was nothing left but lately it had nothing right. It was all serene to me; like nothing had hoped to always be there. but still it bhbjkhujgv

    by Joseph Kuperberg on 10.26.2010
  29. this idea of just writing in a journal daily often blows my mind. the fact that i grow up learning english but not learning how to express myself. i know words, but i know not how to spell them. i know facts but know not how to use them. butt still as i sit and write a serene feeling engrosses me. there is no better feeling.

    by renata on 10.26.2010
  30. And considering how bizarre and terrifying my situation seemed… why was I so serene? I was the sort of person who could blow the most trivial mishap out of all proportion. Why wasn’t I anxious or worried?

  31. It was a calm day in the forest. The wind was gently blowing through the pines. A creek could be heard bubbling in the distance. Birds chirping above. Quite the serene scene.

  32. My room the morning after a night with you…

    by jenn on 10.26.2010
  33. I was alone. The silence was comforting. The weather was nice, and I had a glass of pink lemonade by my side. Everything felt calm and serene.

  34. Ah, what can I write about this? The very word elicits a flood of vivid memories, beautiful moments suspended in time to be remembered forever as times of light, unencumbered happiness. How can I ask for more?

  35. Calm, like a cool breeze before the hurricane. But the unchanging is dead.

    by DR on 10.26.2010
  36. After an hour or so running through windows and lives of other people, she collapsed soaking into a pile of leaves that crackled without end and lay her head down where the sun could barely find it and breathed serenely into the dust.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 10.26.2010
  37. it was so beautiful. the grass was freshly cut. the smell of morning dew, still fresh in the air. it was calm. it was placid. it was peaceful. it was serene. perfect, just to be me.

  38. i am serene in the knowledge that i will never let you know the inner-true- have never done anything worthy of such trust…

    by i bet you think this song is about you on 10.26.2010
  39. The scene in my dream was serene. I was standing on top of the mountain and shouted “I love you” at the top of my lungs. I wish you had been there, to embrace the moment with me, but unfortunately our relationship has always been hindered by distance since the first time we talked…it’s okay though, at least I will always have the memories of us.

    by Teeps on 10.26.2010
  40. Ebb & flow
    The ocean’s tide
    Grazing the sand
    Licking my toes

    Gentle breeze
    Whispering leaves