
October 26th, 2010 | 235 Entries

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235 Entries for “serene”

  1. Imagine everything, tiny composed bedfellows and interrupted dreams, disturbed by my onliest desire for a scalp-born feathering. It may have occurred to me to leave this serene sight, this portrait of faucet water and rindless fruit, but I remain here instead, lawfully, past this dark.

  2. serene serene serene serene serene serene serene

  3. serene is a word i don’t know what it means but i know it starts with an s and there is erene at the end

    by Zach Perry on 10.26.2010
  4. in a day when everything was serene even the sea, it didnt hit the rocks, was there when i knew the silence is understimated.

    by Jair on 10.26.2010
  5. Thick lips pressed against the glass, breathing heavily, fogging the window. Belinda didn’t think she could afford a house this opulent when she was younger, but now she knows that money is an imaginary thing.

    by Gail Flynn Hoffman on 10.26.2010
  6. the clouds in the sky floated by as the breeze tickled the grass and the leves in the trees. the sun kissed her skin as she took a deep breath and imagined the whole world was like this–quiet and restful.

    by alyssa` on 10.26.2010
  7. Calmness in a valley that has a river. :)

    by Rena on 10.26.2010
  8. It’s been anything but serene. I haven’t had a second of downtime and I want to go home. Today sucks.

  9. I wish I could live in a serene place,
    that was also a large city.
    Picture this:
    New York city
    Everyone united
    In a single hour of silence.
    Be quiet, and listen to each other’s bodies…
    find peace on earth…

  10. in the middle of a hurricane, weight of the world on my shoulders, one embrace from you. and its perfectly peaceful. completely serene.

  11. calm and peaceful. a still lake at sunset. a forest with no wind. the snow before anyone has stepped in it. raindrops hitting the roof when you are inside.

    by nicole on 10.26.2010
  12. Serene was the scene in which the girl lay on the green, lush field and stared at the clouds. Silence prevailed in her world at the moment and she wanted it to stay that way forever. Serene is her favorite way to spend the day, lazily spending her day alone.

  13. peaceful blissful calming angelic beautiful amazing sweet relaxing

  14. Nothing was serene about today. News of the tornado spread through the school like wildfire. Although the situation was handles safely students would not calm down. They felt lied to, unprotected. Other schools had sent their students home. It was a wreck, and I’m not talking about the downed power lines.

  15. serenity is a fucking joke never have i been so agitated with this humdrum cycle of shit the downward spiral the wait the weight the wait the weight . killers theives and lawyers.

    by lisa on 10.26.2010
  16. i would love to live a serene life where i always felt calm and never got stressed. Like a sunny warm beach with palm trees.

    by MichelleN on 10.26.2010
  17. Serenity in the bath whic I will have in 2 minutes, no 5, or I don’t know, but yes serenity. Bath. The body shop free sample. Lets make use of it.

    by Lara on 10.26.2010
  18. a moment of beauty and understanding, peace from mundane life, nature,

    by hayley dineen on 10.26.2010
  19. It is a quiet and serene day. There is no wind, no rain, no complication from nature can veer me off of my course. I sit by the lake an admire the calm blue pool before me.

    by Amy on 10.26.2010
  20. I was really sure where I was, I knew I had not been here before. It was quiet, calm, almost serene. Now for the way out.

    by Kristianstill on 10.26.2010
  21. This classroom is very rarely serene during 6th period. I don’t know why. All the 6th period studetns are great and they are fa focused group.

    by Ms. Carossino on 10.26.2010
  22. The view across the lake was what he tried to hold in his mind, that serene nothingness that he wished would just drift him to sleep and into his dreams.

    by Steve on 10.26.2010
  23. calm. i need more of that in my life. sadly, I dont feel very serene in my current settings. maybe on a beach or something. certainly not in a 4 child home with a single mother.

    by Beth on 10.26.2010
  24. Serenity is what I try to achieve when I go to a yoga class. In the midst of contorting my very inflexible body into all kinds of poses, it is amazing the level of serenity my mind can reach, leaving me relaxed for the rest of the day – or at least until the next stressful thing comes along.

  25. The elfen maid sat on the cliff, her feet tracing patterns in the air as they dangled over the edge. She watched the path of a passing dragonfly as it flitted, carving shapes in the rolling clouds.

  26. Imagine the scene. I imagine the scene. Lying on the grass, staring at the sky and the clouds. We talk. We lie how they do in the movies, heads touching, in a line. Just us. Our conversation, a weapon of truth.

  27. Serene eh? Well lemme tell you about this word. It contains an S which stands for SHIT. But in all seriousness, when talking about being serene, we refer to being calm and not restless. I think we can all say that people need to calm their shit.

    by Tyler Gastineau on 10.26.2010
  28. What the heck does that mean. It’s a cool word though. Aaliyah would be like , OMFG WHAT THE HECK DOES SERENE MEAN OMG. NOW I HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY TO WIKIPEDIA AND LOOK IT UP!!

    by Amahdi on 10.26.2010
  29. I was just sitting in the serene jungle when suddenly, I hear them coming. Jack and his savages. They approach, then leave. I go to where they paused. I see the skull of an animal. I think it’s a sow. Then I hear a vile voice, like poison, in my head. “I am the Lord of the Flies” is whispers…

  30. i don’t really know what this word means. i think it means calm. so i’ll go with that. you make me serene. in your arms. watching tv or watching the stars. i can’t stand not being with you every second of the day. i wish you were here right now. <3

  31. powerful girl looked over at dr.ramoud.he was looking all serene and almost dopedly in love at her,”professor why don’t you go wallow after superior man…i’m just a scientist with some nice curves..he’s the super hero

  32. I want my life to be more serene. The mountaintop is serene. The lake is a serene place to go. Serene is what I want to be . The landscape was peaceful and serene

    by Diane Eggen on 10.26.2010
  33. Nothing is serene anymore it seems like all the simple things we used to know are gone in this wave of negativity that follows a man made problem well i dont see why we cant go back why do we have to live in this interregnun between happiness and sadness whay cant we just go back?

    by jack on 10.26.2010
  34. beautiful, peaceful, sunsets, the marina, mermaids, blue, pink, honesty, sincerity, purity, innocence, white.

    by chanel on 10.26.2010
  35. serene. A place in the spirit that is calm. serene.

    by Caleb on 10.26.2010
  36. serenity. the places i’ve been in the past two months are everything that encompasses this word. mostly ireland. the place with the most beautiful landscape and the most wonderfully beautiful people. i could spend hours there just staring at the mountains and lakes and wondering how ive missed this all my life.

    by Ashley on 10.26.2010
  37. What’s serene?

    A child marred physically but sleeping soundly still.

    A dog that can laugh in the face of something bad.

    You, who has strung me along since we met and can still live with an unclouded vision.

    by Ann on 10.26.2010
  38. calm and peaceful life.

    by juliana on 10.26.2010
  39. The country side was serene. The leaves were all colors of fall. Yellow, red and orange

  40. A calm view of an ocean, a serene shade of green, met her eyes as she gazed out over the little spit of sand. The ocean was choppy and foamy, the wind picking up flecks of water and tossing them into the air, seagulls riding on the breeze as it did so.