
May 21st, 2010 | 228 Entries

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228 Entries for “sandwich”

  1. I like sandwiches. Especially turkey. I like mustard on my sandwich and lettuce on my sandwich. I usually eat sandwiches after school. I don’t understand why sandwiches aren’t made of sand, but i’m glad that they aren’t.

    by Shanna Valenti on 05.21.2010
  2. I love my sandwich.

    by Henry on 05.21.2010
  3. eat a big pickle sandwich and find that the mustard is blue what do you do? take the sandwich and turn it around, eat it backwards, this is the custom in most kingdoms and dont even think that this is a foreign idea it came from the colony in virginia you know roanoke and stuff so do it

    by Turd Furguson on 05.21.2010
  4. He rummaged through the fridge, Max watching him nervously from the kitchen table. “Damn it,” he said at last, coming out empty-handed. “No mayonnaise.”

  5. All tucked in
    like a slice of swiss
    my love and I share
    a mustard colored kiss
    Sandwich I love you

    by h on 05.21.2010
  6. The fat sandwhich sat on the counter top very sadly and very lonely. It was a big sandwhich filled with tasty meats and vegies and drentched in mustard, It was mouth watering to look at. And no one wanted to eat it. That was because It was a mean sandwhich, whenever anyone got near it the sandwhich would snap at them and attack them with a baseball bat, how it got the aforementioned bat nobody knows. What people DO know is that getting hit with a baseball bat swung by a sandwich hurts. And is pretty ridiculous.

    by Bob on 05.21.2010
  7. I want a sandwich…a big one that might eat me. Can you hear my bones crunch now as the sandwich tears me apart? You might think that is a scary idea but I don’t…it is my dream come true.

    by Scott on 05.21.2010
  8. The weather at this year’s Sandwich fair was unseasonably warm. This made for more people, longer lines and queasier stomachs as the fair food and soda held up about as well as the rickety rides.

    by CM Williams on 05.21.2010
  9. if you think im going to right about snadwiches, your sadly mistaken. i havent written about sandwhiches since 1757. it was then that i realized that those peices of meat between two peices of bread were hollow

  10. Man, if that wasn’t the best damn sandwich that I’ve ever had, I don’t know what is. It tasted like gold an heaven in my mouth.

    by Osagie Agbon on 05.21.2010
  11. I eat sandwiches sometimes, mostly at work. I don’t like them or anything. I just usually eat them when I get too hungry to work or stand or teach and I feel like curling in a ball and dying. So I eat sandwiches that i don’t particularly like.

    by Darlen on 05.21.2010
  12. i ate a sandwhich. it tasted like sand. i thought it weird, because sandwhiches usually taste like turkey. but this one was extraordinary.

    by vaughn on 05.21.2010
  13. Turkey is pretty floppy. It looks funny. I like short sentences. A lot. That was not really a sentence. That one was really long. Pluh…

    by Mommakip on 05.21.2010
  14. mmmmmmmmmmmm….. Pastrami, swiss, hot mustard on rye. Omnomnomnom…..
    tasty tasty tasty.

    by Charlie Shuford on 05.21.2010
  15. In the middle. Between. What about the edges? No one ever notices those. I certainly don’t. But aren’t the edges worth talking about? The things holding the center in place are often forgotten.

    by Em on 05.21.2010
  16. Sandwiched between a businessman and an elderly lady that smelled faintly of strawberries and moth balls – buses make me claustrophobic. There were no other free seats. I leaned my head back, turned up the music on my iPod, and drowned out the world.

  17. With my resolve sandwiched right in between indecision and action, I stare longingly at the zebra cheesecake, weighing out the pros and cons of the situation I now find myself in. Maybe…just a bite…

    by wherethestreetshavenonames on 05.21.2010
  18. one day i was sitting at my computer, and i thought, “hey” i think i’m hungry, so i got up from my chair, and i made myself a sandwich. it was a simple sandwich. not much in the way of toppings, but good nonetheless.

    by natasha taylor on 05.21.2010
  19. The tuna sandwich was perfect with just the right blend of tuna, egg, celery, mayo and a dash of garlic to set it off. It was a luscious meal and I enjoyed it very much!

  20. today i was eating my sandwich when all of the sudden a pickle fell out! atleast, i thought it was a pickle. turns out it was a green slimy bug and i almost had eaten it.

  21. just delicious, i love it, its my creation, my decision, what i like, what i love, just made by me for me to eat and enjoy

  22. melted mozzarella with the edges oozing and toasted just the right amount – tomato picked and sliced right from the vine – thin layer of pesto and a few fragrant basil leaves themselves – slapped on to some olive oil on bread and pressed into a panini – soft yet crispy – fresh and tasty – fragrant and fatty – heaven.

    by d.h. on 05.21.2010
  23. The sandwich was sweet, dripping with gooey condiments that smeared across her chubby, rosy cheeks. She grinned for the camera, innocence captured instantly forever.

  24. omnomnomnom… nom nom nom nomomnomnomom om om nomnomomnom nomnom omnom nom nom nomomnom


  25. sandwich makes me happy i remember when I was a kid for lunch my mom always made me peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches for lunch at school. now i love making organic turkey sandwhiches or roast beef yum! I also enjoy pulled pork bbq sandwhiches they are so money. madness, sandwhiches for the win! yes, i would be in your manwhich.

    by billy on 05.21.2010
  26. when i first ate my sandwich i was 3. it was awesome. skobe is also owesome. that is skobe is the law. I+m awesome. dejan is just dejan. and he’s leavng. how much longer do i have to write? does this work? 60 seconds?

    by Vedran on 05.21.2010
  27. I ate the sandwich. Yes, I did. Nope, didn’t save any of it for you. Sorry? Not really. You know how to make a sandwich.

    by water tree rock on 05.21.2010
  28. i really like to make these but eat them rearely that makes me sound like a woman, y spellingnis going to bea relly bad for 60 seconda worth fo weiting, how long until it tuns out? I’m a man btw

    by Rob Keenan on 05.21.2010
  29. C’était juste un sandwich. Un putain de sandwich, bouffé par la pourriture, rempli d’asticots blancs et de moisissures filandreuses, une de ces saloperies industrielles qu’on jetait au visage des consommateurs malheureux et que l’un d’entre eux avait oublié sur une table.


    by Malika on 05.21.2010
  31. “He wasn’t the ‘make me a sandwich’ type.” She said, looking distantly out her window.

    “Well, what kind what type was he?” Brian asked.

    “The ‘fit the mold or be damned eternally’ type.” Will moved her mousy locks out of her face.

  32. Il était là, posé sur la table. Un simple encas aux yeux d’une humanité que la société noyait sous les paillettes, corrompu qu’elle était par le système de super-consommation.

    by Sheinaru on 05.21.2010
  33. She ordered a sandwich, but when she saw him from across the diner she couldn’t eat a bite.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 05.21.2010
  34. I just got this one. What the heck? I want to write about something else. Do I have to sign up or something?

    by Shannon on 05.21.2010
  35. MMM sandwiches. I think we’re having sandwiches for dinner tonight in about half an hour. My favorite sandwiche is probably a BLT, but it has to have really crispy and yummy bacon, and good tomatoes. BLT’s are good on wheat bread, while some other sandwiches are not, such as grilled cheese sandwiches.

    by Shannon on 05.21.2010
  36. yammy

    by jupiter on 05.21.2010
  37. A ham sandwich with bologna, salami, turkey, and cheese. Swiss cheese. It lie on the picnic table calling her name. She reached for it and took a bite into the layers of meat and cheese. It was heaven on Earth!

  38. I’m hungry and I want one. Sandwiches are wonderful things. They taste good and they’re good. I think the best ones are the French ones. I don’t like the fact that in America, they put mustard in their sandwiches. It bothers me a lot. I like sandwiches with tomatoes in them. If there aren’t any tomatoes, then the sandwich can’t be good. I like ham sandwiches.

    by Puduku on 05.21.2010
  39. so i ate this awesome sandwich today. it was just tuna fish but i was super hungry, and i thought it was pretty good. so… sandwiches. best idea ever right? you got bread and veggies and meat all in one. it sounds like absolute win to me. yep, yep. .

    by jenna on 05.21.2010
  40. wow uhm lettuce bread carbs yum i think that I should make one but i’m too lazy. I wish I had a sandwich maker. I like french bread. rrj

    by Leo on 05.21.2010