
May 21st, 2010 | 228 Entries

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228 Entries for “sandwich”

  1. Sandwich so yummee!! I want to eat one now !! cuban sandwich soo yumeeeee!!! I want to eat one now !!! Mc donalds Crappy sandwich suck !! I want to throw it away !!

    by Leo on 05.21.2010
  2. peanut butter and jelly. subway express. went there before but never bought anything. Naima and her heart sandwich with one bite. What else can I say. Don’t really, like them much except for McDonald’s McChicken sandwich.

    by Abby on 05.21.2010
  3. bought at panera bread anything in the dinner time college hard to spell on the go food
    a evil lady found in the sand which? wich? ol

    by shelby on 05.21.2010
  4. i like sandwiches, and i nearly wrote that with a t just now. i love t’s, especially alexander wang’s….gaaah, i thought the time was up. the sandwichtime. without the T.

    by ilu on 05.21.2010
  5. It’s something that is really good, especially with ham and cheese and green salad. I think I’d colour the bread yellow if I was drawing one and colouring it afterwards, but it might turn out brown as well… I’m not sure.

    by Sofie Grundstad on 05.21.2010
  6. I lay on the bed and close my eyes. This is no sandwich of love, I think, as you press your body on top of and inside mine. This is a hate sandwich.

    by Astridae on 05.21.2010
  7. They are a good way to keep a fairly low calorie count while providing sufficiant energy to sustain an active day.

  8. Sandwich of life contains all the salad components of a lost time traveler obsessed with his way back to the future

    by joey on 05.21.2010
  9. Let’s not have another one of your sexist remarks, honey. We all tire of the same jokes eventually. Oh, I love you just the same but I’m worn and weary. Maybe I can teach a dog new tricks.

    by T.T. on 05.21.2010
  10. Peanut butter and jelly at summer camp, peanut butter sticking to your mouth and a nice carton of milk to wash it down. Sand in your sandwich at the beach and the seagulls try to grab it from your hands, but you don’t let them.

    by Cal on 05.21.2010
  11. The sandwich in my hands was calling my name. I felt guilty for stealing it from the Deli the next street over, but hey, everyone’s gotta find a way to survive in the concrete jungle. That phrase alwasy bugged me. A jungle maybe but there’s tons of grass in Centeral Park.

    by Krystle on 05.21.2010
  12. nomm. Sandwiches are good. I want one. They’re perfect, because you can make them taste like anything. White bread, whole wheat, rosemary, thyme, olive. Any filling you desire. Make one anytime to suit your moodat that particular moment. Make one for a friend. They’re like the super-food; like a food-o-gram that can mean anything, anytime, anywhere. Perfect.

    by Gabi on 05.21.2010
  13. The culinary adoration of a lazy fat man. Experienced in many different ways to by the creativeness that is sandwich design. Art

    by sam law on 05.21.2010
  14. i make the best night my sister and her friend woke me up at 2 in the morning to make one for each of them

    by allison on 05.21.2010
  15. hamburger, grilled heessm fajita and stuff are much bettter. so i guess my favorite sub would be the subway melt with bacon ham cheese and turgkey. cheddar is the cheese.

    by cullen on 05.21.2010
  16. i haven’t had a sandwich in forever
    they remind me of summer, and my childhood
    everyday my mom would make me a sandwich for lunch
    they were delicious, and when i tried to make them for myself


  17. I have a sandwich every day for lunch, my mom
    makes it for me. It is always ham and maynoayase. I have absouletly no ideas how to spell mayonasesndjdbfs. I always have a yogurt cup with my sandwich. I try to eat health so I won’t become some obese mofo.

    by Amber on 05.21.2010
  18. She stared at the sandwich and, metaphorically speaking at least, it stared back at her. The ham glistened with the greasy sheen that only lunch meat can achieve. Her stomach churned…but she had to eat something.

  19. glomp. deliciousness that she attacks with her fingers and brushes a piece of lettuce off onto her collared shirt. turning to friend and pour heart out, smile and wipe your face.

  20. i had a sandwich today. it had a witch in it. the witch of hunger. it made me want to eat more…..another sandwich or two. those witches inside, they make me really hungry. that’s their spell.

    by bah on 05.21.2010
  21. i really want a sandwich. not those cheap kinds like a good kind. not the subway kinds either. i want a turkey sandwich on wheat bread. super good. i like to spell sandwich sandwhich. idk i guess that’s just me. i’m really cold. i wonder how fast i can type. oh not very kbye

  22. love blimpies. the oil and vinegar type sauce. i don’t even know what it is but it’s so damn good. and i used to get their potato salad and pickles- also really good. lately, though, i am better at making potato salad than blimpie is. go figure.

    subway supposedly has $5 footlongs but when you get there you still end up spending $18. wtf?

    by Candice on 05.21.2010
  23. i like to eat sandwich

    by on 05.21.2010
  24. uhm…. i like some sandwhiches. i guess. AHHHHH so like one day i was eating one and then a fat bird came out of no where and stole it! ikr its sad…. siggggh… well times up bi.

    by ALEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA on 05.21.2010
  25. i love sanwiches they taste really good hey my dad can make some awesome sandwiches ah those were the days i miss those sanwichs hey i want one right now ahh who invented the sandwich? was it a guy? oo i bet he was really famous gah i wanna meet him i bet his last name wsa sandwich i wish MY last name was sandwich oh they joy of that name and that food

    by lauren on 05.21.2010
  26. Sitting in the now half-empty kitchen, watching old telly shows on TVLand, I thought about my wife, and the food she used to make. Every night, except the occasional friday, she would make dinner, and we sat through it. But looking back, they were really awful. I’m not sure I sat down at our rectangular oak table once thinking ‘this smells good… Oo! It tastes good too!’ No, Aelicia was an awful cook. I’m glad she’s gone. And that she took the damn children with her. Now I can sit in my orange kitchen and make my own food.
    “Here, toby! Want my crust?”

    Yep. Just the dog and myself. In our orange kitchen…

  27. She stood in the kitchen spreading mayonnaise on a piece of white bread. She could hear him closing his shirt drawer and the clinking of his belt as he slid it through the loops around his waist. Any moment he would appear in the bedroom doorway and she’d pretend she hadn’t seen him out of the corner of her eye. She would jump slightly at the feeling of his hands placed firmly on her hips and then she’d turn in his arms and their noses would meet. She being his wife. Making him sandwiches and kissing the dimple in his bristly chin.

  28. I hate today’s word. E.Dawn.K. is not pleased.

  29. The tiny sandwich made the larger man opt for something more substantial, though there was little to be found in the upscale bohemian neighborhood that he despised to his core.

    by Diana on 05.21.2010
  30. today I ate a peanut butter sandwich. I really do love peanut butter and am so happy that it is full of protein and lasts long in your tummy. I like creamy and not crunchy. Not a fan of the nuts in my peanut butter.

    by Karolyn Sinanan on 05.21.2010
  31. I just ate a sandwich today. It was a huge hoaggie and it was delicious. You only wish you could have had a sandwich like this. Sucka!

    by M on 05.21.2010
  32. I like sandwiches a whole bunch. The best kind of sandwich is a sandwich that a woman makes and hand feeds me bite by bite. The second best kind of sandwich is a hot lesbian sandwich with me in the middle. If they hand fed me sandwiches while they sandwiched me and let me put things in them, it would be the best day ever.

    by Pork on 05.21.2010
  33. I wish I could have a sandwich, but it would just have to come back up again. I’m not skinny, but no one is at my age. We all seem to want what we just can’t have.

  34. yummmm i love sanwiches a mixture of many meats and vegetables in your mouth. tasty delight! and the taste is heavenly like your mom. therefore making it god.

    by Meredith on 05.21.2010
  35. Yummm. Two slices of bread and some stuff inside I love to eat … but not with my fingers. Good stuff. Chips or fries on the side maybe. Yep, that’s a sandwich for me.

    by Tom Ohio on 05.21.2010
  36. I just ate a sandwich, actually. It was okay, but I don’t like American Cheese or Bologna. And that’s all it had in it, with some Philly and organic tortilla chips. I like chips in my sandwich; makes it feel…

    by Sara on 05.21.2010
  37. Butter and crust cut off,cucumber and floral tea plates, smoked salmon and cloudless summer skies.

    by sam on 05.21.2010
  38. not in my stomache
    not in my kitchen
    where are you with my sandwhich woman?

    by J-Rex on 05.21.2010
  39. I can’t eat sandwiches anymore. They taunt me with their normality, and my inability to be like everyone else. It isn’t even a matter of Wonder Bread versus whole wheat. It’s a matter of not dying in intestinal agony, and yet I’m ashamed of it. Why is this? Why do I feel bad about something I can’t physically change? I suppose it’s like feeling guilty for being born who you were instead of someone else.

    by el on 05.21.2010
  40. Ahhh!!! sandwhiches. lovely inventions. hmmm.. tuna. I like yuna. Oh good not the hands!! this is not good. They’re HOLY MOLEY!!!! TEAPOTS!! ZOMG FERRETS and science and DOOMY FLAMES ,,, Ahh, what a good year it’s been so far.

    by Phoebe on 05.21.2010