
May 23rd, 2010 | 242 Entries

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242 Entries for “rocket”

  1. fire coming out like endless rain. fire bursting through the air. John Lennon singing out the top of his lungs. People going to space. War people dying. Emence power. Shooting through the universe faster than the speed of light. Love emerging through the open earth splling my lungs out.

    by Juan on 05.23.2010
  2. Ship,, on the skys horizon or maybe its a vorizon a ciew of such thigs would be spectacular This is grammatically incorrect. Opps not writing about the rocket anymore. Spectacular.

    by Ashley on 05.23.2010
  3. Pow. Hard and fast. She likes it when I send her to the moon. She squirms and tightens her butt…from here, she looks like a caterpillar, something organic and insectual. Me? I’m steel, hard, epic, like a rocket, shooting white bullets into the dark beautiful space of her.

  4. space-ship blasting off at a speed i wish fed children in underground worlds. fire explodes. life is red today in the blaze of smoke. earnest eyes watch. it drifts out and up out and up.

    by grace on 05.23.2010
  5. The rocket flies through night skies. It is red and blue. Fire trails behind. We made them in physics. Ours is named Harold.

    by Sarah on 05.23.2010
  6. I think we’ve been through this before. You blow up right in front of my eyes, and that’s it. Explosions, you gone, wow your a jerk. For a minute your here and the next there’s a crater in your place, maybe it was my fault for thinking you were going to be a round for a while. Or what was I suppsosed to expect? I dunno, maybe I was just hoping…

    by Katrina on 05.23.2010
  7. It flies through the sky it makes me think of pokemon and team rocket. explosions, eruptions, so many things destroyed, yet created, not to mention the protection it can in fact provide. It is smooth cylinder romantic. Yes romantic in terms of rocket launching.

    by Katrina on 05.23.2010
  8. I think of team rocket, from Pokemon. I know it’s dumb, but I really think they’re cool. I like James better than Jesse, even if he is a little bit gay :) I think of a rocket ship that is white with red wings, too.

    by Adam Markey on 05.23.2010
  9. Rocket was a cat. Not mine, but my husbands when he was young. Rocket loved raw chicken and went crazy at some point. I swear sometimes I can still hear his screaming moew! haha

    by Jennifer on 05.23.2010
  10. We all watched the rocket take off.
    I wished it was taking my pain, suffering, and depression with it into the galaxy.
    But why hope?
    I felt like a rocket sometimes.
    An empty shell carrying other people’s hopes and dreams around inside.
    Being steered to a destination I never gave a fuck about in the first place.
    Never getting any happier.
    Never changing.
    Eventually being abandoned when something better surfaces.

    by on 05.23.2010
  11. Rocket to the moon. Shoot for the moon and don’t look back because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Cliche, but honest and true to its point. I want to start living my life, now!

  12. He looked up.

    There it was: the rocket headed to Mars, breathing flame and exhaling smoke, roaring as it left him and the blue-green planet he stood on behind.

  13. i could do it in the same slice of time that is consumed by a heart attack
    and it would still take your breath away
    even less than the time you smiled at me for something
    i should never have done
    my heart beat faster than a rocketship
    and when I died your smile was the last thing I saw out the window.

    by nate on 05.23.2010
  14. I’m in a rocket soaring past my doubters. There’s no hate in my heart but what lies there is my ambition. I’m taking off and no one can stop me. I can’t leave or I can’t breathe.

    by Kent Robertson on 05.23.2010
  15. Rockets are Big. Rockets are fast they penetrate the earths atmosphere twice. Im talking a

    by Fargo on 05.23.2010
  16. I flew all the way to the moon and what did it get me? I was still alone, still an alien in this strange little world, consisting only of me. I didn’t get along with those on Earth, but I didn’t get along with the nothingness of this rock either. Why had I built that rocket? Why did I do this to myself?

  17. lets jet off to the moon, in my rocket ship. we’ll sail around jupiter, and race down saturn. do sommersaults in the sky as we play tag with the stars. it’ll be just another night of star crossed lovers in a milkyway.

    by Linda Gonzales on 05.23.2010
  18. The buzzer rang and he was off like a rocket, speeding past his friends and family as they waved and cheered him on. Feet beating the ground in a rhythm that no other racer could hope to match, he surged ahead, running across the finish line a whole length ahead of everyone else.

  19. I looked toward the moon, and was interrupted by the glare of the rocket blinding my eyes.

  20. Like a rocket, my blood pressure shoots into the night. You know just how to piss me off just the right way. Eff you. I hate you. You have never been the kind of daddy I deserved. You have no right to hit me, not when I was 12 and not now that I’m 19. I may be an adult but that doesn’t justify abuse.

  21. red
    a lie everyone believes
    but it just isn’t true
    there was never a man on the moon
    it was a faux pas
    a great mistake
    we agreed to let them
    tell us
    what to make of it
    yet we haven’t been back

  22. i toke a rocket to the moon once, but i’m sure everyone says that. it was a figurative rocket. i’m just kidding, it was one of those japanese cars that are taking over the world. it was just like a rocket when the v-tec kicked in

    by aubrey k on 05.23.2010
  23. rocket ships go into space sometimes and the people in them like to learn about the planets and stars and the moon. they have weird food on rocket ships, i probably wouldn’t like them very much. sleeping standing would be cool.

    by haley on 05.23.2010
  24. soaring, flying past moons, stars and the cosmos. can’t breathe, but that doesn’t matter. darkness sprinkled with bursts of bright light. can’t catch me.

    by caitlin on 05.23.2010
  25. To have the chance to explore new worlds and explore perception.

  26. if you try to fly to the moon, you should try taking the path around the sun. it’s longer, but it’s way hotter, and the tans you get last forever. and the stars there–they don’t shine. they glow.

    by kna on 05.23.2010
  27. Why do I keep on getting rocket? This is the fourth time now. I think I’ve established my feelings on the noun quite clearly.

  28. i might have kissed you wearing a bullet proof vest
    but hell you kiss like a rocket

    -wingnut dishwasher’s union song

    by rae on 05.23.2010
  29. Red rocket was sad. His friends had already been sent to check what lay outside of their safe haven, Earth. Red rocket decided that he, too, was going to have a look. So he lit his fuse and off he went! Never again would Red rocket be left behind. As he flew through the air, he started to be afraid. What would happen if he couldn’t find his friends? He didn’t know, but he didn’t want to be stuck up there all alone. No, Red Rocket would try to find his friends.

    by Kyt on 05.23.2010
  30. happiness listening to elton john, wondering if he wrote any of his lyrics. Playing with bottle rockets – fireworks at the cottage on blueberry hill.

    by ian haugh on 05.23.2010
  31. so a rocket’s a way to get from here to the stars,
    but there’s only one way to go, and that’s not the way you’re headed
    not today, not tomorrow,
    not in the state you’re in .
    maybe you’ll get lucky someday after eternity
    but not now.
    not today.
    not you.
    [there are no rockets to spare for -]

    by devon on 05.23.2010
  32. “Rockets,” seh thought to herself as she considered her future. “I could take a rocket to some place different than here. Someplace to escape to…”

    by Elise Lahman on 05.23.2010
  33. Rocket Ships take you to the moon. Rockets help me travel through the wide expanse of darkness called space. I’ve always wanted to be in a rocket.

    by Elise Lahman on 05.23.2010
  34. rockettes kick their legs up in new york city and all the nicely dressed men and ladies ooh and awww but i could never understand why long-legged women kicking together is so inspiring

    by rae on 05.23.2010
  35. Take one too the moon and never look back. Just stop thinking about him. Oh how nice it would be :D I would love it sooo much
    If i coul;d just live on the moon away from the world
    Peace at last

    by Holden on 05.23.2010
  36. Rocket…the first nickname I ever had. I had always wanted a nickname, for as long as I could remember. And, really this could go back to deeper issues that I’m sure some freudian psychologist would love to look into, and now I’m just rambling. Guess it’s a good thing time is almost up…

  37. There was a rocket that shot off into the moon. I thought we would be saved but we were soon doomed. Things seemed dim as we thought things through. Good God, how I wished I could have just had more time with you. Good night, good luck on your moon crashing snooze.

    by Katherine on 05.23.2010
  38. I spoke of this before. I still want to tie myself up to that rocket and GO.

  39. I’d like to own a rocket. I’d like to strap myself to it with a fish bowl over my head for a helmet and fly really, really far away from here. I’d like to see every unearthly thing I’ve never truly known. I’d like to feel every sensation the atmosphere limits me from. I want to know everything the blue arch steals from me.

    by Marissa on 05.23.2010
  40. such zipping force to divide the heavens so evenly, one clean line to represent the power of curiosity

    by Ben on 05.23.2010