
January 24th, 2011 | 356 Entries

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356 Entries for “rocket”

  1. travis kaenel says:

    it just takes one word to tear a person down. to make them cry. to brighten their day. it takes one word, and a few others, to change a person’s life. it changed mine.

  2. Lindsey says:

    I packed my bags last night, pre-flight. Zero hour – nine am. But I bet he wasn’t really high as a kite then, literally or figuratively. Kites don’t go that high anyway. It’s damn hard work getting those things up, too. Then what do you do? Stand there and admire the 2×2 piece of nylon you have floating above your head?

  3. america says:

    Rockets are fun. You get to fly them and enjoy a great time with others. Sometimes it can be hard it can get stuck in a tree or somewhere.It will take time to take it down.

  4. jomcarroll jomcarroll says:

    Rockets make me think of firework night – as a child we always had fireworks in the back garden, lit by my father, with children at a safe distance and my mother in the warmth of the kitchen preparing sausages and jacket potatoes. They were aways the best bit!

  5. kaitie kaitie says:

    rocket is a big tall thing that fly’s with people in it.It is sometimes red or black. its scary in it.I don’t like them.

  6. vicki vicki says:

    salad it’s not science is it I’ll take one to the moon and beyond . why have the moon when we can have the stars. Rocket, socket, ready, steady, go. Firing on all cylinders – like a rocket

  7. meximan282 meximan282 says:


  8. babiskittles babiskittles says:

    rockets are very cool looking things. my favorite things about rockets are how they fly so fast into space. when i grow up i wanna be a astront

  9. christine says:

    Invented by man…made to explore the vast universe in pursuit of nothing but vanity. And so we landed on the moon, what about the One who created the moon? Are you in pursuit of Him?

  10. Barney says:

    flys into space. can also be shot from a gun. sometimes is used by countries at war. They tend to go pretty fast. Usually in a cartoon or movie, people will attach these to their vehicle to go faster

  11. bobby joe says:

    big. fast. goes into space. cool people ride them. in funny movies. in boring movies too.

  12. kukana kukana says:

    rockets fire into the air on bonfire night . Green, blue, yellow colours in the air as it explodes at its highest point. Children scream, adults cry ‘Ooooh’, cameras attempt to capture the drama. So much expense, just burning money, basically…

  13. Jeanette Ju-Pierre says:

    “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things…. ” Such vibrant words spoken by a charasmatic leader on a late hot summer’s day in cowboy Texas.

  14. Andrew Fickel says:

    big red fire cool neat huge moon NASA 321 Blast off

  15. reilly says:

    go high in sky. to the moon and never come back for years. fun to ride in. In floridia with the space center. never been in it. people go in it haveing fun in the sky. i c jupiter over there

  16. Megan says:

    it is in the sky. it is fast. astronauts are in them. I don’t know very much about this topic.

  17. Sarah says:

    I was in the rocket blasting towards outer space. It was fun. I got dizzy. I am an astronaut.

  18. Cami says:

    a rocket travels into space with someone in it. it is big and takes off into space it flys in the sky i have never been in a rocket

  19. cole says:

    hte rocket flies into the air towards outer space looking for the moon and its engines are propelling it out of the atmosphere bound for a new place

  20. When I was younger, I was so into rockets. Now, I’m just into space itself. I wrote a novel that took place mostly on the Moon. Until a comet came and destroyed it, anyway. Yeah…

    Anyway, so the story had these cool advanced rockets and stuff, even though it took place in the past. Apparently, the government is hiding advanced technology from the rest of the world or something, in my novel. Oh yes, and aliens do exist.

  21. Shannon says:

    rocket goes woosh! they go really high up into the sky. astronots fly in them. they are red white and blue. super fast. they can go to the moon.

  22. Mary Lou Wynegar says:

    The little boy looked at his toy rocket sitting in the sand, and in his mind saw it taking off into the deep blue sky as it soared he knew that one day, he too would be a astronaut.

  23. Eddie Louise says:

    With that kiss, her feelings rocketed into the stratosphere of romantic delusion.

  24. Shelby says:

    I think of space, the moon. Things such as going to mars and all that nifty stuff. It kind of makes me think of stars and ships in general. It reminds me of eminems song spacebound which is my favorite right now. It makes me wish that I could get on a rocket and head far away from here, mars would be nice.

  25. eric says:

    rocket science men full of dreams dare to ride power mover up pursue of happiness future unity peace technology

  26. rae84 rae84 says:

    Rockets are awesome! they shoot you towards the heaven’s.I cant imagine how awesome that would be,to see space.Although I think I would get sick like crazy though,so I probably couldn’t handle a ride like that but for those who do,you rock the rocket!

  27. Andie says:

    “This is not rocket science”…something we often say when we want to explain that a task or problem can be solved by the less educated among us. But really…do any of us know just how hard rocket science is or not? I know I have no clue.

  28. Ekilow says:

    And it’s off. Speeding into space, like a rocket. We never know if it’s going to come back. It’s like a rocket, afloat, in space, without fuel. That’s what this is. It’s reality and we can’t change that.

  29. Bernice pushed the rocket idly around on her plate. “I’m sorry, I’m leaving you, I can’t do this anymore” she rehearsed before Simon came back from the men’s room. He sat down, looked at her fa

  30. peyton says:

    rockets go though the sky around the outerspace around and around every where.

  31. neongreen says:

    fast fun cool flames people love them people use it to go to the moon its amazing . its fun and cool to play with . we make it fun to make rockets . rockets are really cool and fun to see what people can do.

  32. fluffy1297 says:

    A rocket is a big metal thing we use to get us to outer space. There are also little toy rockets. Some fireworks are sometimes shaped like them. I think rockets are pretty cool. They are so awesome when they shoot off of the ground.

  33. logan says:

    rockets fly high and take you places planes cant get. there are usaually drawn in red and have big huge flames out the bottom. rockets are very interesting and have many kinds.

  34. marco2339 says:

    It’s a device for people to travel to the space.
    It’s stream-lined and it use hydrogen as fuel.
    Sometimes it will explode after launching.

  35. There once was an alien on mars who ate pickles in him castle he had a huge electric guitar he played. He rocked my socks the whole time I was visiting! He was so small and green.

  36. dimand13mage dimand13mage says:

    my heart was happy an sky rocketing yesterday morning but now near the end of that day the rocket fell an i was hurt toeren i am now but nothing could fix me or my rocketing loveing heart that fell yesterday.

  37. peyton says:

    it shoots it soors it flys around in the sky around the sun around the earth.

  38. rexy6366 rexy6366 says:

    Rockets are very cool and people get to use them to explore into space. I would love to go up in a rocket to see the stars. I wish I could go into space in a rocket. Rockets are also very big and they are a very complex system to insure that nothing will go wrong as well as make it to where it needs to go.

  39. a rocket is something that soars up to outerspace. astronauts fly in it and it hits aliens and at the bottom of the rocket ship, everything floats!

  40. sfpearce97 sfpearce97 says:

    in my opinion rockets are unsafe and they are fun but i will let profetionals have the fun.