
January 23rd, 2011 | 331 Entries

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331 Entries for “solved”

  1. Problem solved. Bang. Bing. I got it done. How I try to be that kind of person. And how often I feel overwhelmed by problems instead. I just need to remember to tackle problems one at at time.

    the girl at the end of the hall
  2. such a silly word when it comes to real life casue alot of your worries and problems and questions with it are never solved. its funny you always thin k you know what you’re doing but when i think about it i have no clue just starting into adult hood there are so many questions.

    courtney reder
  3. there is NO problem in the world today that cannot be solved. That’s it. Now you figure it out.

    Donald W.H. Andrews
  4. I like to make a puzzle. The puzzle is about puzzlement. Who am I? Please solve my puzzle. Thank you.

    George Griffin
  5. I solved the mystery by giving myself a chance to love myself for who I am. Solving things is not hard to do if you love.

  6. Finished. Over. Complete. To be solved is to be finalized, like death that leads to rebirth. It’s the type of over we all hope for. It’s joyful and bittersweet, the ultimate.

  7. if every problem on earth was solved, life would be to easy.

    Constance Desenfant
  8. finishe,done, solved is A word witch referes to ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING DiFFICULT

  9. I solved my problems and frustrations in relationships by searching in the word of God to see what is the right way to relate to problem people. It tells me to love my enemies, and the enemies who are hardest to love are in closest proximity. So the solution to enemies is to love them into being friends, to treat them like friends with love.

  10. misnomers go over so
    well until the epiphany
    that their mystery
    was myth;
    & all the misery
    is the blizzard of
    chivalry that was
    really mental imagery.

  11. The mystery of the missing cookie was something I thought I would never solve. I knew I left it on the coffee table but when I left the room and came back it was not there. I decided to retrace my steps to solve the puzzle until leading to the other room I saw cookie crumbs. I decided to solve this puzzle I would have to follow the trail. When I reached the next room I saw the dog eating my cookie the mystery was solved.

    Jacob Hearn