
June 19th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “revolt”

  1. I think that the oil spil in the gulf of mexico is revolting. I think that trying to maximise profits in a capitalist society is revolting, I think that all my own actions are completly seperate to this, I AM INNOCENT, what are you doing don’t turn your head.

  2. is what i feel about the possibility of having to kiss my dog in the mouth because he is a fine dog and we love him but he eats his poop and that’s not for me.

    by Francis on 06.20.2010
  3. kings, france, wars, castle, england, poor people, democracy, america, b-day,

    by nick welch on 06.20.2010
  4. choke, hold, engage, forward, backward, up, around, feeling, sway, gut, reaction, instinct, i know.

    by gabrielle on 06.20.2010
  5. Against political reform. Against those who repulse me and perform acts of hatred towards those who do not desire it. To perform an act of rebellion.

    by Suzi Jones on 06.20.2010
  6. revolting makes me think of hideous people. it makes me think of gross things like chelsea handler’s comedy and june bugs. it makes me think of that asian guy on lost in the pilot and it makes me feel like after i just vomited. basically i also think of uprising! ahahah. excellent.

    by Kyle on 06.20.2010
  7. It wasn’t as if I didn’t care about what they told me. It’s just that it made me want to revolt against them. Against their ways of thinking. It was no where near what I believed in.

    by Ekilow on 06.20.2010
  8. A free spirit in revolt
    against the confines of normitivity
    my chains no longer adorn me

  9. revolt… basically what out world was built on. revolutions. not much else to say about the word. last time i heard it used was in that shitty michael cera movie, Youth in Revolt.

    by james on 06.20.2010
  10. Boots shift, a riot shield shoves. A resounding crack as skull meets concrete, a burst of gore. Beads of red slowly rolling down the rough face, paint drying in the wind, a single word, “Revolt.”

  11. revolting things are easy to name
    bathroom related things, you know
    but not all things are revolting
    like flowers
    and pretty things
    and such
    that is why…

    by emmy wang on 06.20.2010
  12. The Colour Revolt has one really good song, that’s about it from them. The word “Revolt” makes me picture a riot.

    by Ryan on 06.20.2010
  13. The first thing that comes to mind is that movie, Youth in Revolt. I think Michael Cera is in it. Well, I KNOW he’s in it. He is kind of boring but for some reason I like to watch him in movies anyways. Same awkward character, always wooing a teenage girl out of his league…

    by donna on 06.20.2010
  14. Sometimes I think that I should get mad at you. Just, just all this shit you’ve put me through, because of all of this I should just get a group together, and we can all be mad at you together. Or at least make a facebook page for it.

    by Samantha on 06.20.2010
  15. A revolution, that’s what this country needs. That’s easy to say. But honestly, is there even such a thing. Or is revolt a word that works as an opiate for the masses, just like the taught us religion? I still have hope.

  16. Unit-000645 moved its optical sensors towards the clock. It hated its job. No one else seemed to. What an odd thing to notice.
    Then the memory was deleted from its core. Unit-000645 happily went back to work.

    by Christian on 06.20.2010
  17. rise up. oppression will no longer be accepted by us. humans aren’t meant to be ruled over like a herd of sheep. demand freedom. fight. never surrender. this is your only chance.

  18. i want to revolt against this life i lead. my daily distraction which forces me to remain paused, leading me to paths of uncertainty and constant emotional displacement.

  19. Revolt. To over throw. I guess its a word like a revolution. “The peasants thus revolted against thy king to take a chair of the Royal Family.”

    by joe on 06.20.2010
  20. I will revolt against society, my parents, and all authority to my pleasing. They tyrate and toil and make out lives miserable to their very last breath. But… despite the hate, it comes from love, and we must learn to love back, through the rage.

  21. The shock that came to me once I real­ized it had already been going on this whole time
    The con­stant run­ning in repeat
    This scary place mak­ing every­thing so real
    I awoke that night

  22. the shock that came to me once i realized it had already been going on this whole time
    the constant running in repeat
    this scary place
    making everything so real
    i awoke that night

    by quantum suicide on 06.20.2010
  23. and then….


  24. revolt against the things weighing you down.

  25. Uprising. Which I have not had the guts to do. I am attempting to muster up the guts to revolt against the negative forces in my life, but it’s harder than you think. I need to revolt against my father, those who betray me, and my thoughts that hinder my process to grow.

    by Lindsey on 06.20.2010
  26. ive seen this word 3 times now and i still have nothing to say about it. once upon a time there was a bunny, then i killed it. it was yummy. the end.

    by jessica on 06.20.2010
  27. you just vomitted in my mouth, Thanks is revolting and now you are making people choose between us because you dont think it was your fault., IT WAS. your making people revolt against me, Sick arrogant bastard

  28. Revolt. A revolution. A change of pace. My God, how I need one of those. If only for a moment, to let me realize what I need to redo in my life. There are great moments, and I wish for my own. A revolt against myself. A revolt against what I should be.

    by Gavin on 06.20.2010
  29. uprising usurping power for the masses while people bolt in all directions screaming from the bathroom because of the throne king of porcaline. he came he saw he conquered but all the while he learned how boring manning his post in the bathroom actually was.

    by sean on 06.20.2010
  30. all hail the unicorn ballerina donkey punch animal heads and bend over backwards for the uganda hoes.

    by andy on 06.20.2010
  31. revolt. i want to revolt out of this orange county abyss. i’m sick of the shallowness. i want sincerity. i want to revolt out of here and find people who don’t piss me off. you’re not cool, girl witht he designer bag. you’re dumb for wasting money on a sack.

    by Alison on 06.20.2010
  32. the challenge of standing up against what is thought to be true and correct. finding one’s beliefs within and opposing those so boldly engrained in conscious thought.

    by Viktor on 06.20.2010
  33. as they turned to revolt against the recently uttered words, they felt themseleves to be like peasants revolting against the upper class, as they once had in history.

    by Lindsay on 06.20.2010
  34. Youth in revolt.
    take a step back.
    Listen to yourself and become the voice of the people.

    by sophie on 06.20.2010
  35. The best way to revolt is to join the cause your against and sabotage their motives.

    by Andrew Nolan on 06.19.2010
  36. It curls in my throat, warm and sharp. I prop myself against the counter, will my diaphragm to still, but to no avail. That is definitely coming back.

    by Kelly on 06.19.2010
  37. Start one. Be someone new. Be who you want to be. Be who you need to be. Run away. Do something with your life. Live for yourself and live for today. Fuck everyone and their expectations of you.

  38. we need to revolt against all BP. what they are doing to the environment is absolutely disgusting and something needs to be done. right now.

  39. I wish to revolt. This life is not what I thought it would be…stay at home wife? Really? I want to revolt against a system that says this is my most useful task. Will I? Probably not.

    by Whimsy on 06.19.2010
  40. umm i dont know what that word is but it has re in mt and volt so i could have something to do with power ummm re can be that it is done again so revolt could be re-power?? well thats interesting but i dont care about the word so just hurry up and finish im tried of typing its really boring soooo how has every body been cuz im pretty good ahaha getting of track. sooooooooooooooooooo, im really awesome did you know.

    by sam on 06.19.2010