
June 19th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “revolt”

  1. revolt… trying to brong me down deliberately revolts me, the sight of blood revolts me, violence revolts me, religion does too…

  2. going against the rules, the laws, the physics and the chemistry. the boundaries we set and the borders that we can’t change. going against what we’re supposed to.

    by Sian Joan on 06.19.2010
  3. Those who plan revolts are rarely revolutionaries. They just want to be novel. It’s sad, really. The coolest people have the lamest ideas about “revolution.” The real revolutionaries are hillbillies with stockpiles of weapons, waiting for the tea-party to rise up.

    by Kaitlin on 06.19.2010
  4. When I was young I never really revolted too much against my parents. I was always the good kid, Both of my sisters did tho. I tried to with my piercings and colored hair and such I guess, but that didnt really do it.

  5. To be revolted…I currently am. Completely disgusted by the bedbugs above my bed, waiting to suck my blood in the middle of the night. I can not sleep, though, it’d be nice.

    by Laurie on 06.19.2010
  6. my sister revolts me all the time. she talks about the same things and it bothers me. it revolts me that clayton won’t love me. even if he wanted to, i don’t know if he will. just love me please.

    by Karen on 06.19.2010
  7. Something the French do when they don’t have bread.
    Something teenagers do when their hormones are raging.
    Something college students do when their hearts are broken.
    Something middle aged folks do when they need to be okay with life.

    by ks on 06.19.2010
  8. revolt against what is wrong in the world, work towards what is right. go with your gut!

    by JZ on 06.19.2010

    the british are coming, the british are coming. the famous words of paul revere. stand up for what you believe in…for what is right. it might be wrong to one, but its a cuase for a fight. dont fuck this one up or you might die.

    by kyle on 06.19.2010
  10. revolt. its a way to make things happen, and a way to cause disaster. its a first impulse, or a last-ditch effort. revolt makes the world go around.

  11. Revolt. To revolt to something is to go against. something that is revolting; something that is gross and disgusting.

    by Danielle on 06.19.2010
  12. I want to hear you.

  13. I’ve got nothing. Really. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    by Loruu on 06.19.2010
  14. revolt
    you say you want a revoultion
    i just wrote this
    across the universe is a great movie
    strawbarry fields forever
    re vo lt
    ree vol t
    revolution r

    by Jessica on 06.19.2010
  15. My stomach does. When I think about him with her.

    by briy on 06.19.2010

    Damn this world, REVOLT!

    What does this mean, to revolt?

    by Madi on 06.19.2010
  17. the man and the woman reached the end of their journey, their silent revolt against the evil in this world. Their peaceful crusade against the corruption, the tyranny. Their revolt was not one of arms, but of minds, not of swords, but of thoughts, not of guns, but of ideas.

    by Dakota on 06.19.2010
  18. NO! NO! This is the end!! AHHH! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! Well…DANCE!!!! Dance like theres no tomorrow because there will not be another.

    by Crystal on 06.19.2010
  19. cat scary meow rabbit apples any more who could have more pears peaches
    brats egg dance love hate cry laugh eyes blue brown green red yellow orange brushes smile sushi dog schnauzer terrier

    by Crystal on 06.19.2010
  20. stand up against this crime! who is it who says you must take action? since when did you act against your will? this army of one should act now. why do we wait on love to hit us, to only have our government to tear apart? the one thing that glues my being together…the only hope i have while i now lie alone at night…revolt against something revolting. revolt to rearrange the twisted minds of the half lovers. i will revolt for both of us and rewrite to re-right US. come home…

    by erica newsome on 06.19.2010

    by Cassie on 06.19.2010
  22. I can’t think of anything more revolting than common rudeness. Ever time someone cuts in line or interrupts a sentence, it just leaves me in utter disgust for humanity. Be polite god dammit!

    by NanoLee on 06.19.2010
  23. I paint my nails black, i hide my face. They cannot pull me by a rope. This equlibrium I rest.

    by Nellister on 06.19.2010
  24. Everyone feels like revolting at one point or another, against friends, family, work, mainly friends and significant other. When everthing thing in life is turned against you like knives, what else can you do, but revolt?

    by JKeeling on 06.19.2010
  25. I want to revolt from life. Sometimes I find myself judging everything and I just want emptiness and freedom from my thoughts. I just judged that sentence. I can’t stop. WHen can things just become real and not be what is in my mind?

    by Natalie on 06.19.2010
  26. To rebel, to tell the world that you have an opinion thats not the same, thats not conforming to their whims. to revolt, to remind yourself that just because there is an answer, doesn’t make it right!

  27. Why would a dog want to revolt?

    For Jenna, it was the disgusting food her owner Kira always put in her bowl. It tasted like cardboard. So one day, Jenna bit Kira.

    “What’s wrong, Jenna?” Kira asked, unaware anything was wrong. . . like all owners who are revolted against.

  28. think about what you are about to do.

  29. The square was a seething mass of pitchforks. None of us knew what we wanted, but by golly, we were going to Kill for it. Some guy with a torch was the apparent leader, spitting something about the king and country and divine inspiration to our beer filled ears…

    by Giles. on 06.19.2010
  30. It’s a revolt.
    There are reds splashed across pristine whites,
    there are tears staining crisp lapels,
    there is lonely drenching broken hearts.
    This is a revolt.
    Where is the purpose?

  31. overthrowing a system you do not agree with, Taking the power into your own hand violently

    by victor on 06.19.2010
  32. Revolt is something that needs to be done in the world but not on a physically violent level. It needs to be done in an inner-psychological voyage so as to reduce the destructive entropy of people acting out their psychological crap on the world.

    by Andrew Carey on 06.19.2010
  33. you disgust me
    revolting lies
    turn round
    your life

    can’t even sleep at night
    kill their expectations

    by Lusy on 06.19.2010
  34. i think of revolution when i think of revolt because revolt stems from the word revolution, maybe. i don’t really know why. or rebellion. a riot maybe. it’s interesting that all these words start with the letter r. revolt, rebellion, revolution, riot. why??

    by danielle on 06.19.2010
  35. why rebel
    for the good of your country, for the good of people of yourself and of your soul
    Why settle for what’s the status quo?
    Whatever you stand for
    Revolt against whatev

    by Kate on 06.19.2010
  36. Enough! Enough of this! This is not who we are.

  37. my belly!!! i´m not kinda sugar eater…

    by Francisco Erazo on 06.19.2010
  38. The problem with massive-scale revolutions was that they were too hard to organize, he thought. Where could he get enough people to make a difference? How could he get them all to comply?

    He sighed and shook his head. Better to leave visions of grandeur for when he actually got some sway in the community.

  39. Revolting is sooo much fun!!! I’d do it everyday. But I’d rather not get arrested or anything.. Ya know? Lol. YAY! REVOLTING!!!!!!!! Uhm.. So now what?

    by Ally on 06.19.2010
  40. rise up! rise up! from your offices and school desks. reject the life that’s been planned for you. grab a new pair of shoes and find the miles you’re meant to travel

    by kelsey on 06.19.2010