
June 19th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “revolt”

  1. I will revolt against time. I want to just fly back to a time where everything was so carefree, to a childhood where my dad was standing right next to me, to a time where everything was so beautiful and happiness was so tangible. I want to revolt against the future, to stay where I am now.

    by Jenn on 06.19.2010
  2. uprise, rise against, throw tomatoes, disgusting, volting, like molting, but hairier,

    by Marie on 06.19.2010
  3. revolt. what you need to do to get what you want. show the boss who’s really boss. get what you want in your own way. stick it to the man!

    by Maggie on 06.19.2010
  4. revolt. they say they want a revolution. oh i do love the Beatles. the Beatles are so sweet! someone said i don’t think that the Beatles are over rated, but i think over rating the Beatles is over rated. but i’d disagree the Beatles are so sweet. it’s the freeking Beatles who doesn’t love that? Yellow Submarine man! Across the Universe…ohhh Beatles =)

    by on 06.19.2010
  5. click clack. click clack. click clack. they walk in unison but they don’t make a sound. nothing can be heard except the sound of shoes. the sound of heel to toe; heel to toe; heel to toe; complete repetition. except for Timmy. Timmy goes toe to heel; toe to heel;

    by Clara on 06.19.2010
  6. He stood in the crowd of people. All were thinking the same thoughts “KILL HIM KILL HIM!” He didn’t feel quite the same way. With great skill, he threw his dagger and cut the rope that had bound the prisoner so tightly, thus giving him the freedom he so deserved.

    by Katie on 06.19.2010
  7. One word, well what word to choose? Tough question. Out of all the words in the world i have to just choose one? For What purpose? Why should i? well i choose, SKY. No reason, first word that poped inside my head. And all the purple, i really like it by the way.

    by Taylor on 06.19.2010
  8. i’m revolting just thinking about you
    you made my life horrible and i kinda wish i never met you
    but it makes me revolt how we never speak anymore
    you were my best friend and i hate that when i see horrible words
    i think of you.

    by lizzie on 06.19.2010
  9. Revolt? What does that mean? It rhymes with colt, holt, nolt, folt, sholt, bolt… BOLT! That’s such a great movie! I saw it when I was babysitting.

    by Jess on 06.19.2010
  10. Any action that acts against what we perceive as the ‘norm’ is considered a revolt. Whether original or copied, it is our duty to revolt.

  11. Light gradually penetrates my eyes despite my best efforts to shut it out. My mouth is dry and tastes like last nights cigarettes and vodka, water, I need water. I am so revolting.

    by Banana on 06.19.2010
  12. Revolt against the silence,
    against silencing the unfair.
    The unfair should cause defiance…
    cause defiance, and I’ll meet you there.

  13. i am not sure exactly the true meaning of the useless word revolt. i find it as a word people would use to describe something they did not like, or was not pleased with. The dictionary term could define it as something not wanted

    by gabe on 06.19.2010
  14. Revolt. I’ve always wanted to do it. It’s a normal teenage tendency I guess. I see something, and it makes me angry. I just have this…surge of disgust over it. A hot feeling in my stomach. And it won’t go away. I have to DO something about it. I need to make it change. Not even just for me sometimes. For other people.

    by Jill on 06.19.2010
  15. one time i was playing revolution with my friends and i was the lowest position, the cow if you will. i kept on saying “i’m revolting!!” none of us got the double meaning for a really long time, then it was hilarious.

    by shannon on 06.19.2010
  16. Revolt is sin. It is to go against conformity and take your own identity. Unless of course you conform to the revolts of others.

    by Matt Crockett on 06.19.2010
  17. What the ….. is that word? I would guess that it means something related to revolution. People revolt because they are not satisfied with their life provided by the government.

    by lala on 06.19.2010
  18. Her whole body revolted against his absence. She didn’t care for coffee that morning. It was too harsh on her stomach, drinking the full pot she’d made for the both of them.

  19. Mofos fo sho be hoes when day re-vo. authorities seniorities sororities borin me. gin win tin fin

    by Ballerstatus on 06.19.2010
  20. Revolution is when people revolt against repression. When something is revolting it is absolutely disgusting. Why the discrepancy? What is the English language trying to say? Whatever it is, I do not agree.

  21. The people were never ready to stand up as they did so long ago. The times of revolution were long gone, the inhabitants now believing in the unjust system. No matter how much their lives were ruined, they would not revolt.

  22. revolting, what is revolting? it is revolting that over 1000 animals have died because of the oil spill. it is revolting that nothing is being done about it! and hundreds more animals are still covered in oil. what up with that?

    by joelle b on 06.19.2010
  23. youth in revolt. shitty movie with michael cera, plays the same awkward adolescent he was born to play. never actually seen it. but if i want to see that character i will watch any of cera’s other movies.

    by Boz Scaggs on 06.19.2010
  24. Sometimes i wish i had the courage to revolt but i dont want to get in trouble. i dont believe in half the things these people try to get me to do. its just dumb and hypocritical isnt it?

    by Katie on 06.19.2010
  25. It was then she decided to strike. A revolt against the bitch queen and her cruelties that lacked in contemplation. She held the sparkling sword aloft as she charged, screaming her fathers name, her voice filled with vengeance as she sprinted forth into the unknown vastness of her sisters army.

  26. revolution. change. anarchy. riot dog. bp oil spill. anger. action. love. change. going to a new day. wanting more.

    by Kate on 06.19.2010
  27. I would like a different word then revolt. This word is revolting because I can’t think of anything to write about it and it’s the first one to come up on this web page.

  28. Why do you revolt against me? I have never tried to contain you, and indeed have done everything within my power to set you free. Your freedom is conditional upon my goodwill. Perhaps you sense that, and wish to expose me for the tyrant that I am? Or perhaps you simply wish to see how far I will let you go. Either way, I cannot stop you from your push. And so I am forced to wish the best of luck to you, and remove the safety net.

  29. please,don’t revolt at what I am about to say.The difference between you and me isn’t that I advance without a mask,but that I live an exciting vibrant life while you don’t.

    by Re:Joyce on 06.19.2010
  30. revolt against the leaders. revolt against the followers. revolt against those standing next to you. you are not alone, yes you are. the only one who can stand on two feet, the only one with a mind of your own. revolt against the one. the everyone.

    by Erica on 06.19.2010
  31. You say you want a revolution yeaaaahhhh you know. We all want to change the world!
    You talk about the institution yeaaahhhhh you know….

  32. I don’t revolt. Why? Well what’s the point? What point are you making? So you’re not doing what you are told. Big whoop. There is no need to make such a big deal. Guess what, we all care very little about what you do. Revolt against your self, now that’s big. Don’t tell the whole world everything about you.

    by bob on 06.19.2010
  33. the revolt started quickly. The generals met and called down to the execution team and it began. It began with an explosion of emotion in a tinry room which started the gears of doom and destructon moving inevidably forward. The die was cast and there was no return. The electric impules moved from through the phon esetting in motion a hideous chain reaction that lept and jumped down the line until the message was delivered and men in camoflouge were summoned and began to roust from thier slumber and collect ammunition and gear. Alarms bgan to sound as engines began their roaring creshendo. It was tie to move. There was no time to waste as troops…eager and scared at the same time began to make thier way out of the bunker.

    by Lonnie Hicks on 06.19.2010
  34. repent, like trying to erase the mistake that is done earlier.Youth.Anarchy.Injustice.Libertine and heavy metal

    by adil on 06.19.2010
  35. revolt is a powerful and emotional action used to show ones opinion through force. It is taking action against someone or something….

    by Nick on 06.19.2010
  36. jesus what that kid did today was so revolting. i mean, seriously, who makse themselves vomit in the middle of chem class to get out of taking a test? what a freakin whack. i can not imagine doing that, i mean, how does a kid figure out he has that ability?

    by garbs on 06.19.2010
  37. if i had the energy to care enough. yeah its a shame really. but i dont really commit to much anymore. someday. or maybe not.

  38. Been experiencing a good deal of revolt lately: the revolt of my brain against my sense, of my stomach against my body, of my heart against my soul, of my eyes against my head-it’s a vicious act of violent separation.

    by Magdalena on 06.19.2010
  39. i stood in a room an stared at the wall.
    the revolt was too big to bare. too small to waste & and a deep and dark thing to get into. i have no desire to pile myself up for this.

    by miranda on 06.19.2010
  40. it is revolting, life, and like so many before you, memories are deemed less significant on paper and i am sick. and transferred that illness on paper.