
June 19th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “revolt”

  1. revolt its all about standing up for what you believe in. defying authorities and other dis believers. it can be liberating. it can be violent.

    by kait on 06.19.2010
  2. Love is revolting. Nothing more.

  3. Revolt against the archaic nature. The new ways are here and your hand draws the path. The light is shining. Do you see it? See what it creates and pick out the shapes you like. There is much for you here, look and appreciate that. We are together, yes, you and I, your hand in mine and the destination in reach.

  4. The long established authority of my ego is no longer in charge of my mind. I am revolting with peace and love in order to set myself free.

  5. the established authority of my ego is no longer in charge of y my mind. I am revolting with peace and love in order to set myself free.

  6. I spit. Mouth empty, my stomach continues to heave. Ah, mother’s cooking. Bulimia is my secret friend.

    by Liam Striding on 06.19.2010
  7. It’s revolting, when you think about it, how long it took for him to realize how terrible he was acting. It’s revolting that he couldn’t see, as his fist collided with her cream-colored cheeks, that he was killing an angel.

  8. rebel;rise against; oppose; take up arms against; refuse to comply; history is full of revolutions by repressed people.

  9. Whenever I decide to go to sleep, a part of my mind decides against it. “Why?” I suddenly question. I can certainly sleep when I’m dead. A sudden rebelliousness creeps up inside me in revolt, and I can feel it questioning again.

  10. You don’t know the sort of things that led me here. I did what I did because I felt I had no other choice. You think I’m misguided? You’re wrong. I know what I did and I accept the consequences.

    by Jeremiah Frost on 06.19.2010
  11. revolt! stop whatever it is that you’re doing! Just don’t interrupt my tv shows, ok?

  12. The revolt occurred at around one in the morning. Captain Ahab had no idea that the crew was about to destroy his underwater adventure. Under the cover of the blue night, they slipped into his quarters, tied and gagged him, and dragged his flailing into the engine room.

    by Simon Coplan on 06.19.2010
  13. it makes me really sick just plain sick to hear this word. It puzzles me as to why I find it sick I don’t really know, but it just triggers a reaction that I assciate with the wor

    by her on 06.19.2010
  14. revolt against all that is bad, revolt against those that wrong you every day it is always important to revolt as otherwise they may get away with it. yell it, scream it just revolt!

    by anonymous on 06.19.2010
  15. I don’t feel good…
    I don’t think I’m going to make it…
    Oh no!
    … My breakfast revolted from me.

  16. I was sitting in a wooden chair, noise all around me. I did not get up at first, but the others had started something, something in me.

    by Cullen on 06.19.2010
  17. To go against tradtion. To not conform. To think outside of the box.To act out. Freedom. New. Old. Hidden conformity. Too many people revolt these days, that it is no longer a revolution, but a movement.

    by Katie on 06.19.2010
  18. I picked through the grease trap, smearing the black gunk all over my arms in the process. Wonderful, someone had dropped an egg in here. Two, actually. What WAS that even? The goo plunked into the garbage can with a revolting sound. The smell was the worst of it, aside from the feeling of that slime on my arms.

  19. To run away from something. To do something against someones will. Something about a revolution. Napeoleon Bonapart. To do something that someone else would consider wrong. To do something you think is right that others may think is wrong. To run away from something. To cause trouble. To do something bad.

    by Adam on 06.19.2010
  20. Put in new electric wiring.

    by Joseph Leff on 06.19.2010
  21. revolting comes to mind but then i think about what am i currently against? the usa vs slovenia outcome? i guess. my mind is fairly peaceful & i would say i’m happy with things, though not with the overall standing of the world.

  22. The revolution was swift and powerful. When Charles came in through the back door, there was dirt smeared all over his tunic.

    by Max on 06.19.2010
  23. im making cake for my hubby for fathers day even though he is not my dad he is my sugar daddy,… I love him and he is awesome so Im making some thing awesome for him to enjoy on his special day. I dont know what else to write, I feel so pressured.

    by Jina on 06.19.2010
  24. Threw the world into revolt when I told him no. No girl tells him no, you know? Not me, not anyone, but I did, and he doesn’t quite understand. He doesn’t quite understand why he’s not allowed back at all. No more. No.

    by Ella Emma Em on 06.19.2010
  25. The revolution against society. Free thinkers unite and tear down walls of inconsistent thought. It is time for a new beginning.

  26. revolt against authority is always a good idea in order to start new, like a phoenix. but if the revolt isn’t followed with strength it can fail and reverse.

    by Johnny on 06.19.2010
  27. There was a revolt in histroy at some time between two groups of people. I’m not sure what actually went on but we must have come out of it alright because we now have
    bonfire night. That was a revolt right? guy fawkes?

    by Jay on 06.19.2010
  28. i thought that if i kept refreshing the pg id get a different word but the word revolt seems to be IT so if i were to revolt id want to do so in such an epic way.
    revolt from everything
    and so on

    by bethany on 06.19.2010
  29. i have no idea what this means so i cant write anything about it.. sounds something like an action.. i couldnt know less about a word to be honest.. and ive ran out of things to say already.

    by aine on 06.19.2010
  30. The city was in an uproar. Buildings were smoldering, covered in violent messages of colorful spray-paint. Bodies littered the sidewalk, blood trickling into the car-strewn streets. It was deathly quiet. There was an officer,dressed in a once blue uniform walking carefully through the wreckage. He carried a pistol, there was an axe slung over his shoulder. Yet there was not a sound. There was a movement in the window he passed by and with a bang and a splurt of blood is was gone.

  31. She ran with the other women, pitchfork held high and voice raised in chant. It was October 5, 1789, and they were off to visit the king and the Austrichienne.

  32. “Toss me the rag,” he asked, stuffing it down his musket when it reached him.
    “What’d you do that for?” Olivier questioned, staring.
    “I’m here to defend my farm and my family, not start a revolt,” Michael replied, getting up. “This is a signal; I’m going to cross over and go home.”

  33. When the children won’t take it anymore, and the poor run to the streets in fury, throwing televisions about, and strewing the streets with waves of old clothing and useless items, one word comes to mind: revolt! And they’ll all cry it together.

    by Damon Pennington on 06.19.2010
  34. This is a newmade day, and I cannot help but feel that the songs that call people to arise are made for me and me alone. They sing to the song in my blood, shining through me like a brilliant child-like sun, gloriously burning. The voices buoy me along. There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes.

    by Eliza on 06.19.2010
  35. I want to revolt against the baser part of my lesser self. I want to revolt against all that is less than righteous, courageous, loyal, and true that is within the fallen part of my nature.

    by Ben on 06.19.2010
  36. She’d never tasted rebellion before, but she thought that must have been what his arms were telling her in the dark. Her father hated that vagabond of hers: the one with the shadow-heart and sunlit eyes, the one who whispered daggers into her skin and broke promises like the silk threads of her skirts; the one who had her bewitched before he even removed the Bolivar cigar from the lazy corner of his lounging smile.

  37. It wasn’t a revolt as much as an uprising. They were dead and they wanted us to be dead to. We had one choice. Fight them, or join them. They would not stop, and they outnumbered us.

    by Darryl Anderson on 06.19.2010
  38. to fight back i revol against my sister. Lets go revolt revoting im revolting against obama revolution i don’t knnow if that has to do with it though.

    by abi on 06.19.2010
  39. Slash! Whip! One by one, flesh is teared. All because of skin pigment. Environment adaptation. All this, just because they wanted a better life. They tried to revolt.

  40. revolt indeed! time to stop waiting stop staring at the road, hoping the bus will stop at your house and let you on; we all have to be the driver. little things, you know? little things that you do in your life that you are dissatisfied with- thats what you revolt against then the world will be won!

    by Julian Neuhauser on 06.19.2010