
June 19th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “revolt”

  1. I’ve been passively thinking maybe I should revolt against myself. I should stop just filling in the hollow moments with modest entries and actually only speak to the world when I’ve got something REAL important to me to speak of. We’ll see where that revolt brings me…

    by Frankovich on 06.19.2010
  2. “You’re like a solitary revolt, Adam.” I said, “You hate everything, but you love all the same.”

  3. revolt. What exactly does it mean? It means to back away. To stand together and disobey. It’s the ultimate child hood hero. But when it actually comes around, they revolt about more than not wanting to go shop at publix. They revolt for bigger more important things.

  4. revolt revolt! seems like two words re volt. i love the sound boom!

  5. rise up, rise up, manatees and bottlenoses, all fish that fly and sea birds long of leg and winged wide the sky, rise up rise up, escape into a future time, a time to come, a time for creatures all.

  6. hate
    i donnt know WHAT TO WRITE

    katiaaaa help meeeee
    meee oooooh

    this is scary


    by Claudia on 06.19.2010
  7. to rise against. to deny, to refuse what others think. deny what they claim and do it all for yourself.

    by elizabeth on 06.19.2010
  8. Amanda was lost. She was confused, and undecided. Who am I to go against my own family?

    by Halle on 06.19.2010
  9. They took the beer out of the fridges as they went by–the student revolutionaries with t-shirts and M-16s. But you didn’t question it, given the anger in their eyes. Maybe they knew something I didn’t, I who had swept up for a living for a life. I could believe that they knew more than the suits and ties on television–but I wish they’d left the beer.

    by maya on 06.19.2010
  10. i revolt, that is the way i am , can you revolt are you strong enough? give me a reason i CAN revolt. revolt brings a new way of thought, it brings change. revolt causes growth, REVOLT REVOLT REVOLT stand up, speak your mind, live your life, live for something that matters, nothing comes without a fight. once you have fought for something, it matters. make you and and your children matter stand the fuck up.

    by amy on 06.19.2010
  11. We climbed the brown and red painted hill with our knees. The gun strapped to my leg clanked every time I took another step. We had made it, barely alive.

    by JennBlack on 06.19.2010
  12. Era un niño revoltoso. Nadie pensaría que sería si, teniendo los padres que tenía.

    El niño creció y ya no sólo era revoltoso sino un PROBLEMA.

    Decidid: vive o muere.

    by Janette on 06.19.2010
  13. To rage against the night. to prevent the downfall of what one represents and to strike back at the oppressors. I will not quit, I will not falter. I will

    by JG on 06.19.2010
  14. Leap up
    divide your souls
    and let the conquest

    Take your wrath
    and smack the opression

    Darling, people will

    But that’s the price
    we pay
    for freedom.

    by MiaMia on 06.19.2010
  15. my skin is leaning backwards, screaming and moaning in agony. it hates me. it’s too tight and too dry and cutting it away isn’t helping anymore. my skin is in revolt and i seem to lack the knowledge of how to contain it. my parents can’t help, neither can my friends.

  16. I don’t understand this word, but it reminds me of Revolver. And revolver reminds me of the caferetian in Oslo, with the same name. And there is this man who used to work there, who is really good in cooking.

    by Ylva Solum Aksnes on 06.19.2010
  17. the revolt of 1916 was nothing new. the underlying discontent had been simmering for years, but it wasn’t until the episode

    by Dana on 06.19.2010
  18. There was a revolution in almost every country at some point in time. There are always people that are unhappy with the way that things are happening and they want to change the way things go. A revolt can be peaceful or it can involve a lot of death destruction and suffering on both sides. It is all dependent upon the nature of the unrest. If there is malice in their hearts, people are more likely to want to physically take action so that they can see the true nature of what they are doing. Change brings about change, there is no two ways about it.

    by NJ on 06.19.2010
  19. The wind thrashed against her wind and the night silence reverberated in her eardrums as she watched the castle from atop a hill. In a matter of moments, everything they treasured would be ripped from them just as it had been her.

  20. The people revolted. It wasn’t that they were unhappy, and it wasn’t as though something had happened that they were unhappy with. Quite the opposite in fact. Nothing had been happening. And nothing had been happening for such a long time.

  21. revolt remove recycle change stop go fast slow revolt revolution revolt the man revolt yourself voltre sounds french, could be a badass villain name revolt

    by Nellie on 06.19.2010
  22. There was a revolt in the small town of appleton. The villagers were angry. It wasn’t that something bad had happened. Quite the opposite. Nothing had happened. and it had been happening for such a long time. The mayor had tried to calm them at first but nothing worked.

    by Darren Sinnott on 06.19.2010
  23. An act of protest or rejection.

    by Giovanna on 06.19.2010
  24. “Their words were like hot iron against my skin. I knew I couldn’t take much more of this punishment. So my body revolted and that’s when they broke my jaw and took complete advantage of me. It only took them minutes but to me it felt like days. That, That was the day I lost faith in the human race.”

    by SamSam on 06.19.2010
  25. ugh that is revolting. or revolt. to revolt. like a revolution. october revolution 1917. you are revolting. no she is. i’m going to’s not your fault.

    by kimberley on 06.19.2010
  26. dont sit back and let the world run all over you but dont be extreme you dont own everything.

    by crystal on 06.19.2010
  27. The kingdom was screaming. The people were frothing in the streets. They were writhing, naked, sweating, fainting.

    The queen looked out over it all and knew they loved her. And Lady Gaga loved them too.

  28. hating hurting mad against revenge known happy angry anger

    by hhhh on 06.19.2010
  29. “Why is the word ‘revolting’ have revolt in it?” I asked, wrinkling my nose at the current cafeteria special.

    Luann shrugged. “Probably since it revolts in our stomachs.”

  30. i want to revolt against the nation. I want to revolt against what is thought to be ‘right’. I want to revolt against the norm. Against everyone’s thoughts and perception of life. I want to revolt to be me. Against you.

    by Olivia Toney on 06.19.2010
  31. Hayduke lives!!!!
    Stand agains GOLIATH
    DOn’t believe any of what you hear and only half of what you see!!!
    Oh this is Revolting.

  32. fires to kill
    spirit down into a something revolting
    stinking, molding
    and your ambition’s fueled by the spurrings of the physical,
    visual cues are only there to quake the faith into minds.

  33. It is time to revolt as a people for better world. There is too much that is wrong now. People are people. Fix it.

    by Josh on 06.19.2010
  34. She was tired of being treated like a fragile princess, angry at how he’d always try to protect her from the littlest things. She loved him yes but sometimes she felt all she did was get in his way. She depended on him to much, and it was starting to bother her how much.

    by on 06.19.2010
  35. The king declared there was to be no more free meals for the poor. Soon eggs and rotten vegetables were being thrown against the castle walls, smearing the windows and stinking the place to high heaven.

    by kayleigh on 06.19.2010
  36. they decided, one day, that it was time to revolt. they were done with the stereotypical-teenager deal. they were going to be individuals. they cut their hair and ripped holes in their jeans. they stopped listening to the radio. they questioned every aspect of conformity. they broke the mold, couldn’t be labeled or classified or stretched or squished into neat little groups. and they found, while everyone else was abiding complacently by the law of the status quo, they were much happier this way.

  37. When we were young we were told to follow the rules. To listen, but without revolt how would we ever get anywhere? We need to follow the beat of our own drum not authority. We need to be creative, adventurous and be real. Be who we really are, a free spirit. Not a follower, not a leader just ourselves.

    by Danielle on 06.19.2010
  38. against the ones who make the rules. for you are the only one in your life who can determine what you do and how you truly feel. rules were made to be broken, never be the follower

  39. I always read about the revolutions and revolts in history class, and never really gave them much thought until recently. It’s nice and all that people stand up for what they believe in, but that’s all history. No one really does that nowadays. Bad things happen, they complain about it, and nothing happens.:/

  40. Revolt against what is evil. Do what is considered wrong to do what is right. Fight for love, for passion, and against crimes. Live life to the fullest and help others do the same.

    by Danielle on 06.19.2010