
June 19th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “revolt”

  1. Oh. Revolt against everything. That used to be my youth. For years I did exactly this. Revolt. But noone ever really wanted me the way I was, so I had no choice as to revolt and try and survive.

    by samsam on 06.19.2010
  2. I couldn’t help but find him revolting. His posture lax, his hair dripping with grease and putrescence; all I could see was a homeless puppy, his pathos his only redeeming quality. The pity he inspired a trap for the unsuspecting, I fell for him. Those days with him are years past now, but I still struggle with one final question. Who’s more revolting: the man who made the trap or the woman who fell into it?

  3. I want to revolt.
    Revolt against the system.
    Revolt against revolt.
    I’m not revolting, others are.
    I’m going to start a revolution.

    by Pob on 06.19.2010

    by Redhead on 06.19.2010
  5. theres a band called the revolting cocks, has the same singer as the guy that sings in ministry. revolting cocks tee hee. kinda funny to me, cause i really like ministry

    by Kristen on 06.19.2010
  6. I always want to revolt even when I have little to revolt against. Something historical lives within me, desperate to break free, to change everything for good.

  7. Mean people revolt me. I don’t understand how someone can act so cruel to another human being and get satisfaction out of it. I feel sorry for them.

    by Abby on 06.19.2010
  8. there is always a revolt. There has never not been revolt. The uprising begins every day when we open our eyes to a new day. Our bodies seek to kill us, our sin desires to have us, but we must say no death and yes to Christ.

    by josh on 06.19.2010
  9. I don’t think either of us really knew the other until you showed up at my desk in English, demanding that I help you overthrow the teacher.

    I didn’t think you were mad. I thought you were wonderful.

  10. I want to revolt against all the people who run our society in a corrupt way. These include capitalists and big business owners who care about nothing but money. why is money so important anyways? And why is our society so superficial?

    by Rebecca Brunton on 06.19.2010
  11. The red fireworks lit up the dark skies like blazing flame. Rebelling against the darkness of night, changing it for us.

  12. revolt is a great word. makes me think of zwingli. youth in revolt was really good.
    my sister interrupted me.

    by sarah on 06.19.2010
  13. Sometimes I think about getting a lot of my friends, telling them how annoying my brother is, and asking them to help me revolt against his 15-year-old obnoxiousness. I really think it would be a cool idea, but I know that I could never do that; I love him too much. Sorry friends. No revolting today! :D

    by Jordan R. on 06.19.2010
  14. 1917 Russia – Lenin leads a revolt that will shape a large portion of world history for the next 80 years. Revolts shape history and play a large part in the psyche of the individual in society.

    by Edward Heming on 06.19.2010
  15. She began to revolt as soon as she saw the dress. She knew she could never wear it even though it had been handed down for generations. The question was – where to hide it?

  16. Revolt against The Man. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about anyway. He spends all his time trying to put us down and trying to fit us into his perfect little mold. Fuck him. Be yourself. It’s all you have.

  17. I can’t stand the thought or sight of you, so much in fact that it makes my stomach revolt with aching pains of bitterness, regret, and an overwhelming reminder that you’re not here when you should be. I miss you so much and I just want you to come home. I’ll wait, but not forever.

    by Allison on 06.19.2010
  18. Youth in Revolt was a good movie. I liked it. Michael Cera plays the same role in every movie. So yeah.

    by Riley on 06.19.2010
  19. The squirrel king has pushed us too far. Half the nuts we collect are paid in tribute to that fat, mangey, half-hairless coward. And why? What power does he hold that we lack? None, I tell you, except fear. But winter is coming, and the trees remain empty of nests but for his. And now I fear my young freezing in December more than I fear his fat arm coming down on my head.

  20. Revolution. The french revolutin is one of my favorite time periods :D
    Marie Antoinette is AWESOME :D

  21. I don’t know anything about this word. I mean, English is not my native language, so what the fuck “revolt” does even mean? I dunno. So, whatever. Am I writing with some particular purpose? Is this a psychological excercise or something? Cause, I don’t know. I’m a first-timer here.
    So, how are you? Who are you?

    P.S. I’m done. My name is Alisa. I still don’t know what’s revolt. I guess I should have checked it out…

    by Alisa on 06.19.2010
  22. i don’t want to do this anymore. i disagree and want to make a stand. i am a peasant. no no no no

    by no name on 06.19.2010
  23. The entire crowd seemed to lurch forward, only to be thrown back by an invisible barrier. the demon laughed from her perch as the humans tried to rebel against her control of them.

  24. Time’s running out for them. They don’t know, sitting in their comfortable homes, soft cushions under their behinds, delicious food on the table. They don’t know. But it’s coming. WE are coming.

  25. Dont have a freaking idea whats that it. English is not my native language. So yeah, that is pretty much it

    by Kiki on 06.19.2010
  26. I wish that revolt was an option. But I find myself sitting here wondering if I have the strength to ruin everything we’ve made over the past four years. Do I want to ruin a half-assed friendship for a chance at a real one?

    by Amanda Morrison on 06.19.2010
  27. tiresome, this word. it feels like something that has been tried already, too many times to count. it’s never something with a beginning or end, just a pulse of activitiy that people fool themselves into believing is new and distinct.

  28. Most people are utterly revolting. Not in appearence. Personality wise. I can’t stand most of humanity. We mostly only care about ourselves and our own personal gain.

    by Morganne on 06.19.2010
  29. disgusting things revolt you because they make you sick so you want to throw up. This is called being revolted from something. I don’t like being revolted because its not a nice feeling.

    by Majd on 06.19.2010
  30. fist pumping in the air
    flags lining the cement
    dripping, snow cone, ice
    shaved of my freedoms as they shout
    faggot. slut. whore. lies
    wearing the rainbow and
    wondering where to stand
    how to sit
    what I’m doing wrong
    today, this moment
    fist pumping in the air
    I’m still here
    (not going anywhere)

  31. The air was thick with tension and radical movement as I tried hard to resist the revolt beginning in my head, flipping through the torn pages like a mad hatter and hoping, with each turn, that I would find the place I was looking for. I needed the number, I needed the date, I needed anything to verify the fact that I was real.

  32. remind me of the movie v for vendetta and its sickk.. also reminds me of music liek reggage and what not. citizen cope too. my rooms really messy right now but im too hungover to clean. college is bad for my health.

    by kaari on 06.19.2010
  33. Revolution, constitution, restitution, retribution, all words to fight the “good” fight, the fight against the oppressive, to create freedom, only to become oppressive ourselves.

    by Travis on 06.19.2010
  34. That outfit you wore was truly revolting. Mustard yellow wool coat and matching skirt with powder blue trim and combat boots. I cringe just thinking of it.

  35. So today I stood up against the man and decided to revolt about the cafeteria food. It’s unbelievable the disgusting slop they serve. How appaling. I ended up being tagged down by his henchmen and shoved into a trashcan. They said something about ‘not appreciating the good we ingrates get.’ I’m no ingrate. Grate. Grated cheese. Tomato. Pizza. Yummmmmy. I’d like some pizza right now… What was this rant about?

    by Zzzz on 06.19.2010
  36. I used to be a very tollerant person but recently I find that everything causes something in me to revolt. Now what I don’t understand is that most things should have the opposite effect. If I could revolt less often I would be someone else I suppose.

  37. Revolting is one of the reactions to authority. Apparently it is a left-over reaction from childhood when we can’t argue coherently.

    by BelBel on 06.19.2010
  38. Teenagers. He hated them.

    Change. Psh. What did they know about change, about revolution? Nothing. He’d seen it time and time again. Eventually the world would harden them, give them a sense of realism.

    Teenagers and their rebellion. Psh.

  39. Revolt: I think of anger, I think of going against something wrong to do something right. I think of finding the superhuman strength inside of myself that I never knew I had before. I’m a warrior.

    by Andrew Holtz on 06.19.2010
  40. As the teenagers planned their attack, Josie wondered whether theuy were doing hte right thing. She had known M.r Pginlett for a long time and wasn’t so sure that they were standing up for a good cause now. After countless parties, she had finally given up on her dreams.

    by Andy on 06.19.2010