
September 19th, 2009 | 497 Entries

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497 Entries for “resist”

  1. I resist to do homework.
    Resist to do laundry, if I resist everything I can become…
    World’s best man. For I can resist bribes and all that could be.
    Strong, powerful, resisting urge and have will power.
    The world is AWESOME!

    by Alison on 09.20.2009
  2. resistance is futile!

    by A on 09.20.2009
  3. resist.

    once when i was aalone i felt as if i was insisted on resisting som rest. then i took some forward action and re listed my possibilites. as my own sake of productivity. re instated my resistance for fraternity of death. i resist. i’ll just re enlist.

    by jac on 09.20.2009
  4. I can’t do it. He has taken my brain hostage. I wish I could just forget, but I can’t.

    by Sigh. on 09.20.2009
  5. resist arrest

    by m on 09.20.2009
  6. Resist the urge to do it, sh etold me and I cou.ldn#t do it. I just had to do it, I coul;dn’t resist teh temptation, I couldn’t resist the power, I couldn’t resist teh feelings, the emotions. I couldn’t resist anything, and so I jumped. Straight down nad became part of the swirling rapisds, the falling water, the amazing, breathtaking, Niagra Fallls. I was part of it.

    by Sophy on 09.20.2009
  7. I could not stop it, I could not help myself. I felt my legs move almost involuntarily. I moved to the side of the deck, almost giddy with the moment about to come.

    I opened my eyes when the water hit me, not used to the shock of the cold.

    The lure of the ocean was too much.

    I lost myself somewhere.

    by Gabe on 09.20.2009
  8. i can’t.

    by josi on 09.20.2009
  9. People try hard to resist sins. It’s a biblical topic also. Resistance against leaders who can’t lead the world to a better place is utterly fair. No need to resist to a girl’s look. Can’t write any shit down. Good resistance!

    by Qwe on 09.20.2009
  10. to resist is to not want, to not want is to dislike, to dislike is to hate so therefore if you resist something you hate. So dont go against the tide let it take you as that isn’t resisting its loving.

    by Will Morgan on 09.20.2009
  11. resist. re- sist. sist again. subsist, resist. resistance is futile, i think. futility never came with so much subsequent angst. so many ethical transgressions and questions to be answered. i could end it all tonight. that thought is the hardest one to resist. its so possible. it would be so simple.

    by yamum. on 09.20.2009
  12. Resist the temptation of being clichee. Of being sentimental about this world that’s falling to pieces around me. Too late, I’ve already moved into the zone of writing Hollywood drama. Is it my fault that we all sound so pathetic and sentimental when our life falls apart? How can I write enlightened poetry when all that’s in my head are cheap tears and a question of WHY?

    by Sam on 09.20.2009
  13. What do you want me to do exactly? Resist what. I wish that I could resist the drive to drink more coffee from this overpriced middle-eastern establishment. i don’t think that I will though, the cappuccino is to good.

    by PixelJunkie on 09.20.2009
  14. he couldn’t resist. after a deep breath, he took her hand, stared into her eyes, and whispered “there’s parsley stuck in your teeth.”

    by badingangbato on 09.20.2009
  15. I cannot resist this feeling at the moment. I feel like I should be with this girl, but she seems to resist my feelings. I know I’d do alot better with a girl, but I can’t resist the fact that I haven’t had a girlfriend for the last five years.
    Resist, resist, resist.
    Persist! Exisct!

    by Alexander on 09.20.2009
  16. wtf is this , resist is ljgakkmzsdfagjsjfsasutnsjanshabsgweihsual

    by wastabee on 09.20.2009
  17. temptation, holding back, not doing something that you want to do, urge, waiting

    by Amanda on 09.20.2009
  18. to charms that hang like dull bracelets upon thin wrists. they seem so fragile, so unassuming that one could even call them jewelry. to adorn

    by becca Loo on 09.20.2009
  19. She could not resist flooring the Impala so the roar of the engine made vibrations in the marrow of her bones. As she passed the mall exit, she laughed because she didn’t take it, didn’t head for the gaudy shops and fried delights. The highway signs shot past her like the years do in a time machine, reducing her to youth, to a speeding seed.

    by Brian Slusher on 09.20.2009
  20. Fight for freedom.
    Use your mind.
    Stay Aware.

    by Praying Mantis on 09.20.2009
  21. we will control and we will stop degrading.

    by Tom on 09.20.2009
  22. resist, what is this page about, it is very interesting, but i’m rather tired and really don’t know want to resist or i can’t spell for crap! Whi am i doing this anyway. Its because Norene is here and she keeps me. up all nght, what does the bell mean?

    by Tania on 09.20.2009
  23. I could not resist the pull of him – the sensation of him dragging me forward into his arms even though he’d made no move to touch me. I could not resist the look in his eyes, the curl of his mouth the sense that this, this was what I’b been longing for.

    by Charlie B on 09.20.2009
  24. the temptation to have sex with random girls, to be lazy, to not go work out, to give up, to use again, resist the urge that says i’ll do it tomorrow, resist fear, resist not living. resist negative toughts , actions and people. don’t resist the positive parts , there is always going to be one. love it embrace it . Resist the fact that your more than your wallet, resist anxiety, who cares what they think, be you, shave in a Mohawk, do a 360, stomp it, love it live it breath it. Don’t resist the end ….death is natural. embrace it.

    by matt begin on 09.20.2009
  25. It is futile to resist the temptation , lure even of the blank page. It draws you in, eats you up and there you languish within the ink on the page, embroiled part of the story…

    by Donna on 09.20.2009
  26. resist is an important kind of character in the process of success. once we

    by yy on 09.20.2009
  27. Why, did I think, by resisting, I would somehow ameliorate myself? By succumbing to a reactionary stance, shields up, swords drawn… why did I think that would somehow give me the greatest joy?

    You marched around me with soft eyes, your tongue whispering a trumpeting tune.

    And after seven days, the walls of my Jericho tumble and fall, tired of resisting.

    by Vee on 09.20.2009

    by ameet on 09.20.2009
  29. resist. Try hard to avoid something. Resistance. Don’t give in. Leave the chocolates! Resist! They’ll make you fat! make you want more! Don’t let go of your self respect. Don’t go out with dodgy guys just because they are good-looking!

    by Louis on 09.20.2009
  30. i cant resist him, i dont know what

    by elie on 09.20.2009
  31. It is a word that is based on having o control yourself. It is used in many ways in the topic of control. It also rhymes with the desist. Which means stops which is kinda related to control. Resit can also include to virtues thanks to self-control. All I can think about is control and nothing more. I wanna stop already. But the rule is to just keep writing for 60 seconds. I wanna stop clock please stop. Or is it over. HMMMMMM…..

    by Kimberly Lim on 09.20.2009
  32. i try but as the time flies my wandering eyes still linger. give me the courage to say no to what to what may be the only chance i know

    by blanket on 09.20.2009
  33. school starts september 1st. resistance is futile resistance is futile resistance is futile.

    by John on 09.20.2009
  34. I grabbed her by the hand and she pulled away. I had messed up this time. She turned and ran, I never saw her again.

    by Cra on 09.20.2009
  35. To stand still. To hold against the gale. Lear on the heath. A physical wind, yes, but more profoundly a gale within.

    by Paul on 09.20.2009
  36. Resist all you like. You’ll give in. You have to.

    Everyone else did.

    Don’t worry. Calm down.

    Just give in to the darkness.

    It is you and you are it and you cannot resist yourself anymore.

    Resist all you like, child. Dark Child.

    It won’t work.

    by Pereo on 09.20.2009
  37. I can’t resist it. I can’t resist anything. His charms, his smile, his deep brown eyes. Oh, his eyes. It’s as if he can see straight into my heart. His gaze simply melts me.

    by Rhian on 09.20.2009
  38. Resistance is futile.

    I held up my hands.

    The gun was pointing at my face.

    Resistance is futile is futile is futile is futile.

    I was about to die.

    Resistance is futile.

    by Vicis on 09.20.2009
  39. I’ve never thought about resisting him, to be honest. I just really miss him. I wish he were here.

    by Sally on 09.20.2009
  40. I can’t resist, really. I can’t resist her charms, her sunshine smile, the honey-sweet way she says ‘gracias’ (even though she’s Chinese and her primary language is English). I can’t resist thinking back to when there was, and I can’t resist dreaming about what would be.

    by on 09.20.2009